Purgatory is real. Most people don’t go to Heaven, they get purified in Purgatory 1st.
I’ve also heard that we choose to go to Hell, as we know if that is what we deserve at our judgement time.
Does Hell really exist? Yes it does and you would not want your worst enemy to go there when you find out what it is like. Have a listen to this audio from a Friend of Medjugorje. It was released 26 May 2022, and just a few days before there was a tragic shooting in a Texas school.
May God Bless Father Goring, he is a true representative of The Christ.
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St. Joseph the Protector – A Nine-Day Preparation for Entrustment to St. Joseph In His Zone – 7 Principles for Thriving in Solitude
Comments were beautiful as usual so saved here

Father Goring made some more comments about Purgatory this week (March 2022)
Dr Taylor Marshall is also someone worthy of listening to: he has lots of knowledge about Catholicism

Dr. Taylor Marshall explains how and why to pray for the dead in purgatory. He also teaches the two most important prayers for the dead IN LATIN.
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Miracle Confirms Child Saw her Dad in Purgatory – Fr. Mark Goring, CC
Originally posted 27 October 2021 – page deleted and content combined with this article.
From time to time we get reminded of what the Bible warns us about.
Is Hell, Purgatory and Heaven real?
This video reveals a little bit more about Purgatory.