Please allow me to share a personal story. Those of you that know me are aware that my parents split up in 1974. There are always two sides to a story but I never got to hear my dads side. I heard others opinions and I found out my mothers brothers still liked my dad.
I never got to inherit the wisdom of my father. Yes, I got a few things from time to time but I didn’t get the chance to spend a lot of time with him, to hear and learn everything he knew and therefore what his father and grandfather also believed.
Then my mother in 1998 gave me a large postpak, full of information about Garabandal. She had received this via Maria Kelly who just so happened to be in my mothers home when I rocked up for a quick visit. I don’t remember exactly what my mother said to me but it was something like “you should read this”. Well I did read it and became fascinated and in hindsight I believe Our Lady was reaching out to me, to become one of her future apostles. See below for the information I was given. Which soon was forgotten by me until around 2014-2015.
I don’t know how she (Our Lady) reached out to me but I started to think about Garabandal again and then I read this book, which reignited my curiosity.
The author has predicted some dates which have been delayed due to lots of prayers.
This book led me to discover the site, which has been my teacher ever since then. Talk about a massive wisdom download, it has taught me everything I have needed to know. Direct from Heaven and this cannot be beaten, which is why I confidently tell you something because I know it is truth. How Blessed I have been but I know I have an increased responsibility to share. Hence this website you are on is just a small part of that.
When you listen to the below podcast, know that I have been aware of this very topic as linked below. be amazed because if you are reading this, our Lady wants you to know too.
[Podcast] (43 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje, in sharing the Las Vegas bombing and the New Orleans mass killing, tells us the difference between judging and telling the truth.
Episode Transcript
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Ring Christmas bells Ring them loud with the message bringing Peace on the earth, tidings of good cheer Come carolers, come and join with the angels singing Joy to the world, Christmastime is here again
Children, gather around and listen You’ll hear the sound Of angels filling the sky Telling everyone, “Christmastime is here”
Ring Christmas bells Ring them loud with the message bringing Peace on the earth, tidings of good cheer Come carolers, come and join with the angels singing Joy to the world, Christmastime is here again
Loved ones close to our hearts And strangers in lands afar Together share in the joy
Emmanuel (to tell the world) He has come to dwell (the time is near) With one voice, let the world rejoice
Ring, ring the bells of, ring the bells of Christmas Christmastime Ring, ring the bells of, ring the bells of Christmas Christmastime is here
Ring Christmas bells Ring them loud with the message bringing Peace on the earth, tidings of good cheer Come carolers, come and join with the angels singing Joy to the world, Christmastime is here
Children, gather around and listen (ring Christmas bells, ring them loud with the message bringing peace on the earth) You’ll hear the sound (tidings of good cheer) Of angels filling the sky (come carolers, come and join with the angels singing) It’s Christmastime is here again (joy to the world, Christmastime is here again)
Don’t you love that?
When the bells ring on Christmas morning, we all trail down to the Field from our houses. And that song is playing, not one time, not twice. It goes for fifteen minutes, over and over. And everybody is joyful. Everybody’s hugging each other, greeting, “Happy Christmas.” It’s a beautiful song. It’s one of the highlights of our community.
The vigil of Christmas is always beautiful waiting.
In the Bedroom of the Apparitions, November 25, 1988, Our Lady said a beautiful message. The walls in this Bedroom had the words Our Lady pronounced. She said,
“…little children, during the day find yourselves a special time when you can pray in peace and humility and have this meeting with God…”
Our Lady wants you to meet God.
“…have this meeting with God, the Creator. I am with you and I intercede for you in front of God…”
Beautiful. Our Lady’s telling us, the Bedroom, that She’s putting us in front of God.
Then, She says,
“…Watch in vigil so that every encounter in prayer be the joy of [the] contact with God…”
We have to pinch ourselves when we walk into the Bedroom of the Apparitions those first three months, and before Christmas, we were in vigil for the coming of the Baby Jesus.
March 2, 2020, Our Lady says,
“…Apostles of my love, it is a time of vigil, and of you I am asking for love, that you not judge—anyone…”
It’s difficult in these days not to judge.
We just had a bomb blew up in Las Vegas, Trump’s hotel. Just before that, a couple days ago, we had many people killed and injured in New Orleans.
How can we not judge that?
“…I am asking for love, that you not judge—anyone…”
Look at all these shooters, these killers, and Our Lady says, “Don’t judge them.” Does that mean we can’t say about this or the killers?
We don’t know why they did this, why do they go into the schools and kill them. If you read the satan book, it talks about the school shooters, they are on medicines that are proven they want to kill themselves and others.
I did five years of research of that, and it’s clear what they did in New Orleans and Las Vegas.
You know what, that both of these guys were soldiers. They served in the military in Fort Bragg. This is a strange thing. Why would somebody in the military would do this?
The answer is why these school shooters do the same thing. There is evidence that some of these people have gone through hypnosis.
So, now, we can understand that people can do something evil, very evil, and you can judge that, but there is evidence over the past years about hypnosis, the U.S. Army Psychological Operations at Fort Bragg. Did any of these people go? We don’t know.
So, when Our Lady says, “…[do] not judge—anyone…” you can judge the actions, and Our Lady has told us many times, there’s hate in people. But why do they have hate? Were they raised in a bad family? The person got beaten? Whatever. We don’t know.
So, Our Lady is wanting us to turn this over to God.
So, the March 2, 2020 message that I quoted:
“…Apostles of my love, it is a time of vigil, and of you I am asking for love, that you not judge—anyone. Because the Heavenly Father will judge everyone. I am asking that you love, that you convey the truth; because truth is old, it is not new, it is eternal, it is truth. It testifies to God’s eternity. Bring the light of my Son and keep breaking the darkness which all the more wants to seize you. Do not be afraid…”
We’re in a time that Our Lady has said, “this is My time.” (January 25, 1997) From 1981 to 2025, nobody could even imagine that the Virgin Mary would be here.
Everything we see happening, all these things happening, is to be crushed by Our Lady’s feet.
Many statues of Our Lady, you see Her feet on the devil, a snake. And one day, I was talking with Marija after an apparition, and I said,
“When you see Her feet, it’s on a cloud.”
I asked her, “Have you ever seen Her feet?”
I was intrigued by that, that one day, maybe, that little cloud may show Her feet crushing. I don’t know. But it’s interesting the visionaries have never seen Her feet.
We’ve got a lot of things happening. Obama packed up the FBI, the CIA. He’s evil! I’m not judging him. God will do that. He set up America to fall. It’s in the book. It’s laid out. They Fired the First Shot 2012, with the situations with the FBI, CIA, and this lady was challenging me because Obama was a great guy.
At this point, in 2022, this is answering to her.
The broadcast title was Put Down Your Aces.
We, now, are inheriting what Obama did, and it’s very evil. He put this in action.
The definition of “vigil” is:
“a period of keeping awake during the time usually seen asleep, especially to keep watch or pray”
And evil is hatching out of the egg everywhere.
So now, listen to the broadcast.
I want people listening to this, how to discern intentions of hearts. Our Lady said,
September 25, 1986
“…I am calling you, so that by your prayer and your life you help to destroy everything that’s evil in people and uncover the deception that satan makes use of. You pray that the truth prevails in all hearts…”
This letter lacks truth, and this is what this broadcast is about, to “…uncover the deception[s] that satan makes use of…” “…that’s evil in people…”
Lorrie, was it a problem that I said on the broadcast, quote,
“…a practice cyber attack on the global financial system, so they could save the world. satan has said, through Obama…”
Oh. When I talk about Obama, I always get feedback. They love this guy. “Oh, he’s great. He’s the first black president.” You don’t know this guy. I wrote back in 2012, They Fired the First Shot, this guy is wicked. He’s bad, and he’s from the devil. Any man, as a senator, would say, “We’re going to have a hospital that they can take an aborted baby that’s born alive, that we will justify this by getting the nurse to hold the baby in what they call a ‘comfort room’ until it dies.” Obama did that! He said that.
I personally know a lobbyist who talks to the senators. And he came here at Caritas, and he dealt with the Illinois legislature. I said, “What do you think about Obama?” And you know the first thing that came out of his mouth…And I already thought this before he said it. I was shocked that he said it. The lobbyist said, “I’ve sat down with this guy. He’s an antichrist.” He went through the rest of the building, down to the first floor in the Tabernacle, because he was looking at everything. And I went back to him. I said, “You really think Obama’s an antichrist?”
He said, “When he comes in a room, you can see it in his eyes.”
And I responded back to him, “I already know this.”
So, what I said in that broadcast last week,
“…satan has said, through Obama and other people, ‘Never [to] let a crisis go to a waste.’…”
And I was referring to this global financial system that’s not going to help us. It’s to take over.
So, is that the problem, Lorrie? Something tricked you to say, “No, don’t give to Caritas anymore.” Our Lady said, if you pray and fast, you can “…discern…intentions of hearts…” and then you can “…uncover the deception that satan makes use of…”
This broadcast is all about giving you cognition that many of those following Medjugorje don’t get it. You wouldn’t believe how many people write to us about Obama and how great he is. This guy is doing things right now, running things. He’s part of it. He’s a traitor. And maybe, in the future one day, there will be a military trial for him because traitors, those who commit treason, need to go to a military court. And the penalty for that is death. That’s how serious it is, because millions of people can die in a nation by somebody’s treason. The facts are out there, if you want it.
If it wasn’t Obama or something else I said in the broadcast that set you off, there’s nothing in this broadcast that’s awkward. It’s plain and simple and easy.
This letter indicts Our Lady because She is desperate. Do you understand that? She’s coming here every day. Here. She is desperate to sanctify everything, everything we live in, everything we do, everything we talk about, and how we walk our walk. Our Lady said over and over, “…I beg you…” Is that desperate? Is that awkward? That’s turning people away from the messages? What a deception.
“…uncover the deception[s] that satan makes use of…[so that] truth prevails in all hearts…”
Let’s stay on this situation with Obama. I saw, in The New York Times a few months before his last term was going to be up, they had on the front page, a black woman, and the title of it said, “Obama is hiring one thousand secret service agents.” Women. Minorities. Muslims. I wish that I had saved that. You can’t find it. I personally saw this. I personally read it. It is washed out. Some reporter got this news, let this out, and they had to make it disappear.
If you want to destroy a nation, where would you go to? You would go to those people who have influence who run the government.
Did you know your CIA is after you? Uh-oh. Here comes conspiracy theory. This is no conspiracy. It’s not a theory. They have weaponized the CIA. In five minutes, if you want to start googling stuff, you can find out. Listen to the CIA commercials to come to work for the CIA. They are packing. Just look what The New York Times says. Obama was packing the secret service. They have been packing the CIA for years. They’ve got enough people in positions, through Obama, to continue this. And it’s active, and it’s alarming, and they have weaponized the CIA, the FBI, and you’re in trouble. That’s how you bring down a nation. You take over the CIA, the intelligence, and you’ve got everything done.
“Friend of Medjugorje, you’re saying some big stuff! This is hard to believe!” Well, think about why Our Lady’s here forty years every day! She’s not here for a picnic. She’s here for something big, big, big happening. They don’t call the CIA, “the men of CIA” or “the people of CIA.” Their verbiage is “Humans of the CIA.” See, words are everything. You want to hear a commercial? It’s proof that they are packing the CIA with weirdos, abominables, women, radical people. And their running these commercials in areas where colleges are. They’re on the leftist, and they are filling these positions by the hundreds and by the thousands. Let us give you a sample.
When I was seventeen, I quoted Zora Neale Hurston’s “How It Feels To Be Colored Me” in my college application essay.
The line that spoke to me stated simply,
“I am not tragically colored. There is no sorrow dammed up in my soul, nor lurking behind my eyes. I do not mind at all.”
At seventeen, I had no idea what life would bring, but Zora’s sentiment articulated so beautifully how I felt as a daughter of immigrants then and now. Nothing about me was or is tragic. I am perfectly made. I can wax eloquent on complex legal issues in English while also belting in Spanish.
I can change a diaper with one hand and console a crying toddler with the other.
I am a woman of color.
I am a mom.
I am a cisgender millennial…
What?! Cisgender? What is that? C-I-S-G-E-N-D-E-R. We’ve already got that. That really means how God made you. We already know that! Why do we come up with a stupid word like this? God’s already said in the Scriptures, “He made them male and female.” But see, the CIA is packing their ranks with females. Cisgender. Women. “I am woman.” And as you’re going to hear, the males are abominables. Their filling the CIA with abominables!
“…destroy everything that’s evil in people…”
It’s an evil thing! Sodom was destroyed because of this.
“…uncover the deception[s] that satan makes use of…”
But a lot of people don’t want to listen to Our Lady—Medjugorje people—because Our Lady shows that. After saying, “…uncover the deception that satan makes use of…”
“…You pray that the truth prevails in all hearts…”
It’s not happening even in Medjugorje people. Amazing.
Remember, in the Garden of Eden, satan started with the woman, with verbiage! And all this garbage—cisgender—is part of the plan.
I am a cisgender millennial who’s been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder…
I always thought the CIA was looking for good, sound mental people. They’ve got this phobia. They’ve got this anxiety disorder?! That’s the last place the CIA agent needs to be, being covert. This is crazy. Let’s hear some more.
I am intersectional, but my existence is not a box-checking exercise…
Wow. She’s intersectional! And she can, with one hand, change a diaper? I had a lot of kids. I changed a lot of diapers too, but I’m not intersectional. What is an intersectional? satan has come up with an incredible, awkward word! Do you know what that means? Go call your friends. Tell them not to donate to Caritas no more, because I’m desperate? I can top what she’s saying, because I’ve changed cloth diapers! Then we had to wash them out in the toilet! I’m so proud of what I did now. I didn’t know this was such a big thing!
I’m desperate to know what intersectional is!
Oh, here’s the definition. It’s
“a person or group of people affected by a number of discriminations…”
Ohh. Now, we’re getting to the point.
“…and disadvantages in the prejudices they face”
Oh, the CIA is being filled with victims now. She’s intersectional. I-N-T-E-R-S-E-C-T-I-O-N-A-L. But the biggest thing the definition says,
“…in the prejudices they face”
And Our Lady says,
October 25, ‘21
“…they want to put you in chains…”
Our own protectors are no longer. You better hope for Our Lady, that She crushes the serpent’s head. This is easy to verify this. I want to encourage you to research this. It’s blatantly out there. It’s not even hidden.
Let’s return.
I am a walking declaration—a woman whose inflection does not rise at the end of her sentences, suggesting that a question has been asked.
I did not sneak into CIA. My employment was not and is not the result of a fluke or a slip through the cracks. I earned my way in, and I earned my way up the ranks of this organization. I am educated, qualified, and competent. And sometimes, I struggle. I struggle feeling like I could do more, be more, to my two sons…
Did you hear that? I want to be more to my sons? Well, how do you have sons? Where did they come from? Where’s the husband? Where’s the man? I guess he got killed at the intersectional, just like an intersection, when two cars crash.
…And I struggle leaving the office when I feel there’s so much more to do.
I used to struggle with imposter syndrome, but at 36, I refuse to internalize misguided, patriarchal ideas of what a woman can or should be…
“Hey, God, up there in Heaven! The CIA, these agents, are changing your patriarchal structure that You talk about in the Bible and even today.”
These people will redefine the family. They want it destroyed. The patriarchal. They don’t want the father there. You can have your two sons. You can change their diapers. You can take care of your duties at CIA.
So, “God, You’re misguided about patriarchal.”
Well, let’s see what Our Lady says about it.
August 25, 1994
“…I pray…”
This is Our Lady saying this.
“…I pray and intercede before my Son, Jesus, so that the dream that your fathers had may be fulfilled…”
“Well, what about the mothers, Mary? That’s patriarchal! You’re off base. CIA’s going to come after You.”
Let’s do another one.
July 25, 2016
“…put God in the first place and not man…”
Where’s the woman? She didn’t say it.
Let’s get another one.
August 4, 2014
“…May peace begin to reign in man’s heart…”
And on March 18, 2014,
“…You, children of man, you are God’s children…”
May 25, 2000
“…you may be closer to your fellow man…”
February 25, 2000, Our Lady says,
“…seek the grace of healing of your heart, from God, so that you may see God and man with the heart…”
There’s many more I could say, but let’s end on June 25, 1995:
“satan wants to destroy the family. The family is in crisis. Pray.”
You know why? Because we’re minusing out the father. Our Lady’s here to show how She deals with God the Father.
Let’s continue on the recruiting to be employed by the CIA.
…I am tired of feeling like I am supposed to apologize for the space I occupy rather than intoxicate people with my effort, my brilliance.
I am proud of me, full stop.
My parents left everything they knew and loved to expose me to opportunities they never had. Because of them, I stand here today a proud, first-generation Latina and officer at CIA…
It’s Slinky! It’s Slinky! For fun the best of the toys.
When the Slinky came out, I could put it on the steps, and it would go to the next step and the next step. I’m so proud that I could do that!
Let’s continue what else she can do.
…I am unapologetically me. I want you to be unapologetically you, whoever you are. Know your worth. Command your space.
You’re worth it.
So, we just heard from this woman that shows there’s an agenda with the CIA.
We’re going to hear another commercial of their employment recruiting specific people to fulfill the plan to destroy the CIA.
My favorite thing about CIA is that they encourage the out-of-the-box ideas that drive real progress.
I was lucky to have a wonderful and accepting family. I always struggled with the idea that I might not be able to discuss my personal life at work. Imagine my surprise when I was taking my oath at CIA, and I noticed a rainbow on then Director Brennan’s lanyard, which, I later learned was designed by ANGLE, one of the many employee research groups here at the agency. I remember being stunned.
Since then, however, I have learned that, far beyond the resource groups, inclusion is a core value here. Officers from the top down work hard to ensure that every single person, whatever their gender, gender identity, race, disability, or orientation, can bring their entire self to work every day.
The CIA is hiring people who steal. They want people to steal. The rainbow belongs to God, the covenant. And he just said, “I get to wear one at the agency. They’re so inclusive.” Why are they so inclusive? Because that’s who they’re hiring. This is scary stuff, people. And it may sound ridiculous, but its purpose is to weaponize the CIA, because most of this nation, by far, is not on that same page. And that’s the only way they can crush you, throw you in jail, put you in chains, and destroy everything you do and your Christianity, and the Ten Commandments.
Remember the word “they.” Our Lady just warned us that “…they want to put you in chains…” And now, She’s exposing it for us, who “they” are.
So, we’re going to play one more little clip. God says in the Bible, “I AM.” And this clip is going to tell you what the CIA is.
I protect America.
I support global intelligence.
I analyze mission critical information.
I inform policy makers.
We are…
We are…
We are…
We are…
We are the CIA.
You just got a preview of it. And that’s only one agency. This is spreading like a cancer. And satan’s pushing as fast as he can because he knows Our Lady is pushing as fast as She can.
So, Lorrie, she’s desperate. Yes, you can say, I’m way away from what your letter is, but these points show that you don’t understand Our Lady’s messages.
It’s very important that you not be afraid of the future, and you’re not afraid of the future through prayer and taking action. It’s not just pray. It’s pray and act. Our Lady said,
May 2, 2014
“…for the sake of your well-being, for the sake of your needs…”
And She injects from there,
“…I desire to help you…”
And then She says,
“…And you, my children? Small is the number of those who understand and follow me…Therefore…pray and act…”
We are on a calendar that’s up in Heaven. They’ve got the schedule. Everything’s coming down. I tell you, go back to this broadcast last week, titled, On the Road, Owning Nothing. That’s what it’s about. The cabal wants you to have ownership of nothing, because they can control you.
And I want to say very strongly, your 401(k)s, your investments, all these things that you think is going to be there, it is not because you know, and everybody out there can reason out, it is not of God. And Our Lady said, what is not of God is going to crash! It is going to fall. It is time to lay down your aces and cash them in to real value. That is what the Miraculous Medjugorje Round is about.
Our Lady made it as clear as possible about different things She’s come through the last forty years, to put these messages into reality. She told Marija, the visionary, November 27, 1989…It’s on the anniversary of the Miraculous Medal that was given to St. Catherine in Rue de Bac, Paris. I’ve been there many times. She’s incorrupt. And Our Lady in Medjugorje reinvigorates the medal by saying, quote,
“These days, I want you to pray in a special way for the salvation of souls…”
Almost five million Miraculous Medal one-ounce pieces have been minted. She said that. She said,
“These days, I want you to pray in a special way for the salvation of souls…”
How are you going to bring salvation? With your 401(k)s, IRAs, your stock market stuff. Turn it into something that has intrinsic value and an intrinsic spiritual value.
“…Today is the feast day of the Miraculous Medal…”
Then She goes and says,
“…I want that you pray, in a special way, for the salvation of those people who are carrying this Miraculous Medal…”
Lorrie, that’s awkward? That’s desperate? We have to be desperate to save souls! The miracle that the Miraculous Medal does is converts people! Hundreds of millions have!
And then Our Lady says another what She wants.
“…I want you to spread the devotion and the carrying of this medal…”
When I saw that message, “How am I going to get these people to carry the medal?” I can’t go down the street, “Hey, you, carry this medal around.” But if somebody exchanges a one-ounce piece now, or in the future, the Miraculous Medjugorje Round, they’ll be carrying it. You think they’re going to throw it away? It’s going to be in their pocket. It’s going to be at their house.
“…of those people who are carrying this Miraculous Medal. I want you to spread the devotion…”
See, there, She tells you what to do. That’s why I did it. I put this message into life. I was burning to do it, not just because of words, because what She said, “…I want…” “…I want…” “…I want…” And I want to do what She says.
“…I want you to spread the devotion and the carrying of this medal, so that more souls [will] be saved…”
Do you believe that, Lorrie? You’re against people saving souls through the Miraculous Medal? You’ve got a problem with that? That’s a big statement.
“…so that more souls may be saved, and that you pray in a special way.”
You want to support that way.
This one message opened up the whole world for the silver market, through the book It Ain’t Gonna Happen by minting the Miraculous Medal on the one-ounce silver piece.
So, I don’t want to hear any argument against that. I reject that it’s wrong, and if you think it is, you are saying to the Blessed Virgin Mary, “You are wrong.” Our Lady said,
February 16, 1982
“satan only says what he wants…”
And Our Lady just said in this message about the Miraculous Medal what She wants. So,
“satan only says what he wants…You, my angels, be ready…Do not allow yourselves to be surprised by him.”
Talking about the devil.
Don’t lose everything you’ve got. She has said, repeatedly, “…be ready…” “…be ready…” “…be ready…” It’s just common sense.
You have been listening to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
These broadcasts are to help expand your thinking. We encourage you to prayerfully look at the world around you and do not rely on the mainstream voices to tell you the truth. Do your own research. In perhaps no other area is it more important to research than to know how to preserve everything that you have worked your life for.
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Since the round was first made available in 2010, over four million rounds have been exchanged by ordinary people like yourself. The Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Silver Round is still the number one specialty round in the world. The most common word heard after people get their Medjugorje silver rounds is, “peace.”
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Now, here is a Friend of Medjugorje to continue this broadcast.
I spent the time on this broadcast because I’m not going to let anybody contradict what Our Lady’s calling, what we’re supposed to be doing.
As we began talking to you today, you’ve got to know, when you have the aces in your hand, when to throw them down, before you lose your whole hand. It’s time to fold ‘em.
You’ve got to know when to hold ’em (when to hold ‘em), know when to fold ’em (when to fold ‘em), know when to walk away, and know when to run.
‘Cause you’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em, know when to walk away, and know when to run.
You know it’s time to walk away. You know it’s happening. Many of you are ready. You need to act. You have to act. Not with just about this, but everything Our Lady’s called us to live. She’s given a whole way, a whole path, forty years of messages. Reason it out.
And with that, we wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.