- Audio “A Bishop Gets Slapped in the Face“
- Audio “Three Monkeys“
- Article “An Edict“
A Bishop Gets Slapped in the Face
Episode Transcript
Coming Soon!
Three Monkeys
Episode Transcript
This is Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje
A Friend of Medjugorje stated the following on October 4, 2018:
What’s happening right now is unbelievable. The devil has made war, that now is the time to expose everything that’s taking place in the Church.
And we also have told you, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve been talking to priests. I’ve been talking to different people here, and what’s coming out just in these last days is just shocking. It’s so bad that you don’t have the imagination to understand where we are. These people are rising up in the Church and challenging the Church and penetrating deep into the Church in ways that they can’t be stopped.
So, they’re giving themselves a green light. And of course, I’m talking about abomination to the highest degree. And we have cardinals and people that’s even known of Medjugorje, like Cardinal Schönborn. On October 1, 2018, Cardinal Schönborn expressed his hope, on that weekend, that, we might one day, also, will ordain women to the deaconate. This has not happened. It’s not in the Church. And here is a cardinal who’s been to Medjugorje. What’s happening to us?
On July 28, 2016—eight years ago—a Friend of Medjugorje stated the following:
They are non-confrontation. That’s been the sin of the bishops for a long time. No confrontation. We want you to confront immediately, and we will follow you. We will be behind you. You don’t even have to fight. You don’t have to put your life in danger. We’re willing to do that.
We have to start confronting in the time that we can do the confronting. Otherwise, we’ll be completely submissive to the system that dominates us, because we still dominate. We’re not acting on the power we have. And the bishops are sitting on their power. The most powerful group of people—group of men—above Congress, the U.S. President and this land.
In November, 2021, the bishops did something big. They had a conference. That’s what they do. And they voted overwhelmingly to approve a document about refusing Holy Communion to President Joe Biden and others who support abortion rights. It passed with 222 in favor of the document. And listen to this. They can beat their chests with their fists like, “Look what we did!” It was a draft for the document emerged from a summer of work. Unbelievable. They are like the three stooges. Any normal Catholic could do it in three minutes. But they had a whole summer. They work.
August 5th, Our Lady’s birthday, 2016, Vice President Joe Biden posted on social media a photo of him, himself, officiating a couple of the same gender. And after that the U.S. Bishop’s Conference blog did not mention Biden by name, but they said, see they’re scared, they’re scared. So they’ve got to hide it. So what they said, quote, “When a prominent Catholic politician publicly and voluntarily officiates at a ceremony to sodomize the relationship of two people of the same gender…”
Now hear listen, this is the big bomb the bishops’ say, continuing it says, “confusion arises regarding Catholic teachings on marriage.” Duh! I didn’t know that. And you don’t know that because you’re too stupid.
And then it goes and says, “Regarding Catholic teachings on marriage, moral obligations of Catholics,” and this is the atomic bomb, not just a bomb. This is what they end with. They say their words to counter against Biden, the big statement of this, “What we see is a counter witness instead of a faithful one founded in the truth.”
So the correction, instead of saying right out how evil this is, they are countering with the argument of witness of a man and woman supposed to be married. Duh! The bishops then quoted, hiding behind this, the bishops then quoted from their Voter Teaching Guide titled, “Forming Consciences of Faithful Citizenship.” They end with it saying, “They concluded by asking for prayers of Catholic leaders in public life that they gracefully fulfill their responsibilities and offer a faithful witness that will bring much needed light to the world.”
Oh, oh, the heart is so filled with…garbage. All your meetings and we’re so proud for a whole summer of work for a document that makes us nauseous.
Here’s something else to get upset with. The future of baby naming is here, and it is gender-less.
So now, the dictionary is going to have names for the same gender. So, the male baby and the female baby can have the same name.
Why is that?
Because everything’s being led by satan.
Be ready, people, for gender-less names.
You want to hear one of them?
How about that?
How about “Heavenly?”
Another one is “Power.”
Another is “Honor.”
Another is “Gorgeous.”
Is that what you’re thinking as you’re listening to this broadcast? Yeah! What?!
Walk down the street, and you say, “Hey, Gorgeous!” You’ll get slapped from a boy or from a girl now.
They report, “The culture is changing.”
That’s why Our Lady came here in 1981, because man is so messed up, and it’s not without the help of listless bishops that do nothing, do not speak, just like the three monkeys.
Hear no evil.
See no evil.
Speak no evil.
You just stay in your comfortable traditional name. The bishops’ palace. I’m okay for that, for you in a palace.
But I’m not okay you don’t rule!
You do nothing!
We’re dying. The wolf is eating the sheep, and the shepherd is just in his palace. And that’s why I’ve got a problem with it.
And another person, and another, another, a thousand, two thousand, millions of Catholics!
The other day, I was talking to a man who was a Baptist. “What’s happening with the Catholic Church?”
And I said, “The bishops.”
There is a report, March 1, 2024 that was released that a group of more than a dozen U.S. bishops gathered for a private meeting at St. Louis University in January to listen to trans people and their families as well as two theologians, medical professionals and those in Church ministry.
Isn’t that wonderful?
It continues:
“The day and a half long event was organized by New Ways Ministries, a Catholic LG…”
Etc. It’s disgusting to say the whole thing.
“…efficacy group and closed to the public and press…”
Well, what’s that about? Closed to the public and the press?
“…The bishops wanted to better understand the experience of trans people and inform the pastoral care to their respective diocese.”
Wallowing in mud with the pigs!
Your silence is dirty, satanic!
But it wasn’t just a dozen.
“Bishop John Stowe of Lexington, Kentucky was among approximately forty total attendants in St. Louis. Bishop Stowe is a member of the Friars Minor Conventionals which is a long-time advocate of LG…” And the rest trash.
And they call it, “community.”
How sweet. How nice!
They’re consensus, quote,
“That we are not talking about something that is fabricated, that people have a right to be called as they wish to be called.”
I agree. They’re devils. So, that’s what they get.
“‘The bishops present were eager to attend,’ according to Bishop Stowe.”
Oh, what a beautiful thing Bishop Stowe did.
Last year, the bishop approved saying trans individuals may be baptized or be Godparents…
Oh, ain’t that sweet? Doesn’t that just warm your heart?
Or does it break it?
We’re in trouble.
The temperature is 42 years of apparitions.
Us peasants in the pews have no defense because you won’t come forward even against the other bishops.
We had that bishop in Germany that stood up to Hitler. And you know what happened with him? He became so popular Hitler wouldn’t touch him, because he spoke out. He was strong. And the other bishops and priests got killed, and the people.
Your greatest sin is silence.
Look at Ireland, the prime minister for the last several years was abominable. Not a lot of bishops in Ireland said anything.
In 1955, there was a 180,000 religious sisters in the United States.
In 2022, there’s only 42,000 nuns, and most of them don’t even have habits. And they’re actually in yoga, which Marija says is very evil.
Is it the bishops’ fault?
I would say yes.
If they’re strong, they’re keeping the priests strong, then Catholics would be strong. The convents would be strong, and the numbers would be growing.
I’m telling you, all these things that’s happening is not from the presidents, it’s not from congress. It’s from the bishops. A good shepherd has a good flock. A bad shepherd, the flock becomes sick if he’s not moving them to good pastures. Being weak, left behind, the wolf attacks the flock.
I would say the strongest body across the world is the bishops. There’s not one square inch of the whole world that does not have a bishop over them.
What about the oceans?
I was at the Pentagon talking to the bishop over the U.S. military branches. And then he said something very interesting to me. His position is over all the oceans of the world.
It’s an amazing thing.
There’s no holes, because we have a net for the whole world.
But what the bishops have done is let the net been torn. And they’re not catching fish.
Jesus relayed He wants us to catch the fish, and that is not happening.
Don’t tell me, “Well, it’s not just the bishops’ fault.”
If a teacher in a school is really strong, really teaching, and the students, they grow in their knowledge, same school, another one is not a good teacher, it’s not the students. It’s the teacher.
In high school, we had a coach teaching one of the subjects. And every Friday, he gave us a list of very sophisticated words that you never heard of before. It was only five. And we got tested. I learned from that, even what I’m writing today.
So, don’t tell me the bishops can’t do anything, or you feel sorry for them. I don’t! I blame them. He owes it to me and everybody else, not even Catholics, not even Christians.
So, everything you hear on the news, the crisis we are in, point to the shepherds. I’ve always said, I respect your position, but you don’t.
We have a big crisis of discernment, and it’s obvious the bishops don’t touch anything so they won’t get burned like a hot frying pan. Yeah, it’s going to burn you.
These three things—being strong, being bold, and speaking out—is like a potholder. You won’t get burned.
The bishops’ report card is bad grades. Bishops, if you don’t believe that, take a survey to the whole diocese and ask them, ask the peasants in the pew to grade you. I’m not joking. Get a sheet. Print it out, and let them give you a comment. All you have to do is ask the question across the diocese from the people, “What do you think of my position as your bishop over the diocese?”
Do that!
But you’re scared.
I challenge you to do it. You would be shocked what people would say.
Our mission goes now…We just did a study. We are reaching people in 190 countries.
If I was underneath the authority of the Church, I wouldn’t be doing this. I’d have been stopped.
Every Christian, every Catholic, has a right, if you want to start a ministry.
I’ve got five bishops I’ve been under. The first one didn’t like it. He said, “You can’t do it.” I said, “I’m going to do it.” I studied Canon Law, forward and backwards and I know I can start a ministry.
The second one was great. He said, “You can do anything you want to, just do not commit any kind of heresy. I will shut you down.” And I said to him, “I expect you, if I do heresy, to shut me down.”
The next one, we had communications, and we sailed through his term.
The next one was very good with me. And in fact, some of my writings, they wanted to condemn it in the Vatican, he went to the Vatican and said, “You can’t do it.” He protected me.
The one I have now, he won’t even talk to me. He’s silent.
And I’m saying these things, that I’m not going to stop propagating Our Lady’s messages. We’ve been hit. We’ve been persecuted, many, many things. And I want to say, right now, the Church said the first seven apparitions are approved.
I’m going to say something that people say, “Maybe you shouldn’t say that.”
Medjugorje is approved! Every apparition! Every single one of them.
I’m telling you, I declare, Sensus Fidelium. What does that mean? By the faith of the people.
Nobody in Medjugorje, nobody out there is saying this. Medjugorje is 100% approved! The Church hasn’t said that. We, the people, because so many people believe, I’m being bold to say, Medjugorje, and you can do anything you want to with it, because we declare Sensus Fidelium. It’s not now that I’m just saying this. I put it in writing years ago. But nobody wants to touch that. I don’t care.
And I got flack. We got slandered. We got sued. And do you know what happened? We won. And it goes on and on and on.
It’s Jesus Who said, “They persecuted Me, and they will persecute you.”
I can speak for many of the peasants in the pew. They’re weary of you bishops because tomorrow, you could get together and excommunicate Biden and his wife. He’s for trans, abominable marriages. He’s for abortion.
Why have you not excommunicated this man?! I want an answer and also millions of Catholics and even Protestants! I want you, listening to this, go to your bishop, everywhere he goes, “Have you excommunicated him?”
No, because you don’t like Trump, or he’s got a mouth. Thank God he does. That’s who he is.
I heard on the radio today, a ninety-year-old on a talk show. She was asked about the Biden’s. And she said, “They’re going to hell.”
In the 1980s and the 1990s, John Paul, the Pope, was dealing with a theologian. He was doing heresy. And the Pope said over and over and over to rescind what he was saying and what he’s teaching. And I was saying, back then, he needs to be excommunicated.
And it came up a few years, and he refused. They told him to stop his writings, not to publish them, and destroy them.
And John Paul finally said, “We are excommunicating you.”
Instantly, you know what happened? The theologian changed. He burned his stuff, and it saved him.
Do you know what happens when you’re going to get excommunicated? A Catholic knows that if they’re going to excommunicate you, it means you’re consigned to hell. So, by what you’ve done, the opportunity, you’re consigning them to hell. It’s on your watch, and it’s going to be a heavy, heavy judgment on you bishops.
I’ve been many times to Milan, Italy. When you go to places geographically, you learn a lot. Out of silence, and even coward, our bishops are declining our Church. Their major declining is their support of the Left, grown through Social Justice.
The last several decades, that is all ya’ll been looking at. This is evil. What the bishops need is persecution to make them wake-up. In Milan, one bishop gave a witness of what a bishop should be doing. You are about to hear his story.
In the times of Saint Augustine, there lived a bishop in Milan, Italy, named Bishop Ambrose. Bishop Ambrose was beloved by the people of Milan and was truly a shepherd to his flock, guarding them against the wolves of pagan heresies and sects that surrounded the Church in Milan.
The Empress Justina, a member of the Arian sect, hated Ambrose and the Catholic Church. She ordered the bishop to hand over the Basilica of Milan to the Arian church. Bishop Ambrose said it was impossible to betray his faith by handing over holy ground to the Arian sect.
Ambrose told the Empress, the only way she would take the Basilica was over his dead body. The empress was infuriated and summoned Bishop Ambrose to the palace for a hearing. On his way to the palace, Bishop Ambrose was accompanied by three clerics.
However, as he made his way through the streets of Milan, he was joined by hundreds, then thousands of people, rich and poor alike. By the time Ambrose arrived, they were more than 30,000 people surrounding the palace.
When Ambrose went into the palace, the empress’s guards and advisors were fearful because of the people. They urged the empress to relinquish the Basilica. The empress hesitated and she did not want to let Ambrose and the Basilica out of her grip.
At that moment, the head of the palace guards, whose soldiers numbered 450, announced to the empress that the crowd had torn off the palace gates. Four hundred fifty soldiers were not a match for an angry crowd of 30,000.
The empress asked Ambrose to send the crowd away. Bishop Ambrose replied that he would send them away if the empress promised not to take the Basilica. The empress promised she would not take the Basilica.
Ambrose went to the window of the palace, waved his hand and the people stopped and became quiet. They knelt and he blessed them and they then dispersed.
However, the next week, the empress sent four Arian priests into the Basilica. As they approached with the palace guard, they met Ambrose standing at the steps of the Basilica.
Ambrose was resplendent in his bishop’s vestments and miter. As the guard approached, Bishop Ambrose said, in a loud voice, “This is holy ground. The only way you shall take this Basilica is over my dead body.”
It was an impressive scene. The head guard turned behind him to see a small crowd beginning to form. He approached, telling Ambrose to step aside.
In a flash, Bishop Ambrose struck the ground with his miter, then holding it out over the guards, he issued the command of excommunication over them. Although the guards and priests were Arians, not Catholics, the power of the curse shook them, for that is what they understood the excommunication to be.
A curse is a curse. The head guard turned around to see the faces of his guards and the Arian priests. They were scared. He also saw the small crowd had grown to thousands of angry people ready to defend Ambrose and the Basilica. He turned with his guards and the priests and left. The power of excommunication had left its mark on the Arians.
You want to be safe, your diocese? Look at what they did today to Trump. All the bishops should go on a meeting and say, “This is wrong!” If they can take $400+ million dollars from this man, for nothing—no crime—they will come into your diocese and take what they want.
And who do I blame for this, is you. Every one of you bishops.
Yes, we’ve got bishops like Strickland, maybe three or four or five, but because you didn’t stand up, you could be martyred to pay for what you didn’t do, because you built the guillotine by never, never, never standing up.
We need action. The whole bishops’ conference get together. They did it when the writing I wrote, Blind to Your Wrong. They had a special meeting the day before Biden was going to be sworn in. They stayed up all night. What I wrote, they were convicted by a peon like me who failed third grade. If I can stand up, why can’t you, as a bishop?
Some of you may think that I shouldn’t be saying what I’m saying to the bishops, like this. Even think I should be condemned. If that’s the case, if somebody thinks that, then you condem Jesus.
He said to the Pharisees, aka bishops, in Matthew, chapter 23, verse 33. Jesus says to the Pharisees, “You snakes, you brood of vipers. How will you escape a sentence of hell?”
Who am I to be saying this? I am a voice crying out in the wilderness, prepare the way of the Lord. However, we are, I and you, are preparing the way of Our Lady for the world to be conquered by the Queen of Peace and many shepherds are sound asleep.
Cardinal Sarah, I really like this guy. He’s black. He’s from Africa. He’s got it together. He said:
“Don’t deceive people with the word, mercy. God forgives sins only if we repent of them.”
Good ol’ Saint Thomas Aquinas, states:
“It must be observed that if the faith were endangered, a person ought to rebuke his bishop, even publicly.”
Wow. You want to rebuke me? Then you have to rebuke St. Thomas Aquinas. Wow. That gives you the ammunition when you see your bishop, and give him your mind.
Stand up. Be men. Quit being feminized because St. John Chrysostom said, quote,
“The road to hell is paved with the skulls of erring priests, with bishops as their signposts.”
I rest my case. Now, try to rebuke me. You can’t without rebuking St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Chrysostom. And everything else I said before. And everything I’ve been talking about. Our Lady is here to enlighten us and educate us and train us to stand up. Yes, She has many messages talking about the shepherds.
July 2, 2019, Our Lady says,
“…you cannot go on the way of faith and follow my Son without your shepherds…”
And then She says,
“…pray that they may have the strength and the love to lead you…”
Do you see how Our Lady tells us that they don’t have strength? They don’t have the love to lead us. Again, if they did, there is no reason to pray for them.
March 2, 2018
“…Pray much for the Church and her servants…”
Who are the servants? She answers this. Her servants, your shepherds. They don’t serve the people now. Is your bishop serving you? The diocese? The parish?
“…Pray much…,” not little, “…pray much for the Church and her servants, your shepherds that the church may be such as my Son desires…”
If the Church and the servants and the bishops and the shepherds are doing what they’re doing, Our Lady wouldn’t say, “as my Son desires,” and they’re not. As for me, I am a little voice but my words should be lightening striking and I tell you, bishops, your time is running out.
I want to finish with this, about discernment. You can discern things by who people are attacking or not attacking and defending who they are. The people who’s doing everything to stop Trump while Trump, what is he trying to do? Save the United States. There is no country in the history of the world greater than the United States with independence and a Constitution.
satan hates this country, and satan hates Trump.
It’s a no-brainer. Look at all that are against Trump, and look who are the people who are for Trump.
That’s your discernment.
This is the only man we have to save our country.
Bishops, you be speaking about what they’re doing to Trump. You don’t have to vote for him, but you better stop what they’re doing to him, because your diocese and coffers are the next things these people will do.
You have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje on this broadcast entitled, “Three Monkeys.”
A Friend of Medjugorje stated at the beginning of this broadcast:
“Non-confrontation has been a sin of the bishops for a long time. We have to start confronting in the time we can do the confronting. Otherwise, we will be completely submissive to the system that will dominate us.”
You can help heal our Church. Start with prayer and then actively spread this broadcast titled, “Three Monkeys,” across our nation and across all dioceses. We have a facility here at Caritas to make these CDs available at such a low cost that you can massively distribute this convicting CD.
Don’t be paralyzed. With the CD titled, “Three Monkeys,” fight this evil that has infiltrated our Church. Call Caritas today to order the CD number 2059swr. “Three Monkeys,” CD number 2059swr.
Order “Three Monkeys” CD in bulk. You can order 25 CDs for only $22.00.
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This pricing includes shipping and handling. Call Caritas today to order the CD number 2059swr. “Three Monkeys,” CD number 2059swr. We now return to a Friend of Medjugorje.
Mail it to your bishop. If you see him somewhere, convict him.
We have a group in Medjugorje right now. The Mission House is open. We are in contact throughout the day. Medjugorje, to here in Alabama at Caritas.
If you haven’t gone to Medjugorje, this is the time to go. We are taking groups all the way through November. It’s a beautiful thing to be there on a 25th when Our Lady gives a message. We don’t know how long Our Lady will be giving the messages, but to be there if you haven’t ever been to Medjugorje, that is one of the climaxes of your life.
A picture will not suffice.
A book will not do.
Descriptions are short-coming.
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It can’t be explained…
It can only be experienced.
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Medjugorje can only be experienced.
Have you yet to live this experience, or have you gone to Medjugorje and never truly experienced Our Lady. Many are called, but for those who respond, there is no regret.
Come now to Medjugorje and be blessed by the Holy Virgin Mary, the Queen of Peace.
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Founded by a Friend of Medjugorje, BVM Caritas knows that a good pilgrimage does not just happen. Sign up today for your Medjugorje encounter with Our Lady.
BVM Caritas. Call today in the U.S. 205-672-2000. 205-672-2000, and ask about your Medjugorje pilgrimage. Or, go to mej.com, spelled, M-E-J.com, and click on Medjugorje Pilgrimages.
Your pilgrimage does not begin the day you leave your home. It begins today.
BVM Caritas Pilgrimages, brought to you by Caritas of Birmingham.
You’re listening to Radio WAVE with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Again, we’re asking you to support this with your financial gifts. We are putting out a lot of materials. We cannot do this without you.
I’m asking you a question. Do you have enough means to donate $50 every month? Many people can. It’s only a dollar or ten dollars, $25, give something. And for those who can give $50 a month, which is what we call Project 50, is critical. If you sacrifice a few coffees, a meal out, give that to Our Lady.
Call Caritas and sign up for a Project 50 Field Angel.
Being the largest Medjugorje center in the world both here and in Medjugorje, you are partnered to that.
We’re praying for you. We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
An Edict
By a Friend of Medjugorje
“The next great challenge the Church is going to face is, gender ideology, and it will be the ultimate rebellion against God the Creator.”
In 2014,
Pope Benedict XVI predicted, quote:
What did Pope Benedict mean by “GENDER IDEOLOGY?”
When you read the following
you will understand.
A deliberate attack on all Christendom was launched during the Easter season
and was birthed by the U.S. Bishops.
By their apathy,
and cowardice.
read the full story via the iframe below or the website link:
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