Episode Transcript

This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Welcome to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje. We certainly live in very consequential times and at times complicated times.
And if you are not connected to the source of understanding how to read the signs of the times, there will be many things that will confuse you. That is the purpose of Mejanomics.
A Friend of Medjugorje has opened peoples’ eyes through these broadcasts all across the world, one hundred and ninety nations, people of every walk of life, to understand how to read the world.
Tonight, we are going to share with you something very special.
It was a Friend of Medjugorje was on the island of Patmos. This was in October of 2018. And it was right on the heels of the Bret Cavanagh hearing.
This was the firestorm that broke out when President Trump had nominated Bret Cavanaugh to the Supreme Court. There was this massive war that took place.
So, these words from a Friend of Medjugorje were spoken immediately after Bret Cavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court.
And what he says is amazing.
Number one, he will list the dominoes of these that we will expect to happen as a result of this.
Amazingly, every one of the things that a Friend of Medjugorje lists came true.
But secondly, it provides a a glimpse of what happened in the recent election.
What a Friend of Medjugorje speaks about tonight is how people’s eyes were opened because of what they saw, people who normally, maybe their eyes might not have been opened, they were opened because of the amount of evil that was seen.
And that what was seen in the most recent election. It’s yet another confirmation that Our Lady is leading these events and guiding these events and in the coming months and years, you will hear more and more people speaking about these things.
You will hear more people probably in the Medjugorje world begin to speak about these things and we want to make it very clear that whenever you start to hear those things happening and people speaking about those things, you heard them here first.
A Friend of Medjugorje says several things in the broadcast tonight where he goes out on a limb that people were not willing to go out onto.
The title of the original broadcast was, “The Signs of the Times of History Until Now.” Because of what a Friend of Medjugorje says tonight, tonight’s broadcast will be named, “The Time is At Hand.”
So, here is a Friend of Medjugorje, October the 12th, 2018.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
Is everything about Medjugorje a clash of light and darkness?
Now we understand when Our Lady was talking about when She said on January 25, 1993:
“…thus, only thus…”
You might say what does that mean?
That’s how Our Lady said it.
“…thus, only thus, shall you be able to discern the signs of this time…”
There is only one way She is saying to discern the signs of the time. So, what did Our Lady say before, “…thus, only thus…”?
The preceding sentence says:
“…may there only dwell love for God and for your neighbour. Thus, only thus, shall you be able to discern the signs of this time…”
That’s how you will understand it. You cannot, my friends, discern and see the signs if you don’t love. If you do not love your neighbour, if you don’t love God, you won’t know what is going on.
Our Lady made it clear to us. It is only those who embrace this principle of Our Lady saying to love your neighbour and then you will be able to completely see the signs of the times.
Our Lady continues:
“…I am with you and I guide you in a new time…”
New time meaning singular. Not new “times,” plural. Because if you say “times,” plural, you are talking about two thousand years of Christianity.
Go back to the beginning of Christianity to today.
How the Church operated. When it was persecuted. When it grew. When it didn’t grow.
When you look at different times in history, that is what you are doing. Signs of the times, that covers a broad spectrum of time of history that we’ve heard her say, look at the signs of the times. But She is saying now, of “this” time.
People, we have entered into August 2nd, 1981:
“A great struggle is about to unfold…”
That’s a new time…
“…about to unfold between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake…”
You just heard the clashing of a war in Washington. Because it wasn’t Kavanaugh. It wasn’t Trump. It wasn’t the Democrats. It is Light and dark. Why? Because what is at stake. Abortion. Marriage. School prayer. And many other things on this list. That Our Lady is here for the turning point. And She spoke about this and it’s happening.
And that is why this clash was such a war between Light and darkness, not Democrat vs. Republican. It’s hearts that were darkened.
If you followed the situation in Washington, this is a sign of the time that we’ve entered into the war.
Our Lady continues after She says:
“…I guide you into a new time…”
She is in Medjugorje doing that and now She says in this message, for a third time, the word “time” singularly.
“…a time that God gives you as a grace…”
This is a grace for what?
“…so that you may get to know Him more…”
This is dividing time. This is wrecking ball time. This is fighting time. Three times. We are to fight. That is the purpose of this clash so that you recognize what satan and darkness are doing. You are either going to go to the devil and the darkness, or you are going to go to the Light to Christ.
But see, this is pushing people spiritually to go one way or the other.
“…so may there only dwell love for God for your neighbor. Thus, only thus, shall you be able to discern the signs of this time. I am with you…”, Our Lady says, “…and I guide you in a new time, a time which God gives you as a grace so you may get to know Him more…”
People in Congress, people are watching are really thinking about, hey what is going on? God tell us, show us. I don’t like this. So, now you can see, this is part of the great struggle. Because you are going to have to go one way or the other.
You can no longer be on the fence, and this puts many people and woke up many people and opened their eyes to see where we are with this.
So, let’s go to our recent message, October 2nd, Our Lady just gave this. She says:
“…Be courageous. Do not grow weary…”
At the end of the message, She says,
“…Listen to me…”
She is the voice of this time. This new time. Our Lady said that very clearly.
Why? Because you, in this time, are going to be persecuted, assaulted, for the purpose to know God more. Quote, “…you may get to know Him more…”
This is what happens when you get persecuted. So that’s how She begins the October 2nd and ended it with the same words:
“…Listen to me, have courage, and do not grow weary…”
Through this whole charade, many people grew weary. People on our side of the Light was because of the outcome; the changes would be monumental.
The whole marriage situation, the abortion situation and many of things on this court is at a turning point.
So, where do we go from here? You have to travel across the centuries because Our Lady said to discern the signs of the times, plural, throughout history.
Let’s go to the beginning. Let’s go to John. Let’s go to Patmos. What happened in Patmos?
Everything about the future. We’ve been in the cave with twenty pilgrims who came out of a group of seventy out of Medjugorje and ended up here. And I would say I have been in the cave at least eight times. And some of us have been there several times.
We’ve been walking the streets of Patmos. Several people walked to the cave and back to the hotel. Just walking these streets, these hills, these mountains, you can see two-thousand years spanning of the signs of the times, throughout history, that we are privileged to be in the moment of what John saw and what was dictated to Prochorus in the Book of Revelation.
Prochorus, of course, was a deacon, and the apostle John, dictated it to him.
Our Lady told us, “…you be apostles of the Revelation…” She didn’t say it plural. She said of the Revelation. The Revelation of what?
We are understanding things we did not before. Just on this visit, my own eyes have been opened to many things.
In the footnote of the bible, they say this, and this is what is told in the seminaries, and this is why the Church is sick. It says, speaking about the Book of Revelation:
“We may look upon the opinion followed by the learned men.” And they quote several “greats.” And then they look at the Book of Revelation. They are studying it. And one quote says in the footnote, quote:
“In time, others think that St. John’s design was in a mystical way, by metaphors and allegories.”
So, you see what it says? This is what the priests say. I had a priest stand up in Medjugorje in June.
I was there talking about Revelation, because I’d been there in May at Patmos. And this priest said in front of everybody: “You can’t say that. This is only symbolic. It’s only metaphors and allegories. It was never meant to be understood or interpreted.”
This is garbage from what the seminaries are doing and have taught and told through intellectualism.
If it is metaphors and allegories, it contradicts John’s words himself, in chapter 22, verse 10, saying, “And he sayeth to me,” that being Jesus saying to John, “seal not the words of the prophecy of this book for the time is at hand.”
Revelation is going to be understood in the moments that it is given to be understood. Yes, it wasn’t understood a thousand years ago. But Our Lady is with us now and we are seeing the time is at hand.
Not the whole book, because it does span some time. In the first part of Revelation, it is talking about the seven churches in Asia Minor and giving a report card to them.
So that’s allegories? That’s metaphors. Those things existed and some were not doing good.
And so that was addressed. Throughout the ages, Revelation can be applied. So, at different times, Revelation is going to come into being. And that is what the whole thing was about. It was about the future.
And this priest told me its allegories? Let’s go deeper into this. Let’s go to verses 18 through 20 of chapter 22. This is where he is ending his writings, John, after this vision and what he spoke about. And this is important to understand the signs of the times throughout the history to now.
That the time we are entering into is a time of Revelation. This in incredible. It is exciting. And it is very powerful and very profound.
So, here is the verse, 18 says:
“For I testify,” John is saying this. “For I testify to everyone that hears this, that these words of the prophecy of this book, that if any man should add to these things, God shall add unto him the plague written in this book.”
Now, does that sound like John is talking about allegories, with a threat like that? Neither does that sound like a metaphor. He continues on verse 19, quote:
“And if any man should take away from the words of this book of prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life.”
That is pretty strict punishment for playing down the book of Revelation. That it is really meant to be very tangible to our life. Quote:
“…shall take away the words from the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life and out of the Holy City and from these things that are written in this book.”
So, you see John is being repetitious. He wants to make sure in the future, nobody is going to say these allegories or this is metaphors or its just fairy tales or its just symbolic. Which is what the priest told me in Medjugorje. It’s just symbolic. Oh, it is?
I wrote a whole thing about that. The Woman with 12 stars? The moon underneath Her feet crushing the serpent’s head? That’s just an allegory? That is what the visionaries see?
Revelation is coming to life to us. Now, Revelation does go to the end of the world. But we are at chapter 12. Verse 20, quote:
“He that gives this testimony of these signs says surely, I will come quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.”
So, why is John so serious about you can’t add or subtract? You are going to be punished if you don’t take this seriously?
January 25, 1993, Our Lady says,
“Today, I call you to accept and live my messages with seriousness…”
And we’re told, oh don’t be so serious. Don’t look too deep into Revelation. Why is it in the Bible? Why is it here for 1900 years?
Our Lady’s message goes on:
“…these days are the days when you need to decide for God, for peace and for the good. May every hatred and jealousy disappear from your life…”
Our Lady continues in the same message, further down, the only way to recognize the signs of the times and to discern it is if there is love for God and for your neighbours.
So many people are blind. So how does this work?
We just won a battle and yet we all saw it, we were up the creek. Everything was overwhelming. The power to crush good was enormous. But Our Lady spoke to us on October 2, 2018, how this works.
“…Be courageous and do not grow weary because even the smallest good, the smallest sign of love, conquers evil which is all the more visible…”
How does that work? Our Lady tells us further down the message, speaking about Jesus:
“…to come to know His love, to follow in His footsteps means to have a wealth of spirituality…”
What does that mean?
What is She saying wealth? What is She talking about? She continues:
“…This is the wealth which gives good feelings and sees love and goodness everywhere…”
That goes back to the January 25, 1993, message:
“…where there is love for God and for neighbour, then you can see and discern the signs of the times…”
Why is this important? Because we are up against a mighty battle that we just saw, we just experienced, that was unwinnable for what they were doing and the power that they have and yet, what did Our Lady say? Wealth.
What is wealth? What brings a good feeling? That we have now the ticket to kill abortion that killed babies. And many other things we are going to wash away. That is a good feeling. And it will spread love and goodness everywhere. Our Lady continues to say,
“…Apostles of my love, my children, be like the rays of the sun which with the warmth of my Son’s love warm everyone around them…”
And that is where we are headed. And She continues with that:
“…The world needs apostles of love. This is the battle…”
But the point I want to make to you is the wealth She is talking about is that the smallest good, the tiniest good, equated to just pennies, just a pence, of the smallest signs of love, She increases into wealth that comes when you give it to Our Lady because She can magnify that in front of God’s throne, worth millions of graces in comparison to the smallest good and the smallest sign of love.
That is economy of salvation that an investment is an amazing thing She said. And what does She say it does?
She says, “even the smallest good and the smallest sign of love conquers evil.”
We are up against something mighty these last two months and we are going into things in the future that are so big, so evil, so dominating over the world that we now are being released to confront this with the smallest good, the smallest amount of love and through the power it has to conquer.
You may do something that you may think has any impact. But you’ve got it now, through the Virgin Mary’s hands, when you pass it through Her, you’ve got atomic bombs conquering evil.
We are released. We’ve been given the green light. We need to go. We need to go to the bishops and say, “Let us spread Medjugorje in your diocese.” We can demand for a greenlight for Medjugorje. We need to demand it. It’s private revelation. Why are we being banned from diocese? We are not going to sit here anymore on this.
In fact, I’m thinking about starting a whole project called Green Light Medjugorje and we are going to demand from the bishops to put materials to speak about Medjugorje. You can’t stop us. The Church says private revelation can be given. And I’ve been thinking about this. It is time to confront, it is time to get active.
We have plans on the drawing board to expand our Extended Community and no work out there across the country and the world is to confront the bishops—“You are stopping something that is the answer and we are no longer going to sit at the red light.”
The red light sometimes changes, and you go across the intersection; we are there and we are going to demand it because it is our rights to evangelize and you are stopping us. No more of that. We are not sitting around anymore and at Patmos here, it is incredible what I have learned.
I am going to be writing about this. We don’t have time. We can’t go through everything. We are in a war. John was thrown on this island in exile.
It was a hundred percent pagan. And he changed it to a hundred percent Christian. Not 99.9 but 100 percent. And you come from all over the world to Medjugorje and you go back dispersed across the whole world.
Wherever you are, wherever you are listening to this, where you are in Africa or you are in Australia, you are in Manhattan at the top of a skyscraper.
We are in the position to love and the smallest good that will conquer evil. She is giving us everything monthly now, showing this, phasing into this way. These are the signs of this time like the history of the early Christians and what they did in their time.
But now, we are in a new time, as Our Lady says, which God gives to us as a grace so that we might get to know Him more.
And so, you have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje from the island of Patmos, amazing to hear a lot of the things that he spoke about.
One of the things that we mentioned in the beginning, that he went out on a limb. He was speaking about, very much about Medjugorje, not stopping the spreading of Medjugorje.
Now that the Church has said what it said, everybody is talking all about it now. But back in 2018 nobody was willing to go out on a limb and say those kinds of things and challenge the Church for what the people had the right to do.
But a Friend of Medjugorje has said many times, he is not an atheist when it comes to Medjugorje, he believes Our Lady, he believes Her words and that is what gives him the strength to say the things that he says and so we just want to say that it is important that we are grateful to him for keeping Medjugorje alive all of these years.
Medjugorje would have been dead if it had been left into the hands of people who were willing to lay down and die and let the Church run them over or left politics or something in the world, completely run them over and stop them from spreading the messages.
Thank God that a Friend of Medjugorje has been a lone voice in standing up and getting many of you to stand up to write to your priests, to talk to your bishop, to do the things that is necessary to keep the spirit of Medjugorje alive and make sure the plans of Our Lady move forward.
And so for that we are very grateful for his witness in doing this. And so, to include here again is a Friend of Medjugorje, once again lifting our minds and our hearts to a spiritual plain but to help us understand the world.
The thing that really hit me on this trip, that didn’t come to me in May, is that the connection between here and Medjugorje is very, very profound. Very big and very connected.
But nobody can see it because we didn’t have the ability of looking at Medjugorje through the eyes of Patmos, our Patmos through the eyes of Medjugorje.
If you look both ways, and go on both sides, you see this connection. And that is why Revelation says, “Seal not the words of prophecy of this book for the time is at hand.”
Do you think Our Lady is just dropping these messages about time and times, the signs of time, how to read them, you need to love God, you need to love your neighbour.
Revelation, somewhere, along history is going to come to life and it is in life, in this present moment.
If not now, when? I wrote about that. Now we can say 2,000 years ago we couldn’t know what it meant, and we didn’t, except for the seven churches and some things, but the rest of it was not able to be understood.
But we are living in a moment for what John said, for the time is at hand. By external signs that show us. Discern the signs of the times all through the ages. Now you entered into this time, and it is not plural, it is singular in Revelation. For the time is at hand. January 25, 1993, again:
“I am with you, and I guide you into a new time…”
We are in that time. It is at hand.
“…A time in which God gives you as grace…”
We are in a wondrous moment and no one, no theologian, nobody in the past has a view to Medjugorje to see what She, Our Lady, is here for and that is for Revelation.
So, it is very exciting to see these things being revealed, right in front of our eyes, through the messages of Our Lady.
It is so very tangible to what happened 1900 years ago in the cave with John who was also at the foot of the Cross with the Virgin Mary who was given Her as an inheritance. And on behalf of all of man, whose Mother She became.
And one of John’s favorite sayings was “little children.” Where did he get that from? Except Our Lady.
There are so many signs tying this together. We saw today a painting. Who painted it? Where did it come from? What is the Book of Luke about? Who wrote it? A doctor and an artist and there is a known painting that he painted that is on Patmos.
So, we were taking to a point on Patmos where we could look out over the Aegean Sea and there is a big rock out there with two caves in it.
The one to the right, a painting was found of the Virgin Mary. Evidently it was placed there to preserve it. I had no idea it was here on this island.
I read about this decades ago. That there existed a painting that Luke had painted of the Virgin Mary. We went to where the painting was. We prayed in front of it.
This was very profound, very powerful. This goes right to the days of the apostles.
There are so many things tied to Our Lady here that She is the center. Where is Her place in Revelation? It goes from the seven churches to the end of time when Jesus comes back.
There are twenty-two chapters plus the epilogue. Our Lady is right there at chapter 12, right in the middle, as the Woman of Revelation, chapter 12, with twelve stars about her head.
That is a coincidence? She has twelve stars, and she is in chapter 12? You know it is not coincidence.
So, she lands in the middle of Revelation, by God’s design, and then you’ve got the rest of the book.
So much is there. So much is uncovered through the messages. We are only giving you a little tidbit that we can say in this broadcast.
I started being drawn to Patmos. I wrote about Ivan, about what he writes and then out of the cave in Revelation, I was drawn there. It is part of Our Lady’s walk.
It is part of sending Her apostles to discover the real true reason for Her coming. So, sitting here, looking at this cave, we want you to know that we are praying for everybody who will be listening to this.
All those who help this mission, we need your help to expand it. We are in a time; we have to be ready for everything because it is unfolding faster than what we ever expected to be.
We are refrained from doing things and taking actions that we can do simply because we don’t have the financial ability to do it at the moment. And there is so much that can be done but we need the wealth of your prayers to make that work.
And we need your support. And so it is, we find ourselves at the Aegean Sea, an ocean, with an isolated island of Patmos, the place John was exiled to, where finding revelations that are being discovered now of what he was given 1900 years ago.
I am sitting here on this broadcast staring at the spot of the cave where the book of Revelation was written for our time. Not for metaphors or allegories but for those who in that time would be able to see and understand what has never been understood before because the Woman of Revelation is now telling us.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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