Today I am linking two things. A recent broadcast from a Friend of Medjugorje and Artur Pawlowski.
Like FOM, I am severely disappointed in my local priests and bishops. What I have learned over the last two years was parroted by Artur Pawlowski in his video interview with Melissa. I’m not going to spoil it for you, go and have a listen (linked below) and get some seriously good wisdom injected into your soul.
Am I perfect? Far from it and I am not judging them, I am giving a report card. They will have to answer to our Heavenly Father for all the damage they have done, by not doing anything.
I resist wearing the muzzle, have not taken the covid jab and never will, and Luke 21 reproduced below reflects exactly what I am going through, as well as Melissa and Artur. At the moment I’m not as bad off as Artur, but that may change down the track when I become activated (it is not yet my time to be a well known public figure – if that happens it will be God’s will).
I will no doubt talk about and expand on this broadcast and Artur Pawlowski, probably in a webinar and live on a stage somewhere. It is probably one of the most important subjects for modern man to understand right now and just after the 10 secrets start.
David Ashton Apostle of Our Lady – Artur’s legal defense – Canadians ticketed for not wearing mask – Providing food for homeless

Transcript of above broadcast:
Follow me at:Good evening and thank you for joining us on Mejanomics tonight.
We have a group here at Caritas on pilgrimage, and as we prepare for Our Lady’s Birthday tomorrow, a Friend of Medjugorje spoke to our group today.
And so, tonight we have the honour and the privilege of being able to share with you his powerful words, which really are to make us fall more and more in love with Our Lady.
So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje August 4, 2022.
Your message today, October 25, 2011…
I haven’t seen this. I want to see if it’s going to be bad or good for you.
“Dear children! I am looking at you…”
Do you believe that?
Do you believe the ability for Her to have that?
“…and in your hearts I do not see joy…”
“…Today I desire to give you the joy of the Risen One, that He may lead you and embrace you with His love and tenderness. I love you and I am praying for your conversion without ceasing before my Son Jesus. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
We have a situation we’re faced with that Our Lady has said never that it’s what we have experiencing has happened, all the way back to the Garden of Eden. (April 4, 1985). We’re in a situation that humanity, throughout all mankind, has never experienced what we’re going through. The prodigies of the devil, his voice, his ability to speak, actually to get into your brain waves, even when you don’t know, we’ve never experienced that which we face.
We’re in a position, what Ivanka said June 25, 1989, that satan is active to enslave you. Those words, and when Our Lady says it, you can take it literally. These theologians that say, “Oh, you can’t take the Bible literally.” They’re too much intellectualism, and they don’t understand what some of the things…They’ve got to be so smart and so lofty that you don’t even understand. Our Lady wants us to see the Bible in a simple way. She speaks to us in a simple way.
And so, if She says in 1989, “satan is active to enslave you through materialism,” 1989 to 2022, nowhere, no how, no when, we could imagine where we are right now.
So, we can look back on that message of what She’s talking about, enslavement. We depend on man, not God, and we’ve got a system that’s so man-made, food wise, the shortages, whatever they cut off. What can we do about it? We’re married to it. It’s in us, and it’s our walk throughout the whole day.
I had my truck in the shop for a couple weeks and got it about three weeks back out. And my gas tank was going fast down losing my gas. And I said, “What is this doing?” Maybe they changed something on the transmission. But I’m just drinking one tank and another. And I said, “What’s wrong with this thing?”
So, me and my son were talking yesterday. He said the same thing to his truck. And he said there’s a lot of people talking now that they’ve increased the ethanol, and it’s making the gas burn up a lot quicker so they can more shortage.
Genius! Genius! Nobody can do that except for what Ivan said, “satan has a master intellect.”
God’s allowing this to happen because Our Lady said in 2011…You heard me over and over and over this message: “Everything is passing. Everything is falling apart. Only the glory of God is remaining.” (September 2, 2011)
If your business is not glorifying God first, you ain’t gonna keep it. If your ways, you’re not going to keep it. We are enslaved.
My grandfather, right down here, if you came down 280, you saw the waterworks over there. Back in the 19…early 20s, 30s, well, probably 30s, he was a coal miner. Right off that lake off of 280, they had coal mines, and those coal mines had houses for the workers to live there, and they had the company store. And the company store let you have that on credit. And they made them go in debt, and they were starving to death, and they couldn’t leave, because they were old. They owed their debt back to the company. So, they were enslaved there.
My father told me my grandfather had a pastor, because they had ten kids. My dad had brothers and sisters, ten, nine with him. And what happened, they were starving, and a Protestant came to help them, pastor, and help them. And of course, he’s Italian, real Catholic, but it opened up, you know, these people were helping.
But they couldn’t escape that. And he put together something and helped them and moved them out of it and paid for his debt.
We, right now, are in the same situation. The food shortages, the chain, you depend on it. It’s a system that satan has given to us.
What if all your food’s cut off? All your fuel?
I just came back from Texas. I’ve got three daughters-in-law driving babies like cows right now. [LAUGHTER] One had one, and one had another one within 24 hours, and Erin…But she’s going to have hers pretty soon.
So, we depend on everything for what satan has created, and we don’t know how to get out of it. Our Lady’s come here to help us get out of it, but you owe, even if you’re out of debt, you depend on this system, and it is an antichrist system.
Why the bishops don’t say nothing, I don’t know nothing that I can say about them. They tell us nothing. They don’t speak about nothing. They don’t talk about Biden just a couple of days ago saying, “We’re going to defend the right for a trans-man to be in girls’ sports.”
Where’s the bishops? Nowhere. Cowards.
I respect them by their position, but not them themselves.
Silence. It’s time to speak up.
If you read the book—if you haven’t read it, get it—called Blind to Your Wrong, and I scathed the bishops. And I’m noting. I’m a flunkie. But they went into an emergency meeting on January 19th, the day before swearing in Biden, because of that writing. It went viral. They didn’t like what I said. But I didn’t say anything disrespectful. I just said this is laid out. You are the cause. You own Biden.
They were still saying at that point while he’s saying we’ve got to have abortion, “Well, we’ve got a good Catholic.” There’s quotes out there. He said that. That’s the head of the bishops’ conference, Gomez.
So, satan is running everything, and only Our Lady can come down here to crush this system.
You are living right now, Revelation 12, the Woman, twelve stars about Her head, being pursued by the serpent Who will crush his head.
Ten Bibles. Ten Bibles. Eight of them say, “he” will crush your head, in Genesis 3:15. Only two of them still say today that “She” will crush his head. Why did that happen? St. Jerome translated the Bible from Greek to Latin. He was an expert. He spent decades. He was at Bethlehem with two women who helped him for twenty years. He looked at everything and studied everything. And that went on for a thousand years, that Bible verse. About 150 years ago, they started changing it, and with Vatican, they completely changed it.
And now, what they say, from the Woman, telling the serpent, “you will be biting Her heel, and She will crush your head.”
That taking place—and we had that for millenia—and now they’re saying, “He.” And now, they want to change it to, “They.” And now, they say a neutral word, “He and she.” Where’s the bishops about that? Where’s the exposing? That’s not theologically hard to understand. History’s there.
Because satan wants to cover up Who this Woman is right now.
Yeah, we know it. We know the Mother of God. We know Who She is. And we believe here. You’re here because of that.
But they do not want, satan does not want, you to know what She’s here for.
There’s only one reason, because if the serpent’s head is mortally wounded, means dead. And the next verse, what happens?
So, She’s here to crush the system. She needs you. She’s calling you to do that.
Our Lady wants the system completely destroyed.
So, we go from there. he’s mortally wounded. And then there’s a period, and Our Lady said the period of peace was coming. (December 25, 1999) And then he miraculously comes back to life.
So, there’s two systems. We are writing. We’re witnessing. People are going to look at us, how did we go through this period to survive through the antichrist system when Jesus has to come and He crushes is. It’s right there in the Bible. You don’t have to be a theologian.
Our Lady is the Woman here that’s in the Bible. You are here alive in that time of the Bible.
So, when they took my grandfather out of there, and my dad, they had a milk cow. They were starving. In some ways, you can relate to that. And I know this song’s coming up, tells you how, that really, you can relate this song to where we are today, because we can’t get out of it. They own us.
So, these grounds are places to contemplate what are you doing, how do you change your life, no matter how old you are.
And so, you’ll recognize this, especially the older people.
Some people say a man is made out of mud. The poor man’s made out of muscle and blood. Muscle and blood and skin and bones, a mind that’s weak and a back that’s strong.
You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. St. Peter, don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go. I owe my soul to the company store.
I was born one mornin’ when the sun didn’t shine. I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine. I loaded sixteen tons of number nine coal, and the stall boss said, “Well, a-bless my soul.”
You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. St. Peter, don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go. I owe my soul to the company store.
I was born one mornin’. It was drizzlin’ rain. Fightin’ and trouble are my middle name. I was raised in the canebrake by an ol’ mama lion. Can’t no high toned woman make me walk the line.
You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. St. Peter, don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go. I owe my soul to the company store.
If you see me comin’ better step aside. A lot of men didn’t. A lot of men died. One fist of iron, the other of steel. If the right one don’t get you, then the left one will.
You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt. St. Peter, don’t you call me ‘cause I can’t go. I owe my soul to the company store.
You know, we don’t have much about heritage today about their grandfathers, what they’re doing, the kids and the youth. All they want to listen…They’re not learning things from World War II. We sat at the feet, if you were my age, at our fathers, what World War II was like, what they did.
There were many beautiful stories about my grandfather. He was not big, but they said he was the strongest man in the world, for coal. In this song, it says, “You better not get in his way.”
He had a guy one time said to him, “You wop.” He grabbed him and did his neck like this and peeled his whole hide of the back of his back.
So, all these stories, we don’t even hear these things anymore. You may say, “Well, that’s not charitable.” But we have a lineage we can talk about. We don’t even have that now. Everything’s broken up.
Another time, my dad got in a fight at school, and the teacher came to him, brought him, Tony (my dad), and said, “He was fighting at school, and he did this and did that.”
And so, he whopped him in the rear end real quick, and the teacher left. And then he pulled out a dime and gave it to my daddy. “Do it again.” [LAUGHTER]
So, people used to be tough. They knew truth.
So, they broke away, and they were in Ensley, about forty-five minutes from here. In the Depression, they were all starving. So, he stole a pickup truck, went down to Florida, got another guy with him, went out and Robin Hood, and went out into the fields and got vegetables and tomatoes and picked everything and came back and gave it to everybody, the whole place in Ensley.
So, the sheriff was told, “They think Mr. Gianni did that.”
So, the sheriff came to the door and said, “Gianni, where’s the truck. I know what you did. Just tell me where it is. I’m not going to do nothing else.”
“It’s over there in the garage right there.”
So, these stories are rich, in some way. Not saying it’s right, but he was Robin Hood, taking with that. And he was known by many, many people. And people I run across, the Italians, say “Oh, Mr. Gianni. I know him.”
So, family’s everything. But when divorces happen, and you’ve got kids that’s divorcing, they’re all separated. There’s no lineage. There’s no history. Our Lady wants to show this. How do you relate that?
To me, it’s rich. I could tell you a bunch of stories.
I’ll tell you one more story. My dad, he was a radio man in World War II, and they were on a little island in the Philippines. There’s islands all over the place. So him and another guy, because he was a radio for all the islands, he announced that World War II was over. And immediately, guns were shooting. Cannons were shooting. Everybody was celebrating. And he said they were scared to death because they knew they would have gotten killed if they found out, when they found out it was false.
So, the jokes and the funs that we used to back then, or that they did, I mean, there’s nothing like that. I’m not saying advocating that. I’m just saying that there’s a lot of independence.
We are slaves right now. Our Lady wants us to be completely different.
She said,
September 25, 2014
“…today I call you to also be like the stars…”
What does that mean? What can you contemplate? She wants you to be a star. She wants you to be a hero to other people.
“…today I call you to also be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to other so they may rejoice…”
Our Lady said on May 2, 2015,
“…I cry with…your pain…”
What we hear on our phones, and we’ve got almost a hundred extensions. We’ve got extensions in Medjugorje, 280, different places. We’ve kept our landlines. No cell phones. But we have calls constantly for prayers, for broken families, those who are in pain, difficulties, all sorrows, these sorrows that we allowed, we created. Because we followed a culture that is a dead end.
So, She says,
“…I cry with you in…pain…”
She says,
“…I will never leave you…”
In your deepest sorrows, darkness, Our Lady’s there.
Our Lady gave a message about the “Our Father,” and She said in that, Our Father, the Heavenly Father, that She wants you to say the “Our Father” with feeling. (January 2, 2020)
We say this so much in our Rosary, but do we really feel that, Heavenly Father?
I was going to do a broadcast tonight about that. I ran out of time, about just the “Our Father,” and the message was incredible. I spent five hours with it, just one message going through it, making a lot of notes. So, maybe next week will be the broadcast.
But Our Lady was saying in Her messages to really go in just the word, “Father,” the Heavenly Father, with feeling that God the Father always listens to you. Always. It’s conversation. She wants you to talk to Her the same way. Our Lady wants to stand with you, and She wants to stand with you forever.
That word, message,
“…I will never leave you. I will always speak to you with motherly tenderness…”
It’s us who have got static that don’t always hear Her or not recognize She did something during the day that happened. And we’ve got a saying, and many of you have heard this saying: “She’s so cool.”
And that happened because of my son, if you don’t know the story.
We were with Marija, and Our Lady said, “Tomorrow night,” every night, because we were doing things in Florida, Sea World and stuff like that. So, She was saying, “I’ll appear at ten o’clock,” at night.
So, we were at the last day, and Our Lady was supposed to go at ten o’clock. And then they announced on the weekend that Shamu was going to do fireworks at ten o’clock. And it’s really beautiful. And you have to be in there. They lock the gates. They shut everything else at ten o’clock.
So, we were saying, “We’re not going to do it because we’ve got to pick Our Lady.”
So, just in case they opened up the gates or something, we got there at 9:30 and knew there as no way because you have to get all the way in there and another section. It’s ten-fifteen minutes to get to it.
So, we’re in the parking lot, and we’re just going to do the Rosary. And we start the Rosary, and we’re about one minute into the Rosary, and we’re packed. There’s like twelve or thirteen of us. I’m in the back. And then somebody says,
“Marija’s in ecstasy!”
We just started the Rosary. I said, “What?”
“Marija is in ecstasy! Our Lady’s appearing right now.”
And she ended the apparition, and we sit there for like five seconds stunned. And my son, he’s probably about eleven, ten years. He says, “She’s so cool!” And all the doors bust open the van and everybody ran down dying laughing. [LAUGHTER]
She’s a mother. I mean, it’s an incredible thing. You can sit there and not read these things, but She said,
“…I will always speak to you with motherly tenderness…”
You can’t tell me that was one of the most beautiful apparitions, just a few seconds, that She knew and She cares what we’re doing on earth. It’s amazing.
And we see this over and over. We see that situation, that’s what we say now. “She’s so cool.”
She’s coming to us in a human form. Her humanity is still there. And yet, She’s the greatest Creature with holiness that not even matched by the angels, all of them combined, because She had the Holy Spirit came in Her and impregnated. You might want to say conceived, but think about it. And God did that, that to His Daughter. And God, the Son, is in Her. She’s the Tabernacle, Her Womb.
So, He thinks of Our Lady very lofty. For us, and for our kids, everything’s natural. Our Lady is real, and She is here. And She’s not just here when Marija is here or just at 10:40, or 11:40 now. She is there.
I began to really see something in Our Lady that She has a new power. Nobody told me. Just through prayers, through the messages, that She is not going leave when these apparitions.
At the same time, She says, “These are the last apparitions on earth. This is the last time I’m calling the earth to convert.” (May 2, 1982)
But what’s happening, Our Lady will always be present with us because She said,
“…I will never leave you…”
Now, we know in Heaven, She’s not going to. But the earth is going to have a new efficacy of the Virgin Mary that can be your Mother, that you can talk to Her, that you can ask Her to help you, and She’ll give it to you.
If you don’t believe it, you just pray. You talk to Her.
I was recently praying to Our Lady, but I wasn’t praying to Our Lady. I was talking to Our Lady. I was doing this and saying this and saying that and just talking, talking to Her and talking to Her. And it just hit me. That’s prayer. She wants you to talk to Her. And when you say, “Hail Mary,” it’s talking to Her. It’s not something that we do because, “Oh, we’re doing our prayer, prayer.” No. That’s conversation. The first conversation, the one thing in the Bible that’s most said sentence, anywhere in the Bible, the most popular, is Gabriel: “Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with You.”
That’s the number one verse. The Protestants don’t know it. They pray, you know, “If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior…” No. That’s the number one prayer, or number one Scripture verse that’s by billions of people times a day. Think about that.
But you’ve got to transfer prayer into a conversation, that if I’m talking to you, you’re listening to me, and I’m talking to you, that the power of that prayer is just really change it to conversation.
Our Lady listens to you. Our Lady says,
August 25, 1991
“…I desire to save all souls…”
Tonight. If you want that tonight, literally, if you want that to happen tonight. This is Her Birthday. You go down in the Field tonight, and you ask Her…Don’t say, “Save only my soul, but my children.” She’ll hear that, and She gets great graces on Her Birthday. This is the day to ask for what you want, what you need, by conversation.
Our Lady said,
April 25, 2018
“…witness the joy that you are mine…”
Not satan.
I’ve seen many, many, at least seventy-five, maybe a hundred times, possessions in Medjugorje. You read in the Bible, wherever Jesus was, there’s always a devil or somebody possessed. They come in there. They go to Medjugorje.
Just June 25th, I was there. They had like three hundred priests going do the procession. I didn’t see it because of the people. And they had four priests holding a big statue of Our Lady this big on a board thing with flowers, beautiful. And just two persons next to me, when Our Lady came—and She was right there—this man starts screaming like a lion, and neck was like this. Hatred toward the Virgin Mary. Hate. I mean, “Ahh!” I mean, you can’t mimic it. And that man’s voice stretched the tongue and everything.
And it was a woman.
It was completely male. There’s nothing feminine about it. But the look on her face was hatred.
satan hates the Virgin Mary, probably even more than the Christ, because he knows She’s going to crush his head.
So, that’s why She says,
“…witness the joy that you are mine. I am with you…”
What does Our Lady want?
Our Lady said,
May 2, 2008
“…I am here with you in this place…”
She’s going to be here tonight with you. This place has the fragrance of probably twenty times more than Fatima. Two hundred and four apparitions. We’re determined to suppress this place. We’re determined not to do what a lot of people wanted to do, because every place has been messed up wherever satan comes in. Guadalupe, Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje. satan comes there, “Come to Medjugorje! We’ve got to have this.”
Medjugorje’s got spas now, swimming pools, soccer fields. And you’re on the mountain. Marija’s up there and all the lights are right there from the soccer field right there near the church. And one thing I’ve done is promised Our Lady here we were going to suppress this place. We were going to try and get as much property to protect this that it always be a place of conversion.
Medjugorje now is turning into a place of devotion. Our Lady wanted it to be a place of conversion. And that’s what satan…satan hates devotion. he doesn’t want you to have devotion to Our Lady. But he will take that any day of the week than conversion.
So, we want this place protected. We pray for it. Prayer for the Abode of God. We ask you to pray for it, to give Our Lady power that She has never had in any place that She has appeared.
She shocked Marija when She started speaking. We got persecuted by the devil over and over, and it’s still going on. These things, when I release, you’re going to be shocked.
But we want this place for Our Lady. We want to be consecrated, that Jesus, the day He’s coming, that this place is going to be conversion.
It’s hard now to go through conversion in Medjugorje. We want to care about what Our Lady’s plans are.
“…I am…with you in this place…”
You open your heart tonight. She wants to speak to you. Don’t expect anything, but enter into what She’s giving you. She says,
“…I desire for you to open your hearts to me and…accept me as a mother…”
But more than that. She’s your confidant. She’s the one that’s listening to you. She’s the one that can dry your tears.
“…I will teach you [with] simplicity of life and richness of mercy and…lead you to my Son…I will be with you. My hands will hold you to the very end…”
Do you realize that? She’s going to be holding your hands when you step into eternal joy.
How do I know that? I already know it. But if you need to hear the words,
“…My hands will hold you to the very end, to the eternal joy; therefore do not be afraid to open yourselves to me…”
All your wounds, all your tears, all your persecutions.
“…do not be afraid to open yourselves to me…”
People go to the psychiatrist. They go to confessions. They go to priests. They go to this. And they’re not getting everything they need to get.
We just got a feedback from somebody that went to Confession. She’s in California, and she told me, on the feedback, rather, that they’re very liberal, and they’re for all the California things going about, about marriage, and said that community of what they do, violating marriage, and the priests are shouting at her. “You should love these people!” You know. “You’ve got to accept these people.” That’s what we’re getting in Confession now.
If I went to Confession, and I said, “I killed somebody the other day,” and he says, “Say one Hail Mary for your penance.” I want something matching the sin! It’s unbelievable. What’s the most severe penance you’ve gotten from a priest? Nothing. Nothing. And unless you don’t like somebody, two men together getting married, “Oh, you better say about twenty rosaries.” Unbelievable! This is where we are.
“…I will be with you. My hands will hold you to the very end, to the eternal joy…”
February 2, 2013
“…Love is bringing me to you…”
That’s what you can experience tonight. Love.
This is a day of love, a day of love because the Queen was born.
And She continues,
“…the love which is always ready to forgive and to ask for forgiveness…”
Think about the “Our Father,” “who trespass against those, as I forgive those who trespass against me.”
If you’re not forgiving, no matter what’s happened in your life, how bad it was, and you haven’t forgiven, then you’re making the sentence, and when you’re before God, because you didn’t forgive, and the measure you didn’t forgive what you won’t be forgiven.
Think about that. Nobody’s thinking about the “Our Father” when they say, “Well, I can’t forgive that person,” or “I don’t like that person because they did this to me. I’m never going to forgive them.”
Years ago, probably in the early 80s, I remember seeing on T.V. before we threw it out, they had a show on there where they would put somebody on stage, and they were making their will, on camera, and I remember seeing this lady saying…They were getting the people mad at somebody else. And this lady is sitting in front of the camera for her will, and she starts screaming to her brother or something like that, I mean, nasty screaming, “I want to see you burn in hell! I will never forgive you, what you’ve done! I hope you burn in hell!” I mean, it just went on like five minutes. It was scary.
You go before God, because she was sick. She’s dying of cancer or something. What does God say to her?
“You’ve already made your sentence.”
You have to forgive. It’s freedom. Release from things like that, no matter what or somebody’s done against you.
When you’re in this business of the Virgin Mary, you’re going to have a lot of people to forgive. There’s a lot of jealousy, a lot of hatred.
Some of you know, we had to raise $1.8 million, fifteen attorneys, being sued in like seven or eight states, six years, every day, threats, all kinds of things—unbelievable—by a millionaire, because he went to Medjugorje. Him and his wife divorced. He said Medjugorje was a cult. So, he shut down several Medjugorje centers.
When he got to us, we’ve got assets. We had to defend it. My attorney said, “You’ll never be able to raise that money.” But the people did. It was very difficult. I couldn’t write. Half my day was dealing with this, depositions, everything. Never were we getting in court. Never got there. They wanted just to be suing to financially break us.
And on top of that, we have some people left us, so more than the $1.8 million, we lost donations for six years because people fell for it.
In the end, we won. In the end, he lost, and he was ordered to give us the money. He didn’t do it. He went to the Bahamas, and they sent to find him. He disappeared, and he died. But I didn’t have any hard feelings for him. And I was free from that, never had that in my heart.
And I can tell you many, many stories that people would never let go, really, really bad things.
But I don’t want to walk around with that garbage in my heart. Get rid of it. You know, people talk about…You call me a wop? I don’t care. That’s your problem. People say, about the “N” word. So what? Is that a sin? The response is, that’s your problem, not mine. You know, you can say God’s name in vain, but you can’t say the “N” word. It’s not a curse word. But I can say, “I hate you,” and if you say a word, like wop, with hate, then it’s a sin. It’s not the word. It’s what’s behind the word.
We’re messed up. We put priority on things that’s not a big deal at all.
Where did this back in, all of you know. You are old enough, “Sticks and stones…”
“…may break my bones…”
“…but words never hurt me.”
What is this bullying garbage about? Just take it. So what? Let it run off.
You see a duck. He waxes his back from oil, and the water just runs off. You can say what you want to against me whether you like more or you don’t. I don’t care. That’s your problem. I’ll pray for you.
June 22, 1996
“…I am happy tonight…”
Our Lady said in 1984—Joan may have talked about that, Remember When It Rained?—that “Never have I cried in life in sorrow as I have in joy on this day.” (August 5, 1984) 1984, when we learned that that was Her Birthday.
“…I am happy tonight…[to] see you…”
She’s waiting for you. Get your heart ready. Let it be lacerated. Lay it before Her. Be thinking about it.
August 19, 1994
“…tonight your Mother wants to say thank you…”
Who am I that the Mother comes to me and says thank you, for what?
There’s no penance, there’s nothing you can go through that even makes us worthy to say a sincere thank you to the degree of what She’s doing for us.
November 16, 1990
“…I thank you for you have come up here tonight to pray…”
You’re going there tonight, to pray.
March 18, 2008
“…I will be with you and my hands will hold you…”
What does She mean by that? Really, She’ll do that? You better believe She will.
“…Be persevering so that, at the end of the way, we can all together, in joy and love, hold the hands of my Son. Come with me…”
How can She say these things from Heaven, talking to us that way, unless She literally means it, that She walks with you? We see things here constantly like that here.
Our Lady, She said and incredible message
February 23, 1984,
“I hold…you in my arms. You are mine. I need your prayers so that you may be all mine. I desire to be all yours and for you to be all mine…”
It’s a revolving door. She says, “…You are mine…” And we say to Her, “You are mine.” Our Lady has that.
Think about that.
So, it’s a revolving door. She says, “I need you,” and “You are mine.” And “I am yours.”
Our Lady can kiss away the pain. What do you think about that? The Queen Mother, the Queen of Heaven Who kissed God right after He was born, Her lips kissed the Baby Jesus and the dying Jesus.
What would you think about that?
Marija, on her birthday, Our Lady appeared to her, April 1st, back in the 80s, and Our Lady kissed her on the cheek. Those lips that kissed Jesus, that smothered Him with kisses, those lips…When she said that, I said, “Marija, what was it like?”
She says, “I can’t tell you.” She says, “I didn’t wash my cheek for a long time.” [LAUGHTER]
And she was serious. And she said…I said, “Well, what did you feel?”
She said, “Everything.”
“What did it feel like, though?”
“I can’t describe it. It went through my whole body. It wasn’t just a kiss. I felt everything in my body, and I literally didn’t want to ever wash my cheek again.”
We can be in the middle of the night, and you went to bed with problems or difficulties or the worries,
“Mary, kiss me tonight, just give me Your kiss.”
Do you think She’s not going to do that? Yes, She will do that. She’ll do anything you ask, if you’re sincere. Even if you’re in sin. She had to stand beside Judas, and She had to love him.
So, don’t think you’re unworthy, and don’t think you can’t call for that. She is wanting you to be a hero. Our Lady wants you to give others, that I talked about, She wants to dance with you.
Before I got into multitasking a thousand things, and I was just on the message, I danced with the messages. I didn’t have read anything. I didn’t think about it. I could go talk two hours and talk about it, no books, no nothing, no notes of it.
I was in Germany, and I’ve been there several times to military bases. And they had all the Germans there. It was a German translation. So, I’m talking, and I’m saying everything, just…Nobody goes to the bathroom. Nobody’s getting up or anything. And so…And this guy, he starts aggravating me because he’s going back and forth like this and doing this. Finally, he gets in a chair and sits down. “What’s wrong with this guy?”
And so, you know, I looked at the watch. I said, “We’ve got to get ready for the apparition. We’ve got to see what time it is.” We were hours past the apparition. I didn’t stop talking for five to six hours.
I never even felt it, and nobody went to the bathroom. Nobody was fidgeting. I just hear the message was like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Jeff was there, and I think Will was there. And this poor guy. [INAUDIBLE] He was doing like this. I said, “Sorry. I didn’t know it was that long.”
But people were hypnotized. They were so deep. I want to get back to that.
We’ve got several things, so many projects at Caritas right now. I want to get back just on the message. I can’t right now. But you can do that.
I danced one thing with these words. If you can listen to ones, there’s recordings from all through the 80s, all through the 90s. Before you leave, go down and get…Everything’s free down there. So, get some of the older types. There’s things, and it gives you birth because that’s the incubator of going through the messages.
Our Lady, She said, actually, She wants you to laugh. She wants you to rejoice. She says, “…be radiant, beauty, joy and peace…” (September 25, 2014)
She seeks for your laugh.
She wants to stand by you, and Our Lady wants Her to hold you.
There’s things Our Lady’s done, I’ve seen, and I know people in the Community, maybe you’ve had it, it takes your breath away. It’s so beautiful, so powerful.
If you want to hold Her, She wants you to. She wants to kiss away your pain.
Let me be your hero.
Would you dance, if I asked you to dance?
Would you run, and never look back?
Would you cry, if you saw me cryin’?
And would you save my soul tonight?
Would you tremble, if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh, please, tell me this.
Now, would you die for the one you love?
Hold me in your arms tonight.
I can be your hero.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
Would you swear that you’ll always be mine?
Or would you lie? Would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
I don’t care. You’re here tonight.
I can be your hero.
I can kiss away the pain.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
Oh, I just wanna hold you.
I just want to hold you, oh, yeah.
Am I in too deep?
Have I lost my mind?
Well, I don’t care. You’re here tonight.
I can be your hero.
I can kiss away the pain, oh, yeah.
I will stand by you forever.
You can take my breath away.
And I can be your hero.
I can kiss away the pain.
And I will stand by you forever.
Well, you can take my breath away.
You can take my breath away.
I can be your hero.
“Let me be your hero. Would you dance, if I asked you to dance? Would you run and never look back? Would you cry if you saw me cryin’? And would you save my soul tonight?”
February 23, 1984
“I hold…you in my arms. You are mine…”
My hero.
“…I need your prayers so that you may be all mine. I desire to be all yours and for you to be all mine…”
You can save people by your witness. You can change the road going to hell and be a bright star.
Start tonight.
It’s not just praying for conversion, for a family or somebody.
Live it with your life.
With that, be prepared tonight.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee. Blessed art Thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death, amen.
Our Lady Queen of Peace and Reconciliation,
Pray for us.
Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit, amen.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
Transcript of above broadcast: Would You Save My Soul Tonight?