“WAR was declared on August 2 1981. Did You Not Know This? How Could You Have Missed Such A Big Announcement?”
What was said? “…A Great Struggle is about to unfold. A Struggle between My Son and satan. Human souls are at stake!”
From: David Ashton
Date: Saturday 4 March 2020 8:30 am
In 1981 I was still at school in Year 11. Like you, I missed this announcement too.
I only found out about this War in 2017.
You may have already heard about this? Or did you just dismiss the whole event as not very important like I did initially?
Or even – I’m busy I don’t have time to listen, or – someone else can handle this because it is out of my control and nothing to do with me!
Back in 2017 I remembered something I had forgotten – my Mother gave me some information around 30 years ago!
It was about a little town on the other side of the world called Garabandal. There was something mentioned there about 3 secrets.
Fast forward to today. I have been in solid study since 2017, with every spare moment I have been learning, absorbing, verifying and wondering.
Wondering what? I was wondering why I had been given so much information and what was I to do with it? I am going to share with you on this page and in this website everything I know. I even wrote a book about it in 2015. But since then my knowledge has increased 10 fold.
From 1981 to 2020 when this WAR was declared, that’s 39 years. One year off 40. 40 is a Biblical number.
On reflection, each piece of information was needed to get me to take notice in 2017, otherwise I might have missed it.
Also, it was information that I had no control of and couldn’t change. Yet I was fascinated and couldn’t get it out of my mind.
I have experienced the full emotions discovering this information such as anger, joy, sadness and regret.
February 2 2019. That is an important date for me. It was an amazing thing, just like a jigsaw puzzle had been put together for me.
As I am now writing this website having discovered the “why”, I believe you will enjoy everything I have available for you.
But the website isn’t finished, and never will be. I am continually adding and updating this site as I am still learning more and more each day.
I sent this image to my wife and daughters the other day (March 2022). This sums me up perfectly and sets you up to understand my mission.
“David Ashton’s mission”
My core No 1 value is loyalty (I can teach you how to discover what your core values are).
When I completed the 2 day “You Were Born Rich Seminar” I came to the realisation that my No 1 goal is to make people aware that there is one God, and that He is truth.
I was given information about Garabandal in 1992 and the 3 secrets.
In 2010 I started learning about How the World Really Works.
I learned the truth about Islam and the Illuminati around this time.
In 2015 I wrote my 2nd book “How The World Really Works”.
In 2016 I discovered the plan to destroy America initiated in 1965.
I discovered Medjugorje in 2017 and found out there were 10 secrets, the first 3 are the same as the first 3 in Garabandal.
I learnt about Q through discovering Medjugorje.
I have discovered through Q and the anons, that we are to be depopulated.
Reread the above “T-Shirt” and reread the previous paragraph – I was having none of this. You try and kill my family, you have to come through me first.
All I wanted to do was be left alone, but that choice was taken away from me.
I have never been happy concentrating on just one subject, I wanted to cover the lot. That is why my personal website has aggregated articles on all topics and continues to this day.
I have learned there is a class of people who think they are above us, whom we are called by them as “useless eaters”.
I am a Catholic, I have discovered their plan to destroy the Catholic Church initiated around 1965. This is not gonna happen on my watch.
Our Lady has been persistently asking me to be her Apostle.
Therefore I have accepted this, She will be beside me as I do what She wants me to do.
My Mission is to be a coordinator and educator.
What’s that you ask?
I am looking for people, to help me educate their family, friends and associates, to know all the above and restore family core values.
I am an unofficial “sub-branch” of mej.com.
The world will be restored and saved from the ground up, and we will not allow satan to do this again.
To summarise, why all this? “It is important to know the past so you know what is in the future, and how to make your decisions”
The Messages
With 5 years of solid study like I have done, you could get up to speed with me.
The problem is, I believe you don’t have 3 years. Why? In 2021 it will be 40 years since 1981.
What is this website all about? Why is it important to you?
You would have heard about the Navy Seals of the USA? The best of the best.
I’m an Australian, and our equivalent is called the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) or what is commonly called the SAS.
Both these special ops from each Country have someone to answer to. But when they are needed they are called upon to do special things. Unique things. Powerful things, with great success and swift precision.
This website is all about being the local sub branch of a major website and organisation in the USA titled medjugorje.com. The USA website is the best of the best. The largest of it’s kind, which has been preparing for what is coming for 30+ years.
They have the resources in place that we can call upon at any time. Just like the Special Forces can do who can call in a fighter jet, or a drone to take out a military target at anytime.
My local mission is to guide everyone by any means necessary. We can call upon the USA to get us the necessary tools to complete the mission.
Now, I am not talking about a military action, this is a WAR of a different kind.
For instance, they have a weekly broadcast that was started in 2007 and is now nearing 1,000 episodes.
The listening and re-listening to these broadcasts are like The Messages because they’re filled with The Messages.
They’re never to be tiring; rather, they should always be teaching.
They have that power.
What I am planning on doing is providing overviews of the broadcasts from my viewpoint to “fast track” your learning via videos, and I am doing this “online” at this time via this free membership site and when asked I will expand to talking with families, then I may expand onto larger groups and even expanding to meetings and training’s in larger sessions such as in meeting rooms and halls.
I am planning to have available at these group meetings / training sessions books written by Friend of Medjugorje. This is all down the track, as I am “not activated” yet. I believe that Our Lady will confirm what I have to do when the 10 Secrets start.
Most of the broadcasts have “transcripts” because it is good to read and listen, as you can absorb much more and quicker. You tend to retain more too.
I also import the materials, books and other resources direct from our USA resource.
Our mission is all about you learning the Truth on all subjects in life. And I mean all. Nothing is left out. When you learn something that is very important as I have, it then becomes my responsibility to pass it on so others can benefit.
There are planned to be many different categories, some are listed below and they will be expanded as more and more information is gathered together.
I will put together the ones I discovered had the most important information to know upfront, and of course you will be free to explore as much and as little as your time permits.
Available at mej.com:
World Reports
November 1 2018 was the most important broadcast I had listened to in 30 years. It just made sense out of everything that was happening. It opened my eyes to the real world. These broadcasts have nothing to do with the other topics discussed, and everything in life is discussed in all the broadcasts. There isn’t one topic that isn’t covered. They are that good to learn they will be relied upon for many years to come, long after I have passed on. No topic is left off limits such as:
- History
- The Death Penalty
- Social Justice why why it is Racist
- The Future direction of the world…and much much more

“Pope John Paul the second stated in 1976 this quote”
We are now standing in the face of the greatest historical confrontation mankind has gone through I do not think that wide circles of American society or wide circles of the Christian community realize this fully. We are now facing the final confrontation between the Church and the anti Church of the gospel versus the anti gospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine providence. It is trial which the whole church and the Polish church in particular must take up. It is a trial of not only our nation’s and the church, but in a sense, a test of 2000 years of culture and Christian civilization with all the consequences for man’s dignity, individual rights, human rights and the rights of nations
The World Reports will educate you with wisdom and fact.
Available at mej.com:
This is an alternative way to say Economics. It may be too late for you to make the changes being recommended in these audio’s. These are good footprints to follow in the future, so we don’t fall back into bad habits.
We are in the anti-christ system
You will see very quickly why this is an anti-christ system…
Inside Mejanomics, you’ll discover…
- What you are never taught about the current financial system
- The best form of preservation for your wealth
- Why is it an anti-christ system
- The best way forward so this isn’t repeated by the generations to come
You will be able to recognise what is good and bad for you financially.
Available at mej.com:
Monthly Messages
Our Lady is teaching us with pure wisdom, direct from Our Heavenly Father?
- How to discern Our Lady’s Messages
- What do the Messages really mean?
- How each Message talks to you individually and as a group
- Look for the episode titled “Never in History” – just one powerful example to show you what this topic is about
“Words From Heaven”
This powerful book will be used as an index to The Bible, as it helps modern man relate to The Bible.
Our Ladys’ Messages will help future generations in how to deal with satan, as she will never return to earth as she currently does.
Available at mej.com:
Books and How all 3 topics relate to Australia
Great books are available at mej.com.
- I will take orders and arrange bulk purchase of books from mej.com to save freight from the USA
- I can guide people on what books to buy
- I will discuss books at appropriate times