Something very profound came out of Michael Matt’s comments today in this video. It connects to something that is very dear to my heart, because it turned my life in a 180 degree direction, to the correct path of truth that I am now on. In 2018 I listened to a broadcast from A Friend of Medjugorje (which is linked below). It is interesting that it was rereleased again only this week and now this video. What specific words did Michael say? “They had to crush the influence of the Catholic Church”.

David Ashton

By:  Michael J. Matt | Editor 15 March 2025

In this episode of The Underground, Michael J. Matt covers civil war in Ethiopia, genocide in Gaza, and the Christian massacre in Syria. Going back to 2017, Michael cites his own coverage of Syria’s President Assad’s alleged “gassing his own people” story that convinced the U.S. to join Israel in pushing for regime change in Syria – a move that today has left Syria in the hands of Christophobic terrorists.

So, was Assad “gassing his own people”…….?

Next us, the Bishop of Jerusalem thanks the King of Jordan for standing with the Palestinians against Israel – a sentiment that is now leading to the arrest of student on college campuses here in the U.S.  So, is Jerusalem’s bishop also an antisemite?

Plus, a new kerfuffle over “Christ the King,” just in time for Holy Week again. This one has the Anti-Defamation League teaming up with Jordan Peterson to call conservative critics of Israel “pharisaical” blasphemers for abusing the Name of Christ. This is big since it represents the beginning of a major civil war among American conservatives.

So, where do you come down on this one — with Jordan Peters and the ADL, or Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson?

And, finally, a word on Holocaust denial – BASTA!

Michael Matt interviews Catholic Missionary:

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