Medjugorje Breaking News
Our Lady Calls Marija and the Villagers of Medjugorje to Apparition Mountain at 3:00 PM January 1, 2024 January 1, 2024 A Friend of Medjugorje spoke with villagers in Medjugorje immediately after
Our Lady Calls Marija and the Villagers of Medjugorje to Apparition Mountain at 3:00 PM January 1, 2024 January 1, 2024 A Friend of Medjugorje spoke with villagers in Medjugorje immediately after
The Darkest Hour. No - this is not about the recent Spielberg movie about Winston Churchill during World War II. Our current state of play biblically. Christmas is in trouble and
In my humble opinion, looking at the current state of the Catholic Church at my customary 40,000ft view - here we are again today with the latest heresy from Francis
I knew Hollywood was in trouble when a movie called "The Greatest Showman" with Hugh Jackman didn't win any Oscars, and some other movie I'd never heard of did, plus
[Podcast] (43 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje gives a directive on what we should be living not only during the Christmastime, but all time. This is a broadcast to
[Podcast] (27 Minutes) – In this segment, a Friend of Medjugorje shares why we were in the state we were in, 12 years ago, and it helps us to understand
This article will educate you so you are on the right side of peace. I've always wondered what is a Zionist. You are about to find out like I did recently
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... In this week’s episode of The Remnant Underground: The sacking of Cardinal Burke sparks outrage from news networks all over the world. Jewish economist, Jeffrey
[Podcast] (41 Minutes) – You have heard a Friend of Medjugorje repeat, that “everything is falling apart.” Finally, people are waking up and this broadcast, you get to hear someone
[Podcast] (31 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje tells you something that should give you chills, or at least awe. You will want to send to everyone you know. We
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor Before we get into todays article and video, I just wanted to say something about the US Bishops. Friend of Medjugorje has been very vocal in
[Podcast] (28 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje In this special broadcast from December 2012, he tells about the tipping points that we reached 11 years ago and all we
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor In this episode of The Remnant Underground, host Michael J. Matt comments on various aspects of a new Reign of Terror – from the Francis removing
November 10, 2023 [Podcast] (48 Minutes) – Why does everything need to fall apart? A Friend of Medjugorje tells us why, how it might come about, and whether it is a
Developing story: In fact, avoid any meeting that divides you into smaller groups. Why do they do this? To divide and conquer. I will get some deeper information to you when I remember
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor New from RTV... (Rome, October 31, 2023) Michael J. Matt addresses the Rome Life Forum and provides the Rosetta Stone for interpreting what the Synod on Synodality
When I first learned that Pope Benedict possibly didn't resign, but was forced out I did a deep dive and read all about canon law. The full history of this
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor At the Catholic Identity Conference 2023 Cardinal Muller shares his ideas with Michael Matt on everything from the Synod to Davos to resisting the Pope.
Ivan’s prayer group met at the Blue Cross tonight at 8:00 p.m. After a few songs, Ivan began the Rosary. We prayed one mystery of the Rosary and then at
When I started to gather the content for this article, I didn't expect for it to turn out the way it has. I was just going to expand on the
SEPTEMBER 7, 2023 EDITOR by Br. Alexis Bugnolo In August of 2004, I had the grace to make a pilgrimage to La Salette, France, and I resolved there to do what I can
By Derek Johnson Roasting trolls on Twitter: Debunking definition: expose the falseness or hollowness of (a myth, idea, or belief). Showing how the Federal Government is under a Continuity of Government via Federal
A Friend of Medjugorje is with the Caritas Pilgrimage group in Medjugorje. Yesterday, Friday June 23, they received word at the last minute, that Our Lady was going to appear
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor Due to The Remnant's participation in the wildly successful Pentecost Pilgrimage to Chartres, France, we won't have a Remnant Underground this week. We will be back
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor The Zelensky Road Show to Rome – what’s it all about and what was Putin’s response? Not to be outdone, the Bilderberg Group hosts a secret
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... Michael Matt gives the keynote address to a women’s conference hosted by “Restore Tradition”, an organization based in Littleton, CO. Register for their
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor God save the king, and God save us from the king’s New World Order. Will King Charles III back away from the tyrannical agenda of his
GETTY Believe it or not, failure is a part of life. You get knocked down by life sometimes, but how you react is what matters. Do not limit yourself because of the
Transcript: Save The Children Save Humanity Melissa RedPillHey there, patriots, I hope you guys are having a great day. I have my wonderful friend Kerri Rivera with me. Hey Kerri, I'm
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor In this edition of the Remnant Underground, Michael Matt discusses not only the cancelling of Tucker Carlson but also what appears to be the initial stages
Why is this story on this website? Because it was mentioned in todays Mejanomics. Click here to listen to it. David Ashton PUBLISHED FRI, APR 28 2023 8:22 AM EDT UPDATED 4
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt looks at the Great Reset in real time. It is no longer theoretical when
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... Michael Matt makes up for the Easter break by presenting an extended play Underground that looks back at the long history of Big
Jonathan Cahn | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 182 People often talk about how the Left has embraced politics as its new religion. But Minister Jonathan Cahn, who authored "The
by Cahleen Shrier, Ph.D. | adapted by Tally (French ’00) Flint Each year, Cahleen Shrier, Ph.D., associate professor in the Department of Biology and Chemistry, presents a special lecture on the science of
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... In this week’s Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt kicks off Holy Week with a discussion of the plight of the Christian community in
Discernment, what it looks like we catholics will have to do in the near future and so much more is unpacked on this page. In one of the most powerful episodes
New from Remnant TV... BREAKING NEWS: Announcing the name of the archbishop who will offer the most prominent Latin Mass of 2023 (The Chartres Pilgrimage in France) In this episode of The
A Friend of Medjugorje talks about a big topic: discernment. How do you discern? He shares some very specific issues confronting us today. The transcript of the audio is below: [THEME MUSIC] [ANNOUNCER] This