“When you see the Sign of the Son of Man, you will see the Son of Man coming in power and glory.” (Matthew 24). Right after this exact sign, detailed in Revelation 12, we saw posts that would rock the world and the world would never be the same again! This 1st phase of the 4-phase sign in the heavens, is the Birth of the Millennial Kingdom of Christ on Earth!
Statement at freedomforce.live website
The stars aligned on this day – the above image is by Melissa RedPill at freedomforce.live. She discusses this and more in the video below.
The above statement I have collected from the Freedomforce.live website (link below). Why? Melissa knows her stuff. I am catholic and I am aware that Our Pope Leo in 1894 (see image below) was informed in a conversation overheard after mass between Jesus and satan, that Jesus will allow satan 100 years of extra time in order to destroy the catholic church. That 100 years thing started in 1917 and ended in 2017. I doubt Melissa – a non catholic knows this (not many do). Melissa does not yet know this is Our Lady with the Twelve Stars.
David Ashton
The whole world will know when the Secrets start. God lets you know the signs of the times through many people and events on the earth. Melissa is one of those blessed with knowing something that appears hidden to those that say they are very wise. I know lots of men who are very informed in the catholic scriptures, yet they cannot see and believe that Our Lady is appearing here right now on the earth to save us. That is nuts!!
This is why I have detested anyone in the catholic church using big long words that you need a dictionary in front of you to understand what they are saying. Local synod officials for example, using words to confuse the youngsters and confuse those who haven’t got a dictionary in front of them. That doesn’t mean I am dumb – far from it actually.
I have been taught to write everything so a 7 year old can understand it. Simple words that someone doesn’t need a dictionary to “get it”. Our Lady’s “Words from Heaven” are just like that too.

2 replies to "This is the Sign of the Son of Man that our LORD Jesus told us to watch for."
[…] for Dr. Marshall but I hold in higher regard Br. Bugnolo. Healthy debate is good however my comment on this page about wise men not believing in the Virgin Mary at Medjugorje is directed at high ranking men such […]
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