Transcript is below
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
The definition of jeopardy:
“Exposure to imminence of death, loss or injury”
For the last two 25th messages, Our Lady has said, “death,” relating it that man has decided to die.
In November, She says,
“…I am with you to guide you to decide for conversion and life, and not for death…”
We know, because Our Lady’s told us, and I’ve repeated this multiple times, that everything is passing. Everything is falling apart. That means it’s going to die. Not just man, but his ways. There’s going to be many things that is going to die that’s in jeopardy.
In the definition of jeopardy, it says,
“Workers in jeopardy of losing their jobs”
They’re giving that as an example, but we know many things are going to fall apart. We’re already seeing this.
Our Lady said,
“…I am [here] with you to guide you to decide for conversion and life…”
So, we’re in a period right now from going from one way to another way. Conversion means that. You’ve got a straight shift on your car. You go from one to two. You’re going conversion to the second gear.
So, we’re in a period of conversion of everything. Not just our souls, not just what we’re doing. You need to be changing things in your life and how you do and what you do and how you go about your day.
Everything has to be surrounded by God. In that November message, She says,
I want you to understand that. That’s why I am repeating this. There’s many things right now on the guillotine. Mejanomics is about all these things. We began that because Our Lady called to pray every Thursday, for the parish, about what you heard at the beginning of this broadcast.
It’s interesting that Our Lady calls the whole village to talk about Matthew 6, because what your day involved, all day long, going buying this, selling this…Money rules everything, and satan knows that, and satan wants to change that to starve you, to kill you through this.
I want to ask you some questions. I want you to answer it, and I want you to think about it for a few seconds.
We’re in a period of radical inflation. Everything is going up. Nobody’s not touched by this. You cannot even keep up with it.
There’s one thing that’s not being inflated. It’s not going up. You know what that is?
Think about it.
The answer is silver.
How is that?
Why is that?
Do you have the answer for that?
Ask yourself: why is silver not inflated when everything else is?
Answer that to yourself.
Do you know the answer?
Everything, everything, everything is going up. Everything is touched by this inflation, except silver. And the answer for that: it has to be suppressed. How is it suppressed, isolated from everything else?
You know the answer for that?
The answer is, how is it suppressed?
In 2011, silver was almost $50 an ounce.
How did it get suppressed?
J.P. Morgan, in 2012, they come on the scene and buy 50 million ounces. Why would you want to buy 50 million ounces, when it’s hitting at $50?
I’ll give you a moment to think about that.
The answer is: it was going to destroy the dollar.
Right after that, it stopped from $50 and started crashing down, because silver is dangerous to the economy, and to keep it down, you know how they keep it suppressed? The price of silver? Think about it.
I remember reading about J.P. Morgan. People were tying it to the government, to suppress silver that way. They started selling silver on paper. And I researched back in 2011 and 2012 when this happened, there was one ounce of silver in physical for every hundred ounces was on paper. It doesn’t exist.
If you want it cashed in, they had enough of ones to the hundreds. They can give it to people. But it’s not there. And so, the danger of silver going up, because its value would be so high that it would damage the dollar.
Answer that question.
You have to know that silver is ten to fifteen times more than gold.
Gold, throughout history, and silver, has always been to the value, ten to fifteen ounces equal the value of gold.
In this modern time, they can play with this, buying silver on paper.
Historically, what would be the value of silver right now, going back all the way to ancient times to now, today, 2022?
Do you know the answer?
Think about it.
Silver, right now, fifteen times tied to gold, is $120. If it’s ten times tied to gold, it’s $180 an ounce. That’s the real value of silver.
Everything has gone up. Everything, but silver hasn’t. All the commodities, milk, food, manufactured products, petroleum, has gone up, except silver.
I want you to think. I want you to reason with what Isaiah says, “Come reason with Me, says the Lord.”
Silver is from God. Gold is from God. All these questions should insight you to start thinking of all that’s going to die and what else is going to survive.
Our Lady says, “…do not believe lying voices…” (February 2, 2018) What is real, and what is false? Don’t tell me we’re talking too much about silver because I counter that mentality, what I said earlier, that Our Lady said, “Read Matthew 6 every Thursday.” (March 1, 1984) She’s told us, we’re slaves, basically, to consumerism, materialism, and satan wants to enslave you to it.
And what are they doing right now? They have to get rid of this ability for you to have your wealth in your house and put it in your hands.
So, Biden just announced that the U.S. dollar, he’s going to make it digital. This happened November 16, 2022. This is all suddenly going everywhere.
See, they’re giving you confidence, the central bank digital currencies. They’re testing everything. Aren’t you happy about that? They’re going to give us confidence and see how we work.
They say, quote,
“The Proof of Concept project is a 12-week effort that will test feasibility of a digital money platform called the Regulated Liability Network.”
See, it’s going to be liable to you. It’s going to be regulated. You want the government to regulate everything you do, what your dollar is?
“It will use a distributed ledger.”
A ledger is real. They’re making you think that you can put confidence and faith in this.
“The goal is to improve financial settlements and will involve central banks, commercial banks and regulated non-banks.”
Is it just happenchance that China is doing the same thing? They’re testing things all of a sudden. Nigeria is doing the same thing. Even further than that, France, Switzerland, Singapore are jointly conducting trials of digital currencies.
We’ve already got the system there. Why are they doing this?
To give you faith in this. This is going to be good, so you can buy it.
“These cross-border trials are also an important agenda for digital development.
“The White House is recommending the creation of a digital dollar. A major announcement could be coming as early as next year.”
That’s one or two months from now.
And they say, their efforts so far are mainly, quote,
“cautious pilot program”
See, they’re giving you trust because they have done a cautious pilot program. You’ll be able to sleep good because you can trust. Nobody can steal your electronic money, except the government.
Our Lady is here for 41 years now. All this is pointing to, you can buy nor sell with what they tell you you can do. If you’ve got a hundred dollars or you’ve got a million dollars, they can make one button and take it away and not give it to you unless you do this. Get vaccination. Or do this, or whatever we want you to do this. We’ll be enslaved.
The only way to get around that is you have that in your hands. And that’s what Century Silver is about.
There’s lines for things right now. People are waiting. And now, we want to announce to you something very, very important. When there’s a run on anything, the prices go up. And this is another insight. Silver’s not going up except one or two dollars up and down every day, two or three days, whatever.
So, we’re going to get a report from Century Silver that you need to be listening to, because the lines now have come to the silver market. You can’t just get it.
That’s correct. There really has been, in the last several months in particular, but in the last couple years, a, what we would consider a run on physical silver.
When you first released the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round in those beginning days, it was very common to be able to receive your silver, you know, maybe five, seven days after the time you had sent your money in for the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round.
In the last several years though, the lead times have been growing. They’ve gone from that five to seven day period to, you know, like a full week. Then it went to two weeks. Then it became three weeks. Then four weeks, five weeks. Right this moment, we’re sitting at about a six-week turnaround time for the production of physical ounces of silver. Now, it can go up and down a little bit right now, but what that shows you is, lots of people are moving to and demanding physical production of silver ounces, and that has put a real squeeze, not only on silver supply, but also on the production abilities of the mints that are across the nation.
What does that tell you?
Capitalism, the more you have something, the cheaper it is. The more rare it gets, the higher the price. Ask that question. You can answer that. It’s a no-brainer.
People are lined up right now, on their orders, and you’ve got this six-week wait. It’s proof in the pudding. And by reasoning, it’s not inflating, that the threat to these digital currencies as the enemy of silver.
The spot silver price, as you said before, just doesn’t make sense. It’s begging the question, what really is going on?
As you mentioned before, the gold to silver ratio is way, way, way out of whack with the physical reserves in the ground. And so, we believe it’s much more likely that the value or the price of silver is going to go up more than gold will come down, and many people are of that sentiment.
The other aspect to the squeeze right now is that there are these major, major—and this is being talked about in silver circles and precious metals circles—these major, major exchange warehouses that exist in the world. And basically, you’re looking at London, in particular, the Comex. Their massive silver inventory of over 100 million ounces, just maybe at the start of 2021, has been drawn down to about 33, 34 million ounces available to satisfy all their trading contracts. And the amount of silver that’s being traded every day is multiples, multiples of what they have available in the warehouse to fulfill those contracts. And basically, the bottom line is, there is simply not enough silver available to meet all that trading demand.
So, at some point, somebody’s going to raise their hand and ask for delivery of physical silver, and they’re going to simply say, “I don’t have any.” And you can see, at that point, there’s going to be a massive explosion in the silver market, silver price, whatever happens. We may see some serious waves in the financial markets because of that.
Because of all these things that exist, because of the extended lead times and things like that, what we continue to tell people, and people understand, and the sentiment is growing, is that now is the time to move. If you have a lot of money, put a lot into silver. If you have a little money, then put a little in every month. But be constant and be active and make your moves now before everybody tries to squeeze through the door at the same time, and you can’t get it anymore.
One last point that I might make is just about the critical danger of these central bank digital currencies that are being tested right now. Always, in history, when people lose faith in the banking system, they call it a run on the banks. People literally go to the physical banks, and they start withdrawing their money.
That kind of thing is actually happening right now. It’s happened majorly in the crypto world, within in the last two to three weeks with some major, major financial meltdowns at crypto exchanges. And just one example of a physical bank, though, is Credit Suisse, which has always been a strong bank. It’s ranked about the 45th largest bank in the world. People are rapidly withdrawing their funds from Credit Suisse because it’s been rocked by some recent scandals, and now people have lost faith in it. Their share prices plummeted, and people are getting out.
So, at some point, that snowball effect takes place, and everybody’s going to move towards the banks. And that’s why you want to get your money out of the bank right now and to move it into tangible assets.
Even Vladimir Putin, in a speech he gave several months ago, was talking about the paper Euro. He said, “You can’t eat it, and you can’t heat your home with it.” And he was talking about how Russia is rich in natural resources. They’re buying silver. They’re buying gold. That’s what you need to get into is real assets. And silver is a part of that.
So, I’m going to ask you a question.
We’ve covered this, but it’s really hard for people to jump into this and do it. They’re scared about the retirement that they have. They don’t want to pay for the penalty. They don’t want to pay taxes on it. We’ve covered this through the years, and people finally, are cashing that in, and what are they telling you why they’re doing it when they call you?
Well, we have seen, as I mentioned before, but you’re bringing up now, that in the last year, really, a lot of people have talked and talked and talked about pulling their money out of their retirement accounts, but they’re actually doing it now. And what they are telling us is, basically, they’re afraid of losing everything. And they have come to the conclusion that it’s better to swallow the taxes, and it’s better to swallow, if they have one, an early withdrawal penalty and to get the money out now because a ten percent penalty or a twenty percent tax payment is much, much better than a 100% loss, either through the total devaluation of the account, or what may be coming, very likely in the future, is a seizure of the account, or something like that.
You’ve all seen the images or broadcasts or whatever, when they’re slaves, they’ve got, not chains just on their hands. They’ve got a steel collar around their neck. And basically, you stay with your retirement, you have a collar around you, and they’ll drag you all over the place.
My interest is to help you to be in a holy position, and taking your wealth, sanctify it and undemonic it, because it’s in a demonic system, and when you change it to the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round, Our Lady said, to Marija, for people to carry it.
The system, as it is, is a losing proposition. What Our Lady’s offering to us is a winning proposition, because it’s in your possession. It’s just common sense. You cannot sit on the fence anymore. We have pushed this for a holy cause, that Christians will be in the best position you can be.
Just in closing, you mentioned earlier, Our Lady’s message where She said, “…mankind has decided to die…” (October 25, 2022) Part of that is the death of the dollar. And we’re witnessing that happen right in front of our eyes. The powers that be are going to try to prop that up or do a bait-and-switch with the central bank digital currency, but that is going to die too because it’s not of God. It’s man-made. The only thing that will remain is what’s from God, what He put in the earth, with precious metals, in particular, for man’s daily exchange is silver and the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round.
A Friend of Medjugorje felt very strongly about doing this broadcast on a financial topic and silver this week because these extended lead times and turnaround times at the mint, that six-week turnaround time, is an indicator of things to come, that people are moving to silver, and the time for you to act is now.
If you want to get in touch with us at Century Silver Exchange, you can call us toll-free at 877-936-7686. 877-936-7686. Or visit us at
Century Silver Exchange is a for-profit subsidiary of Caritas of Birmingham. It bears its own expenses and pays taxes on its income. If there are any earnings leftover at year-end, it may make a dividend donation to Caritas to further its mission efforts.
I want to encourage every one of you to speak about the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round and getting into silver to your parents, your children, you family members, your relatives, even your employees if you have a business. We can provide you with free materials, the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje Round brochure. It’s a very nice presentation. Also, anybody ordering $5,000 or more right now, you will receive a free ounce for yourself and a free ounce to give away with these materials. That makes it easy to hand the information off to somebody else. It’s hard for anybody to reject this when you put a heavy ounce of silver in their hands.
Our mission is to propagate what Our Lady said November 25th.
“…I am calling [to] you: return to God, because God is your love and hope…”
We care for you, for your good, for your soul, your family, for our Church, for our country. May God help you, and be decisive. Make choices now in the greenwood, because when the drywood comes, you can’t make the decisions you can make now.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs, which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.