[Podcast] (32 Minutes) – Can Revelation be interpreted? A Friend of Medjugorje shares the clashing of light and dark happening now, and how it reveals Revelations to us and prophecies
[Podcast] (45 Minutes) – In this special broadcast, a Friend of Medjugorje takes us back in time, to tell us about the world falling apart. How soon can it happen
A newly rereleased audio that is discussing this topic, has lead me to release this audio and video today.
I experimented years ago to transform the audio to a video slide
BY MICHAEL SNYDER January 8, 2024 in Cross-Posted, Opinions
Back in 2018 Friend of Medjugorje released a Special World Report (link below) that blew me away and changed the direction of my life. In
I knew Hollywood was in trouble when a movie called "The Greatest Showman" with Hugh Jackman didn't win any Oscars, and some other movie I'd never heard of did, plus
Why is this story on this website? Because it was mentioned in todays Mejanomics. Click here to listen to it.
David Ashton
Discernment, what it looks like we catholics will have to do in the near future and so much more is unpacked on this page.
In one of the most powerful episodes
A Friend of Medjugorje talks about a big topic: discernment. How do you discern? He shares some very specific issues confronting us today.
The transcript of the audio is below:
Extract: The Poem of the Man God - The Gospel as Revealed to me by Maria Valtorta.Pages 183 - 187
As a student in understanding self, and therefore others at the
-Our Lady of Medjugorje, 1982-1983
Words From Heaven
Over the years, Our Lady has asked us to do many things and guided us step by step in our walk
Streamed live on Feb 11, 2023
40,275 views • Streamed live on Feb 11, 2023
Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin revealed that the FBI had an Anti-Catholic document targeting radical traditional Catholics as hate
I didn't realise that man, myself included, had lost this power.
No longer are we able to tell if someone was lying to us, as a result we get conned in