BY MICHAEL SNYDER January 8, 2024 in Cross-Posted, Opinions
Back in 2018 Friend of Medjugorje released a Special World Report (link below) that blew me away and changed the direction of my life. In it there was discussion about scientists being used by God to reverse the lies we were being told (for satans agenda). I asked a school teacher when I was in Year 8 way back in 1978 (because I knew it was all lies anyway) that if we humans evolved from apes, why didn’t the apes evolve? She said she was being forced to tell us and couldn’t answer me (obviously she didn’t believe this crap either). Fast forward to today and the truth is slowly coming out. The earth is only 6,000 years old as the bible states it is, and scientists are proving it – to counter the fake scientists who push the other narrative of millions of years for a pay cheque.
David Ashton

Here is the article:
(End of the American Dream)—If new discoveries completely disprove old theories, shouldn’t those old theories be discarded? For decades, scientists have been assuring us that many of the fossils that they have been digging up are extremely old. In some cases those fossils are supposed to be tens of millions of years old, and in other cases they are supposed to be hundreds of millions of years old. But in recent years new discoveries have thrown that entire paradigm into question. For example, scientists that examined the fossilized shell of a sea turtle that was discovered in Panama “found something surprising and perhaps impossible”…
A team of paleontologists studying the fossilized shell of a sea turtle from the Miocene Epoch found something surprising and perhaps impossible: preserved bone cells that they believe may contain ancient DNA, the molecule that holds the genetic information of living things.
In an ancient turtle shell found on Panama’s Piña Beach, northwest of Panama City, the team identified osteocytes, or bone cells. They then used a type of stain called DAPI to attempt to label the DNA in the fossilized cell structures. Their findings were published last week in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.
The Miocene Epoch was supposedly between 5 and 23 million years ago.
But according to modern science, even under the most optimal conditions DNA would no longer be readable after approximately 1.5 million years…
By comparing the specimens’ ages and degrees of DNA degradation, the researchers calculated that DNA has a half-life of 521 years. That means that after 521 years, half of the bonds between nucleotides in the backbone of a sample would have broken; after another 521 years half of the remaining bonds would have gone; and so on.
The team predicts that even in a bone at an ideal preservation temperature of −5 ºC, effectively every bond would be destroyed after a maximum of 6.8 million years. The DNA would cease to be readable much earlier — perhaps after roughly 1.5 million years, when the remaining strands would be too short to give meaningful information.
So what in the world is going on here?
Scientists have also been discovering soft tissue in fossils that are supposedly extremely ancient, and that includes dinosaur bones. The following comes from the History Channel…
The fossils Maidment is referring to were uncovered in Canada a century ago, and eventually ended up in London’s Natural History Museum. They include a claw from a carnivorous theropod (possibly a Gorgosaurus), a toe bone resembling that of a Triceratops and several limb and ankle bones of a duck-billed dinosaur. In order to find fresh, uncontaminated surfaces of the bones to examine, scientists broke tiny pieces off the fragmented fossils. When Sergio Bertazzo, a materials scientist at Imperial and Maidment’s co-lead researcher on the study, looked at the specimens using an electron microscope, he was shocked at what he saw.
“One morning, I turned on the microscope, increased the magnification, and thought ‘wait—that looks like blood!’” Bertazzo told The Guardian, recounting his examination of the theropod claw. After finding what looked like red blood cells in two of the fossils, the researchers explored the possibility that the blood might be the result of historical contamination; for example, a curator or collector might have had a cut when they handled the specimen. But when they sliced through one of the red blood cells and saw what looked like a nucleus, they felt confident the blood was not human. Red blood cells of humans, like other mammals, are unusual among vertebrates because they lack a cell nucleus.
And that wasn’t all. While examining a cross-section of a fossilized rib bone, the researchers spotted bands of fibers. When tested, the fibers were found to contain the same amino acids that makeup collagen, the main structural protein found in skin and other soft tissues.
This isn’t supposed to happen.
There is no possible way that dinosaur bones that are millions upon millions of years old are supposed to contain soft tissues. But they do.
In fact, about a decade ago it was being reported that a fossil bed in China that was being hailed as “Jurassic Park” contained the greatest dinosaur soft tissue discoveries ever recorded.
According to the Daily Mail, “nearly-complete skeletons” had been discovered that even included skin and feathers…
Fossils include complete or nearly-complete skeletons associated with preserved soft tissues such as feathers, fur, skin or even, in some of the salamanders, external gills.
One is the feathered dinosaur Epidexipteryx whose soft tissues have been revealed by the use of ultraviolet light scanners.
A fossil of the salamander Chunerpeton shows not only the preserved skeleton but also its skin and external gills.
If you believe that those specimens really are millions upon millions of years old, how can you explain that?
Prior to 1991, scientists believed that it would literally be impossible to dig up dinosaur bones that contained soft tissue.
But then Mary Schweitzer, a molecular paleontologist at North Carolina State University, made a discovery that shocked everyone. The following comes from an article in Smithsonian Magazine…
In 1991, Schweitzer was trying to study thin slices of bones from a 65-million-year-old T. rex. She was having a hard time getting the slices to stick to a glass slide, so she sought help from a molecular biologist at the university. The biologist, Gayle Callis, happened to take the slides to a veterinary conference, where she set up the ancient samples for others to look at. One of the vets went up to Callis and said, “Do you know you have red blood cells in that bone?” Sure enough, under a microscope, it appeared that the bone was filled with red disks. Later, Schweitzer recalls, “I looked at this and I looked at this and I thought, this can’t be. Red blood cells don’t preserve.”
Schweitzer showed the slide to Horner. “When she first found the red-blood-cell-looking structures, I said, Yep, that’s what they look like,” her mentor recalls. He thought it was possible they were red blood cells, but he gave her some advice: “Now see if you can find some evidence to show that that’s not what they are.”
What she found instead was evidence of heme in the bones—additional support for the idea that they were red blood cells. Heme is a part of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen in the blood and gives red blood cells their color. “It got me real curious as to exceptional preservation,” she says.
When Schweitzer made her discovery public, she was viciously assaulted by other scientists who insisted that finding soft tissue in a T. Rex fossil that was millions of years old was absolutely impossible. And they were right.
It would be impossible to find soft tissue in a dinosaur bone that is 65 million years old. So obviously the specimen that Schweitzer was examining was a whole lot younger.
Since 1991, there have been more than 100 similar soft tissue discoveries…
All this to say, soft tissues have been found in dinosaur or “dinosaur era” (according to the evolutionary timeline) creatures now well over 100 times. These have been found in many different types of organisms ranging from dinosaurs to mammals, birds, plants, reptiles, amphibians, clams, insects and other arthropods, sponges, and worm fossils.
Not only that, but they have also been found all over the world—from China to Mongolia to Russia, Madagascar, Europe, the UK, and all over North and South America. Which means they have been exposed to a wide variety of environmental conditions—cold, hot, wet, and dry.
And even further, they have been found throughout the fossil record, from the Cambrian to the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. And they’ve been found at all different levels—the oldest being a marine worm claimed to be 551 million years old!
All over the world, soft tissues are being found in dinosaur fossils.
If those fossils are thousands of years old, that would be possible, but it should not be possible if they are millions of years old.
And when we carbon date dinosaur bones, those bones tell us the exact same thing.
There should be absolutely no measurable radioactive carbon remaining in anything that has been dead for more than 100,000 years.
So in theory it should be absolutely impossible for us to find measurable radioactive carbon in dinosaur bones. But that is precisely what we find. Here is one prominent example…
“In June of 1990, Hugh Miller submitted two dinosaur bone fragments to the Department of Geosciences at the University in Tucson, Arizona for carbon-14 analysis. One fragment was from an unidentified dinosaur. The other was from an Allosaurus excavated by James Hall near Grand Junction, Colorado in 1989. Miller submitted the samples without disclosing the identity of the bones. (Had the scientists known the samples actually were from dinosaurs, they would not have bothered dating them, since it is assumed dinosaurs lived millions of years ago—outside the limits of radiocarbon dating.) Interestingly, the C-14 analysis indicated that the bones were from 10,000-16,000 years old—a far cry from their alleged 60-million-year-old age.”
Others have conducted similar tests, and those tests have produced similar results…
Real Science Radio interviewed a scientist returning from the American Geophysical Union’s conference in Singapore where his international team presented results from five respected laboratories documenting significant quantities of Carbon 14 in bones from ten dinosaurs excavated from Alaska, Europe, Texas, Montana, and China’s Gobi Desert.
So much of what we have been taught about the ancient history of our planet has been proven to be rubbish by new evidence that has emerged. But in schools all over the globe, our young people continue to be indoctrinated with the old theories.
It is absolutely infuriating. If you do not understand the past, you are not going to understand what is coming in the future. The history of our planet does not stretch back for millions upon millions of years.
In reality, our history is far shorter and far stranger than most of us ever imagined, but most people will never know the truth because it is being purposely hidden from them.
Michael’s new book entitled “Chaos” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on, and you can check out his new Substack newsletter right here.
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