The Four Personalities in Spirit
Extract: The Poem of the Man God - The Gospel as Revealed to me by Maria Valtorta.Pages 183 - 187 As a student in understanding self, and therefore others at the
Extract: The Poem of the Man God - The Gospel as Revealed to me by Maria Valtorta.Pages 183 - 187 As a student in understanding self, and therefore others at the
“YOU CAN READ THEM.” -Our Lady of Medjugorje, 1982-1983 Words From Heaven Over the years, Our Lady has asked us to do many things and guided us step by step in our walk
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt takes on YouTube, Facebook, and the superstar of Big Tech – Pope
Be ready. This is what a Friend of Medjugorje tells us in today’s broadcast and he gives us a glimpse of what to expect. This is a very special episode. So
A Friend of Medjugorje talks about the transition from the age of innocence to where we are today and the division taking place as never before. I can feel it. The
Streamed live on Feb 11, 2023 40,275 views • Streamed live on Feb 11, 2023 Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin revealed that the FBI had an Anti-Catholic document targeting radical traditional Catholics as hate
I have high respect for Dr. Marshall but I hold in higher regard Br. Bugnolo. Healthy debate is good however my comment on this page about wise men not believing
“When you see the Sign of the Son of Man, you will see the Son of Man coming in power and glory.” (Matthew 24). Right after this exact sign, detailed
A Christian mom in the UK is having her case heard after her son, then four years old, was forced by his school to partake in a gay pride parade
This video covers the following topics: Introduction, Prayers, Abortion, What Socialism Does, Jekyll Island, Toxic Feminism, David Rockefellers Confession. Fr Altman, Fr Goring, ArchBishop Vigano and many other of Jesus' Shepherds are
https://dsdoconnor.com/ UPDATE 2/1/2023 at 9:55am Eastern: It just occurred to me that I contradicted myself at 19:29 to 19:50. I said that Revelation 9:16 could "only" describe another world war.
Why are chicken egg factories burning down? Is God’s hand in it? A Friend of Medjugorje shares an incredibly prophetic message that was told 80 years ago, and which we
I commented the following at Australia One's Rumble Channel and having reread what I wrote - which I did without thinking as it came straight from my heart. I wonder
I am not surprised at the content in these videos. When Friend of Medjugorje released this World Report, the only way for everything to happen as mentioned in the audio,
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... Why are so many powerful people mocking WEF 2023? What is going on? For the first time, the Vatican didn’t even
JANUARY 19, 2023 EDITOR by Br. Alexis Bugnolo My comment here is not to pat my back, but rather to report to you the reader what I have done and why I did
God has a plan. It is my job to keep everyone calm, and guide them to Our Lady, who is part of that plan. It is a BIG one. Now
Expert journalist on Vatican affairs, Sandro Magister, told LifeSiteNews he 'personally received' the memo from the late cardinal. Cardinal George Pell at the August 2022 Consistory of Cardinals. VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) ––
NOW WITH IMPROVED ENGLISH SUBTITLES. Il Messaggio nella BottigliaItalian/English, now with English/Italian subtitles This is the Mafia of St. Gallen busting documentary which unmasks for the first time all the actors involved
A Friend of Medjugorje shares a very scary truth that is hard to believe, but, necessary to know for our future. After hearing this, you will want to change some
A Friend of Medjugorje asks a few questions that have very important answers. He tells the reason why the price of one certain thing is decreasing while everything else is
Audio This Time’s Going Away released 31 March 2023 (33 Minutes) – Why would we not want to make our lives and homes where we will not even feel the
"We Are Divorced from Right" Mejanomics broadcast 24 November 2022 Transcript of recording We’re a Christian nation. Our roots are in that. We’ve forsaken our Christian roots. That’s why we’re experiencing so
BY MICHAEL SNYDER November 24, 2022 in Cross-Posted, Opinions It is time to thank Almighty God for sending Our Lady to help us. I have been telling the people I know to buy some
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor The Little Ferret gets a gig on Canada’s big drag queen show on TV. Zelensky donates big money to the Democrat candidates. (Still standing with
I didn't realise that man, myself included, had lost this power. No longer are we able to tell if someone was lying to us, as a result we get conned in
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt looks at November's midterm elections from the viewpoint of the globalists. The world
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor Transcript - Our Lady's Here Because Of What's Coming Out Of The Church Michael Matt is realizing what Friend of Medjugorje revealed in 2018. For The
Despite what you are hearing in the mainstream media, it appears that the new PM of Italy is NOT a communist / marxist after all. You must remember when the
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant-TV... In this episode of The Remnant Underground, Michael Matt takes a hard look at the downward spiral of President Biden’s foreign policy, specifically
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor In my new Remnant Underground, I make the case that there is only force on earth capable of stopping the demonic Great Reset. I am referring,
This podcast is a very timely reminder of many things. We see it everywhere where "everything is passing, everything is falling apart, only the Glory of God remains". Our Lady
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... Senator Amy Klobuchar is meeting with Mr. “Green” T once again. She famously went to the Ukraine with John McCain and
Today I am linking two things. A recent broadcast from a Friend of Medjugorje and Artur Pawlowski.Why?Like FOM, I am severely disappointed in my local priests and bishops. What I
I came across this today on telegram. No idea if it is all true, but no problem in giving it a try. And what if it works?
The full X22 report video is at the bottom, the points I want to highlight from the video are listed below. You will find out why I posted this report
Our Lady stated the above heading on September 2, 2011 as part of her message that day. We are witnessing this now.David Ashton The following story is in todays news: A Warning
Written by Michael J. Matt | Editor New from Remnant TV... In this special edition of The Remnant Underground, Michael J. Matt reports from France, where the largest gathering of people since COVID
New from Remnant TV… They are supposed to lead us / guide us not ask us what we think. Also we are not to be guided by 1.8% of the population.