God has a plan. It is my job to keep everyone calm, and guide them to Our Lady, who is part of that plan. It is a BIG one. Now more than ever do I need to speak up because it is clear that everyone awake is worried about these Tyrants at the WEF in Davos. How far they will go, how much more pain they will cause to the world is going to depend on when God decides to Act. Click here to find out more about God’s plan.
David Ashton
In the above audio created only a few days ago on 12 January 2023, A Friend of Medjugorje tells of what happened 10 years ago, behind the scenes from the Church against him and it helps to understand more of what Our Lady said during that time. Even Glenn Beck is recognising what is going on and gives a viewpoint what he witnessed in 2011.
Article commences from here:
This list is not exhaustive and many more countries are represented but not shown here due to space.
Mathias Cormann Secretary-General, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO),
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Ecquador, Egypt, EU, Finland, France, large contingency Germany

Damien O’Connor Minister of Trade and Export Growth of New Zealand
Mark Rutte Prime Minister of the Netherlands
Yi Gang Governor of the People’s Bank of China
Albert Rösti Federal Councillor for the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications of Switzerland
José Manuel Ramos
Horta President of Timor-Leste Timor-Leste
Vitaliy Klitschko Mayor of Kyiv, Ukraine
Keir Starmer Leader of the Opposition of the United Kingdom
Grant Shapps Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy of the United Kingdom
UK, huge contingency
Zac Goldsmith
Minister of State for the Commonwealth, Overseas
Territories, Energy, Climate and the Environment of the
United Kingdom
Nicholas Lyons Lord Mayor of the City of London,
Rachel Reeves Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, United Kingdom
Richard Moore Chief, Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), United Kingdom
Tony Blair
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1997-2007);
Founder, Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
Katherine Tai United States Trade Representative USA
Martin J. Walsh Secretary of Labor of the United States USA
Samantha Power Administrator, US Agency for International Development USA
Avril Haines US Director of National Intelligence USA
Christopher Wray Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, USA
Brian Kemp Governor of the State of Georgia, USA
Christopher A. Coons Senator from Delaware (D), USA
Darrell Issa Congressman from California (R), 48th District, USA
Gregory W. Meeks Congressman from New York (D), 5th District, USA
Gretchen Whitmer Governor of the State of Michigan, USA
J.B. Pritzker Governor of Illinois, USA
James Risch Senator from Idaho (R), USA
Joe Manchin Senator from West Virginia (D), USA
Kyrsten Sinema Senator from Arizona (I), USA
Maria Cantwell Senator from Washington (D), USA
Maria Elvira Salazar Congresswoman from Florida (R), U.S. House of Representatives
Mike Gallagher Congressman from Wisconsin (R), 8th district, United States House of Representatives
Mikie Sherrill Congresswoman from New Jersey (D), USA
Seth Moulton Congressman from Massachusetts (D), 6th District, USA
USA, approximately 200 from all industries and government
Le Minh Khai Deputy Prime Minister of Viet Nam
Brazil 32 delegates
Large numbers from Canada, France and Germany
Hong Kong, India, Indonesia
Red Cross,
Ireland, Israel, Italy,
Large group Japan,
Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Pakistan, China, Philipines, Portugal, Poland
Republic of Korea, large Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain,
Sweden, Swiss Parliament, all business in Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, UAE,
Australian delegates: https://cairnsnews.org/2023/01/15/australian-greenies-mining-companies-universities-and-big-business-to-attend-wef-conference-on-monday/
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