Episode transcript
This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje
[Friend of Medjugorje]
Tonight is a broadcast that I did on August 2, 2008, 16 years ago. The title, “The Coming End of the Age.” That is about everything falling apart. Our Lady didn’t say that until 2011. This broadcast was three years before She gave that message. I couldn’t say that without being inspired. And then She says that in 2011, “Everything is falling apart, only the Glory of God will remain.” In 9/11, when the Towers fell down, those who were close to the ground were spared. The higher from the ground, they had a harder time to the ground, and even died. Everything Our Lady is talking about is based in agrarian, the ground, the spring, the wheat, what God gives us. We are so far away from the ground, you will not be able to do what you can do now, when everything falls apart. You are going to be striking yourself. You will do what Our Lady says, “you will lament for my messages.” Our Lady is telling you what to do. The messages speak one day, something for you, and the next day something else. So, this broadcast you are about to hear is going to feed. It feeds me when I hear it. Because the messages and what I quote, I have another take on it. Especially now what is happening in the world compared to 2008. And 2008, we could see things were going to fall apart. I didn’t know when, but when it is going to happen, it is going to be fast and we are there. So, open your heart, listen to every word, every message, to motivate you to change the way you live, Now, as quick as possible.
[Begin 2008 Broadcast]
We have this system that we have put all our faith into and Our Lady has actually told us to reflect on your future. She is trying to get us to stop a little bit to see where we are going with this thing. And there is no way for Her to become these 27 years without showing us to prepare for something. And we can’t be living one way, totally depend on that way and instantly that changes in another direction. The whole concept of economics that we know it as we do it today, has only been around about 500 years. And as far as some kind of scientific discipline. Classical economics is just 200 years old. This is new. We know the antichrist is going to come and he’s going to rule through this system. So, there is no question this system being built is an antichrist system. It is not debatable. People might not think of it that way, they think, okay this is just part of progress and we just accept that. But the economic system, as it is, is part of the fallenness that is going to come to us. We are getting more integrated between every nation now in such a way that we are going to see radical things. Dr. Swenson says we must prepare ourselves for the possible consequences of an increasing dramatic future disruption. The more we pray, the more you read about Our Lady ‘s messages, you may be feeling these things. He is giving hard evidence that is fascinating. I was fascinating reading this. He is just saying, we don’t have the wisdom to deal with the growth of what we are doing now.
I remember, reading years ago, that in Colorado, they had these big frozen tanks they were going all through Latin America and across the world, finding original seeds. In other words, they said that the seed of the tomato and the original tomato doesn’t even look like anything we have now. But because we have advanced so much in genetically altering and how we are changing seeds, that as man alters these things, he has no way to calculate how many things he is leaving out. The zillions of variations, well, we are going to alter this. What happens as a consequence in following this, to something down the road or the third time this corn is produced. We don’t know those variables. We can’t know it. It is impossible for us, but our arrogance, thinking, okay we have this and this is good, must be good – they are not factoring in fallenness. So, this thing in Colorado, and this is ten years ago that I read it. I said 5, but I think it 10 years ago. They were going and collecting seeds and putting them into these huge nitrogen tanks because they feel, these scientists, that one disease can wipe out all the corn crops, all of the rice crops, all of the tomato crops. And so, because that might backfire down into the original tomatoes, they want to have original tomato seeds left so they can go back. So, there is thoughtful scientists out there, starting to realize, hey, we are doing things we don’t know what we are doing. Swenson wrote his book, he says, “We don’t give a five-year-old real guns to play with. They are not wise and someone may get hurt. Yet, progress has put weapons in the hands of our fallenness, giving us an incredible power, without regard to wisdom.” In other words, we don’t know what we are doing right now and where it is going to lead to. Now if you are thoughtful, if you are following Our Lady’s messages, you are feeling it, you are sensing it. Something is up and that is his conclusion at the end of the book. God is up to something right now. Well, we have Our Lady coming every day, and what is She coming for? Because God is up to something, which means there is something wrong with the world and something is going to happen.
Our Lady said, January 25, 1997:
“…I invite you to reflect about your future…”
Really get into that sentence.
“…I invite you to reflect about your future…’
You sitting out there tonight, you who listen to this later, streaming, on CD later, think about your future. Most people are just letting what comes along dictate their day, what the soccer coach is going to say, when to be there, the boss do this. Nobody is saying, “No, I’m going to take the reins of control into my life and change according to the messages.” That is what we did. Now we are not perfect in this and, you know, we have this system, we have to operate with the mission. But in our personal homes, we don’t have computers. We don’t have television. We are T.V. free. We don’t have the newspapers coming there. We have gotten rid of all this. We don’t do league sports. We dramatically alter our lives because we began to reflect on our future. And the way that Our Lady spoke about today to Mirjana, we started incorporating the way into our lives. There is no room for the television in our house when we have laughter and talking and dinners together. Where is the T.V. going to fit in? Our house, I was laying in the bedroom of course, where Our Lady appeared, I was laying in bed the other night reflecting on this. That our house has been TV free for probably 15, I think 16 years, I counted. Sixteen years of none of that noise and that garbage in my home. And the walls speak of peace. People writing letters to us, that they went into the Bedroom, this house has that in there. We want the voice of Our Lady in that home. And so, Our Lady says:
“…I invite you reflect about your future…”
If you did, you would start thinking about these things. You have got to start now and rearranging your life. Because exponentially, things are racing out of control. We do not have the wisdom, no more than a five-year-old, playing with a gun, of where this thing is going with. With also the paralleling, on a much slower chart, but exponentially great numbers, with the profusion, the fallenness numbers. Fallenness is accumulating. And the thing is, in a car motor has got 1000 parts to operate that, only one of them can bring it down and sit you on the side of the road – one part. And so, with 1000 things with exponentially in our progress, only one thing brings it down. We know some of our computers here may have a million things they can do, but one thing stops it. And sometimes it is very difficult to even find that one thing. And so, his point is in the future we have got so much of this happening, that as the fallenness increases, soon or later, mathematically, that is going to disintegrate the system, and we are going to end this age. I mean, he out right says this. This age is end. He can’t say when. He can’t say how. But the accumulation of fallenness will bring it down. I believe that. I believed that before I read the book. I knew that. Now Our Lady says on the same message, the 25th of January, 1997:
“…I invite you to reflect about your future…”
And then She says reflect, this is Her comment afterwards. This follows immediately the words:
“…You are creating a new world without God, only with your own strength…”
What do we know next to God? And if it’s only us doing it without God, where is it going to lead us to? Exponentially this grown of profusion, with the accumulation also on lesser numbers, but still exponentially making this speak, because for every single new product, thing, thought, technology, what it might be that is added to profusion, each one of those numbers have a smaller liability of fallenness. So, the numbers are equal with profusion, it is just a smaller racial that might do it, but when they add up to everything, we can’t see that. We don’t have the wisdom to know when they come together, what is going to happen. Now, if you were what they did when TV first came, it says thoughtful men were scared of the TV. They were scared of it. In other words, a thoughtful man is a praying man, a man that is praying has wisdom. And he didn’t like it. He knew there was something about this, he didn’t know it, he didn’t have the wisdom to know, but he knew that something, the darkness might be able to use this in some way. And so, with our progress, with our technology, and all the great advances we are making, everything we want, where is it going to lead us to? Now, I was explaining to someone in the community the other day about some of this, because it just literally fascinating when you get into it. What about, what do you do? The people who were in the World Trade Center, who got out, who were they? Who were they?
The ones who were closest to the ground.
[Friend of Medjugorje]
Exactly! Exactly! The ones who were closest to the ground. And there were some, we heard some wild stories, that came from 90 floors down, running. But the ones who were close to the ground made it and were the safest. If you see something, the future is coming down, where do you want to be? Next to the ground. You don’t want to be depend on a system that is growing so profusely, exponentially, that you are hooked into this, that it is going to bring you down with it. If a building is falling, what do you do? What do they do in the World Trades Center? What are the pictures you remember? People running. They wanted to get away from that. Who wants to be near a falling building? Who wants to be around a falling thing that is full of fallenness that is going to fall? This is not about doomsday and this is about be ready. This is about changing your life. This is about seeing what Our Lady says in the time of grace. Use this time of grace well. And if you are going to be safe, if we are going be Scripturally minded, what will we do? We would go to the Scriptures and see, what is safe ground. The only occupation ordained by God, your subsistence should come from the ground. So, if you are going to be close to the ground, literally, and you have your garden, you have your little subsistence farming operation. You got your ability to feed yourself. You got everything. We have got to realize that when something happens, are you going to be ready? If the whole system comes down, and our economic system is to me something that Our Lady is pointing to, because She says, consumerism is an evil spirit. She didn’t say it literally like that, She said it that due to the spirit of consumerism, people no longer cherish anything. And then She says about materialism being evil. So, it talks about that.
June 25, 1989
“Pray because you are in great temptation and danger because the world and material goods lead you into slavery. satan is active in this plan…”
Okay, this is Ivanka’s. But the other messages, I was speaking of, Is this consumerism message, She definitely shows us through the text of that whole message, that consumerism is an evil spirit. And so satan’s antichrist will deal through this way. And so, is this an antichrist talk, no, but we got antichrist way of life. We have to be realistic about it. It exists. I believe God is going to interrupt it, because we are not ready for it. I can’t, I would never live underneath it, I can make it. And nobody else could either. So, these messages are for the future, for when they do have to live underneath this, and we are presently underneath that kind of system. But I believe God is going to bring it down. I believe that is what Our Lady is preparing us for. When that is brought down, how are we going to be? Are you going to be ready? There is a concept of rapture that people have, that I don’t believe you’re going to just escape this. You also have the Scripture where two men are walking and suddenly one’s gone and so a lot of people get this rapture concept that they are going to escape tribulation. You are not going to escape tribulation. What I am saying is, to give the proper slant on things, that we need to be ready because there is not enough time to change minds. Our Lady says use this time well. And if the system as we know it collapses, on a scientific level, Swenson’s data shows this. He shows it from a mathematical standpoint. He proves what we understand. Then even will a bag of gold buy a piece of bread? If you are on a 9/11 flight, headed to the building, two of them has already crashed, you know it is going to crash. And one guy is on the cell phone, talking to his wife, and you have a million dollars in your briefcase and you are going to say, “Can I use that cell phone, I want to talk to my wife.” What is a million dollars’ worth? The value of him talking to his wife, the guy with the cell phone, talking to her, is much more valuable at that moment than a million dollars because million dollars won’t get him anything. So, if everything does come down, food is important. The way you are living now is important. And so, we have got to realize are we going to be ready for this. It is not about waiting, and then I am going to change. You are not going to be able to do it at that time. It is just not going to be that way.
Life was filled with guns and war
And both of us got trampled on the floor
I wish we’d all been ready
Children died, the days grew cold
A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold
I wish we’d all been ready
There’s no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you’ve been left behind
A man and wife asleep in bed
She hears a noise and turns her head
He’s gone
I wish we’d all been ready
Two men walking up a hill
One disappears and one’s left standing still
I wish we’d all been ready
There’s no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you’ve been left behind
The Father spoke, the demons dined
How could you have been so blind
There’s no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you’ve been left behind
There’s no time to change your mind
The Son has come and you’ve been left behind
I’ll hope we’ll all be ready
You’ve been left behind
I’ll hope we’ll all be ready
You’ve been left behind
I’ll hope we’ll all be ready
You’ve been left behind
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[Friend of Medjugorje]
The grace of Our Lady, we have to realize to, that She has come to us, saying I am with you. She continues, “do not forget I am your mother and I love you.” She want us to know this. She wants us to know that She is with us on a daily basis. Today She said that. “Among you.” I come among you. And what does this mean? It means, I don’t want to leave you behind. I want you to use this time of grace. I want you to be with the messages. I want you follow because something is up. If someone is dealing with if there is a future can come to a conclusion of studying the mass of profusion and more, and deduce from that, that God is up to something, why would you want to be left behind. The whole purpose of the messages is to get us ready for that. Will it be a depopulation of the earth? Will it be billions of people leave the earth, through whatever event? Who knows what it will be, that is not so as important as that we live a simple life, we be out of the system, as we quit following it. And we realize that progress has tempted us to forget God. This is something really important to contemplate. Progress tempts us to forget God. Because the next disease, the next cure, we look to that. And we are tempted that even as Christians, we will pray too, but, you know, God is going to use the medicine. God, you are going to make the cure if you find the medicine. Be on that side of it, not on, let’s go look for the medicine, God help us. So, we are on the wrong side of the fence with the whole system. “You created a whole new world without God, only with your own strength.” And our strength, if it is measured on a graft of what God’s is and ours, there is no way for us to calculate all the variables of what we are doing technologically and how we are advancing with this progress and what we are doing with it. Because man is not going to go backwards. Once we have discovered something, we burnt the bridge backwards. It is not like something, where you keep us a certain situation. When people discovered knives, it was impossible to get them to fight with hands. They are not going to do that. Would you do that? No, they are not going to do that. We never did it in history, we didn’t do it. Once, people discovered gun powder, you know, you are not going to get them to just fight with knives. That is over. And so, now we discovered an atom and you think you are just going to sit there and fight with gunpowder? You know, man doesn’t go backwards, and he is not going to go backwards. And so, there are something in history where they said it was, the earth was filled back with wickedness within 80 to 90 years after Noah landed in the Ark. Because he had a memory of what happened before. Electricity is not going to go away. Even if some of us wish it would if we are Amish. It is not going to happen. It is here to stay, because we have done that. I as just reading about the Welsh, very strong evidence in Alabama that the Welsch came up Mobile Bay in 1170 AD, the Vikings and I have written about that in American History You Never Learned. This was 1300 that they found a stone, the Holy Mary, the Kingston Stone. It says Holy Mary, protect us or save us. Salve Regina save us. Or something like that. There is very strong evidence that here and the Indians, even in Alabama, some of them were Welsh. I was just reading something today about that. It is fascinating. And they found several caves that the Indians couldn’t have possibly make, and it was where some people could defend themselves – 20 men could defend themselves against 1000. On some sides of cliffs, actually where I was today. The way they fortified these things and made them, it was believed that the Welsh did that. There is very strong evidence. In 1793, someone in Alabama actually talked to some Indians that had had this in their traditions, that these people had been there, in the 1100 or so – sometimes centuries before. But I bring this point up only to say did they discover America? No, they didn’t discover America. Christopher Columbus discovered America. You can invent the light bulb all you want. In fact, the Egyptians invented the light bulb 3000 years ago. They made one. They found some earthen jars, with 2 strips of light, with a wire, a cooper piece, or something that would filament would light up. But all they are going to do is impress the Pharoah. You know, what is he going to do with. They had no concept to light up everything. It wasn’t ready to be discovered. And so, these things are there and these Welsh people were here, but Christopher Columbus, that had a need for the English and these other places, Spain, Italy and all these places were populated. So, you have to have a lot of things in civilization ready for that point and ready for that to happen. And so, we have a maturing on the earth right now of certain circumstances of this profusion and this exponentiality, the growth of it, that things are starting to show and see that we couldn’t see. In other words, you can’t foresee something that is unforeseen. If you could, a lot of people wouldn’t have wrecks on the interstate and get killed, when a tractor-trailer rig ran a red light. You can’t foresee that. And we have something headed in our future that is unforeseen. We don’t know what it is, but just like a black hole can’t be proven in space, because they see things drawn into it, they are assuming there is something eating that up. They have never seen a black hole. They can’t prove it. They don’t know, but they know something is eating stuff. So, they can deduce there is something there. And so, we have so much of this fallenness accumulating itself now, that we can realize that there is something that is going to accumulate to such a level that it becomes lethal, lethal for the way of life we have at this moment and a great alteration. Now, it may be one of the Secrets or something that alters the earth, something alters, that causes the system to come down, but what the fallenness of the system, it is just going to disintegrate. And so, we have this exponentiality which Dr. Swenson gives some other examples. He talks about folding a piece of paper. He says if you fold a piece of paper 40 times, how thick would it be? Every time the previous folds, that they were doubled, not doubled but they increase with thickness of the paper. He said it would be from here to the moon. He goes on and talks about it, illustrating this, saying if you double the piece of paper, another 40 times, how thick would it be. It would be across the Milky Way. It takes 100,000 light years to cross the Milky Way. That is just 40 times. He said if you just did another 20 times, how big would it be? He said it would go to the wall of the universe. I don’t know if you are familiar with that, but science believes that is where stars stop and there is actually a wall, we call it a wall, it is just empty space, but the wall of the universe. One hundred time, folding one sheet of paper, that is amazing because it only takes, he calculated it out, something like 5 seconds to told a piece of paper, or three seconds. He calculated it out, that basically you do all this folding a half sheet theoretically in 5 minutes you can do this and fold this sheet of paper and be the thickness that would reach out to the wall of the universe. So, what this proves is that there is a speed of exponentiality that starts increasing. You just start folding, you just fold the piece of paper, double, it is thin, but as it starts doubling, the same time it is doubling, the time in which it takes to do that, is actually the same time or less. So, you have a speed factor with this taking place. So, it starts racing completely out of control, where there is no way to control it. So, there is a speed factor in this, that theoretically in five minutes you can fold this paper at that speed that would reach to the wall of the universe. And that is where we are right now. We are moving along at a pace of growth of progress that as each singular thing happens, that has that calculation of fallenness with it, that can’t be reverse, it can’t be slowed down and it is going to accumulate to a point where then we can see where we are with this and which is unforeseen at this point, but we will see it.
The other point that I wanted to cover before the show ends tonight, was that, we were talking earlier about Our Lady’s grace, about is Our Lady with us, She is walking with us and this is a grace. And I am absolutely convinced that when I was speaking earlier about how do I (Our Lady) had not come, the world would have destroyed itself, that the system of exponentiality is so massive, so exponentially at such light speed, it can’t be calculated now, in time, other than like what we do in light years. They don’t even have a formula for that and Swenson talks about that. That it is moving at such a rate, that with that rate moving like that, to me it is impossible that the system is intact. It is totally impossible. Except, that God is holding it up. Now you say, is this a god that God accepts. No, we can’t think that God, either historically or even for spiritual reasons, that God is going to suspend the laws of fallenness for the sake of progress. Why would God do that? He is not going to do that. But man may think that, that all this is so great, God is not going to let something fall. And the only reason that God might honor progress is if it brought Him glory. That is what Our Lady was referring to. You know, you create a world without God as if you are your own creator. Had we done God and grew in the right way, God would honor our progress, but we have minused God out of the factor.
Now, I believe, personally, God is actually holding the system together right now. I think we are already unglued. And this parallels, saying if Our Lady hadn’t come, the world would have destroyed itself. I am deeply convicted in my heart, in the messages and through prayer and through years of being, doing what I’m doing, that the system is being held together, not because it is a virtuous system, actually it has got so much fallenness in it, that it is like a glass of water, pure water. A drop of arsenic poisons the whole bottle, the whole glass. We have that element with the good of the progress, we have so much fallenness in it, that there is no way God, I can see that God will grace it to hold it up, except out of mercy, for our own reasons and good, He is allowing that. Because no one would be left on earth if the system comes unglued. We are just too far from the soil. We are too far and too integrated in the way we live to be able to survive through it. So, it is God’s mercy that is holding the system, not because it has virtue in it, but because at His mercy, He is allowing us and allowing Our Lady at this time, to open up a new way, a new way to live amidst this technology of how to deal with this stuff and get out of the building and get on the ground. The further you are away from the technology or the advances of progress, not that you can’t use it, but the further you are away from being totally depend on it, if the system comes down, the safer you are in the way you live. I know Our Lady has led us to the way we live. And I know She wants to open that up for you. And so that is what She is trying to move you for. So, the only possible reason for God to honor progress, would be that if this honored Him. And nobody is going to be able to say that this system honors Him. When you have every day, millions, trillions of seconds being wasted on cell phones when nobody is talking to God. How much conversation could be going to God? And that is just one element of that. You have these elements of this that when you start looking at the whole overall picture, it is literally fascinating. I was amazed because I have been conditioned to believe and raised and my environment, like everybody else that if you wanted to live on the land, you had to have a hundred acres. And I was shocked to see that the people totally living on 2 acres of land. You know, we had been conditioned, if you live out West, you had to have 1 cow per 15 acres. And if you lived here in the South, we had to have, with our lushness and rain and the way things grow, you had to have 1 cow per acre. In Medjugorje, they didn’t have an acre for a cow. They just put a chain around its neck and found a patch of grass. Duh! We just, we are not even thinking. And actually, we have adopted that here, when our dairy cows need something, or our pasture runs low here, we just go on the side of the road and put them out there. Grass is free there, it is growing. What I am saying is I was shocked, I was literally shocked at how good people were eating and living by. In fact, I just had a conversation while Marija was here about this. I said, was there ever times that y’all had droughts and maybe we talked about this on the air a little bit. I said, Marija tell me some stories. What did y’all do if you didn’t get the proper rain in Medjugorje when you were a kid? What happened? Y’all were so isolated as a little village, so far remote, what did y’all do? Did y’all ever go hungry or drought because I am thinking like out West or even South, my grandad, how we were doing? You see, we were, in the 1900s, my grandad, we were in a progress system. So, there were real shortages and different things. In Medjugorje, she said, no, we never went hunger. I said, you are kidding. What about when it was dry. She said, well we had cisterns. In other words, they lived prepared. They lived ready. They knew there were things that happened. They knew that were hiccups in the system. So, they continued to eat because they lived that way. And knowing that there would be something that comes up, and they had the remedy in their little system. And I believe this very strongly, this is what God is calling us to do in the future. You know, people say, gosh, how do we get out of the rat race we are in and get into that. I did it. I had a company. I was going full blast, 26 employees. You know, you can do it. You just have to decide to do it. And that is what the problem is today. People are in fear. They are motivated by fear to do things and that is not what you are suppose to do. I didn’t make my moves because of fear. I just knew I wasn’t living right. I wanted to live a better way. We realized that the world is a defective place, if is a fallen place. You know, things go wrong. It happens all the time. You are going to wake up tomorrow and you are going to see things that, fallenness just shows up unexpectedly. You know, it makes a sudden appearance in whatever course of events you will be doing tomorrow, the next day and the next day. And so, we don’t factor these things in. We think progress, as we get progress, you know, the vaccines, penicillin, a lot of people died from penicillin. They have reactions to it. You know, there is fallenness in penicillin. Dr. Swenson was asked about innocent things. He wrote about a toothpick. He said, what about a toothpick? Well, he says a toothpick can cause bacteria, get it in your gum, go to your heart and you die from it. So, there is a fallenness in an innocent toothpick. Who would ever think about that? So, everything has its fallenness and it is unforeseen. You can’t know the result of acid rain or things that took place that we didn’t know genetically how we alter something. You just don’t know the variables. When you understand fallenness, then you realize we have something that we are in a difficulty as far as the future. The example I gave earlier, I found what exactly what I wrote about the Pacific Ocean, about exponentiality. The exponential change that is caused by this rapidity of how quickly things start happening toward the end. He said the Pacific Ocean spans 64,000,000 square miles, on an average is 14,000 feet deep. If all the continents of the world are placed inside of it, there would still be room for another Asia. So, he asked the question, assume the Pacific dried up and it was our job to fill it. If we began with a single drop of water and continued doubling the amount, how many doublings would it be necessary to refill the ocean? The answer is 80. He said, so the question is how full the ocean is at the 70th doubling. The answer is less than one-tenth of one percent. That is amazing. See you are going 70 times doubling and nothing, basically, has happened. He says the implications should be apparent. If the thesis outlined here is conceptionally correct, that collapse would happen in the last fraction of time. So, the age as we know it, we can see an explosion coming. Just something nuclear as far as, I don’t mean necessarily nuclear explosion, but I mean, catastrophic in the sense of life as we know it changing. And Our Lady wouldn’t be coming if there wasn’t something that was going to happen with life as we know it.
So, to kind of summarize as we end everything, the growth of profusion currently is increasing so dramatically, Swenson says, that there is no other measurable commodity in human experience that can accommodate such a growth rate. This leaves us with unprecedented phenomena, unlike any of the world’s systems have ever experienced before in history. So, he goes on to say that once a certain critical mass of negative has accumulated, we will reach the threshold of lethality. At this point, the entire system will be doomed, no matter how much positive has been compiled. It makes no difference if we have 10 units of good and 1000 units or a trillion units of good, lethality will still win. That same potential of lethality exists for the world’s system is undeniable. The only uncertainty comes with assessing how far into the future such a threshold lies. How long will it take us to get there and reach and what can be down to prevent it from colliding with it? But from a mathematical point of view, we are approaching it very rapidly and the speed is accelerating uncontrollably.
So, to summarize this, the world is always unavoidably, experiencing an increase profusion. The second thing is, with each new level of profusion, we have much new positive, but unavoidably a fallen world will also have a much more new negative. Again, another point is the growth of positive is rapidly and approximately exponentially growth, but the corresponding growth of negative is also abnormally rapid. The next point, once the quantum of this critical mass of negative reaches a certain threshold of lethality, it will prove fatal for the world’s system. No amount of positive can offset this negative and the impending lethality. We have no possible option to continue in this fatal direction because of our total dependence on progress. So, it is clear, the negative of the exponential growth can’t go on without the entire weight of the system collapsing in on itself. Forty years before Christ was born, a pagan prophesized Jesus’ coming. He talked about this new child would come. He would be the lamb. He would bring a new era to the world, but so, sometimes God reaches in the heart of pagans. But of course, this man’s a Christian. But he is using secular things to prove something that as followers of Our Lady and what She is leading us to, we see. So, I was fascinated because it is truth. I don’t have to be convinced of some theorist of something. I know this is happening. I know it is going to happen. And I know Our Lady said another message which I haven’t quoted, which says, “I will lead you into a new time, a time in which you will get to know God better.” When do you know God better? When it is very difficult. Who knows God the most? People who are close to the soil. Speaking all across France, the place that was the most Godly was Brittany. Brittany was the place. The whole place is farming region. They farm there and they depend on God, not the government, not everybody else. They are close to the soil. And so, there is a closeness to that, and there is something for you to have gardens, you get something, there is something actually mysteriously you feel when you work the soil. And that is a consolation, a peace that comes with that. It is hard. It can be difficult and I am not saying everybody has got to go back and do hoes. We can use technology when working the ground. But we shouldn’t be doing corporate farming. We shouldn’t’ be doing farming to make money. We should be doing farming, and I don’t want to say farming, I don’t want to call it farming. We are to work the soil, we are not just, we’re not farmers here. We are doing subsistence living. We live, our subsistence comes from the soil. We want to get more towards that because it is life. It is really good for our children. It is healthy. Their sports is out there, wrestling down a calf or at Rosary some calves got out the other day, think it was yesterday or the day before yesterday, and all the kids run over there and chase them back in. It is part of their life and it is a joy, a joy watching them as we prayed the Rosary, and do these things. There is a richness to it, because God ordained it. It is the only occupation ordained by God, the only. Jesus was given carpentry, but they still had their garden. Man is tied to that and the further you get away from it, the further you get away from God.
= [End of the 2008 Broadcast] =
You have heard enough to take steps immediately. I want to tell you something. The average cell phone monthly payment is $140 dollars. Millions and millions of people are paying $140 dollars every month. Others, $200 plus. The cheapest it can be is $50 dollars. You have heard me say when I was with Marija, September 25, 2023. She comes out of the apparition. She writes it down. She puts her hand on her head. I know you may have heard this again. She is putting her hand on her head and I never thought Our Lady would do this. That satan is stealing your thoughts. This is over 100% Our Lady is talking about cell phones. She even added in the beginning of my apparitions, the prayer was so strong, it was heard through Heaven. And then she related, now, from 1981 all those prayers going to Heaven and 2023 and Our Lady says, “Heaven is silent.” That is scary. You are talking constantly on your cell phones. It is a little god. It is fondled, it talks with you, it’s with you, it’s in the bed. It is the first thing you do in the morning. If you go to the bathroom, you are checking your phone. All this, we are struggling for the demand of the materials the people need to have for conversion. There is no operation in Medjugorje and the world, put them all together, there nothing close to what we are doing. We have pallets of books going out all the time, free. Just pay for the paper or just pay to mail it. And often, it is totally free, even the fact that we have no debt, because we don’t borrow money and everything is paid for, we still have maintenance to equipment, electricity, maintaining the whole operation. Our Lady couldn’t do what She is doing in Medjugorje. And She skipped over the ocean to come here to Alabama to have an outlet. The only place Our Lady, Queen of Peace, of all the places that She has appeared, with the visionaries, wherever they go, geographically, the site didn’t have anything from Our Lady. Our Lady was saying, go here, go to the tree, go to the bedroom, go over there, go to the Tabernacle. She had to have a place that the messages could be propagated. And our little Mission House in Medjugorje, gives and does more on the messages than the whole village of Medjugorje. We are the only place. We give ourselves for this. I want to challenge you to contemplate that if you are paying $50 dollars for your cell phones or $140 for your cell phone each month, we have to have more funding. We are in trouble. We are struggling. Our materials brings conversion. We get letters constantly, telling us that. I kept one little book someone left at a church. This machine here, that Our Lady came to a pasture here and just a bedroom, made a mega operation. You heard me say, just one machine, we can bind 50,000 books in a 10-hour shift. But what good is it, if we can’t buy the paper, maintenance the machines, the operations. We don’t pay interest. We need people, a lot of people to commit themselves to look at their cell phone. Can I give up a dinner somewhere, or going out and give Caritas and donate $50 and commit to every month. It can’t be one time. We need the funds coming in. People, I know things have gone up higher price, but there are many of you out there, it would be nothing for you. It is not going to hurt you, to give $50 dollars. If you can’t do that, do $40 dollars. If you can’t do that, do $30 dollars, $5 dollars. But we need at least, to keep going, over 1000 people to give $50 per month. Your money converts people to change their path to hell. How do we know? They write to us, we see it. People constantly say to us, writing to us, calling, “Without what you are doing and the community is doing, I know I would be in hell.” Look at this $50 commitment and stay every month. You are saving people going to hell. There is no other system out there that has the power to do that, because we propagated these messages and broke them down in the messages and showed you how to do it and we have every day, people saying, “I came to God, I came to Our Lady; I have changed my life.” I want to ask you, is it going to hurt you to give $50. I know there are thousands of you. It is a serious part right now. When you pick up your cell phone the next time, which is right now or the next two minutes, look at that thing. It is of the devil. More and more people are seeing that and you pay the devil for this thing. I know you can’t stop. You are trapped. You can’t get away from it. So, to make Our Lady happy, give something that will help people and make Our Lady happy. Contemplate this broadcast you just heard. I am talking to you, heart to heart.
We wish you Our Lady!
I love you!
The Community loves you!
Good Night and have these thoughts as you go to sleep and when you wake up, that you are going to do something for Our Lady.
Good Night!