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This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
A lot of people who have gone to Medjugorje have turned to thinkers, contemplation. What kind of world do we have now? What about the world we used to know? Its changed and its changed so rapidly, we can’t keep up with what’s happening. Before there was McDonald Hamburgers there was another chain. It was called “Burger in A Hurry.” And when we were teenagers, we would drive up and eat a hamburger in a parking lot. It was a good time, a beautiful time, a time of innocence. That’s gone away. The love that used to be there is becoming extinct. Those of you who lived that period of innocence, you can relate to this song coming up.
Burgers and fries and cherry pies
It was simple and good back then
Walking in the sand, hand in hand
Never thinking that it could end
And it was burgers and fries and cherry pies
In a world we used to know
Changes come and go, we’ve had our share I know
Now it seems we don’t have time for love anymore
All the things we used to say, little things we did each day
Oh, I long to do the things that we did before
When it was burgers and fries and cherry pies
It was simple and good back then
Walking in the sand, hand in hand
Never thinking that it could end
And it was burgers and fries and cherry pies
In a world we used to know
Well I’m still the same old me, that’s all I’ll ever be
I’d like to think that you’re the same old you
We lost something down the line that I wish we both could find
Lord, I’d like to do the things that we used to do
When it was burgers and fries and cherry pies
It was simple and good back then
Walking in the sand, hand in hand
Never thinking that it could end
It was burgers and fries and cherry pies
In a world we used to know
I was so simple back then
(Walking in the sand hand in hand)
Oh, I could say the same thing. Any many of you listening to this could say the same thing. Everything was so simple, so beautiful. Life was a joy. From that time, we could never recognize the world as it is today. But the Bible gives us signs, the signs of the times. I am 100% sure that we are in a Biblical moment.
A couple of days ago, we had a terrible earthquake. Thousands and thousands of people died, both in Syria and Turkey. The decline of morals in the world, it is at a level we haven’t seen before, not even in history. That’s not my opinion. We’ve heard recently, through Pope Benedict XVI, the abomination of desolation. Pope Benedict revealed this. And if that’s the case what about the rest of the whole world? In the Book of Matthew, Jesus says to His disciples, “Do you not see all these things?” Our Lady is saying that now. Look at the signs. The earthquakes, the wars and the rumors of war, hatred, lawlessness, the list goes on and on. So let’s just slice this little piece out of the Bible and you listen to it very carefully.
[Bible Passage: Matthew 24]
“Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came up to show Him the buildings of the temple.
“Do you not see all these things? Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”
Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”
“Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake. And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
“Therefore, when you see the ‘abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place” (whoever reads, let him understand), 16 “then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes. But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
You just heard the words out of the Bible. There will be great tribulation, such as has never been since the beginning of the world until this time. What’s happening right now hasn’t happened since the beginning of the world.
It’s incredible, Our Lady said, April 4, 1985, “…has never been in history since the beginning of the world.” That matches everything perfectly to the Scriptures. So, Our Lady said, “I wish to keep on giving you messages as it has never been in history from the beginning of the world.”
Our Lady said, December 31, 1981, talking about Her Son, “He saved the world.” And then She adds these words, “Every day, I pray to my Son to forgive the sins of the world.” He’s already saved the world.
Now, Our Lady has to come because of the age we are living in now. January 25, 1987, Our Lady said, “a great plan for the salvation of mankind.” Why would She say that? Why would She have a great plan for the world? Because you just heard it in the Scriptures.
May 2, 1982, She says, “I will not appear anymore on this earth.” Yes, you’ve heard these things many times, but in the context of what is happening, where the world is going, the Scriptures you’ve just heard and now we hear from Our Lady.
She says, June 25, 2022, “…division in strong and evil is at work in man as never before…” The Scripture says, “the great tribulation such as not been since the beginning of the world until this time,” that we’re in. I’m not saying the world’s going to end tomorrow, but we’re in a special time walking towards the end of the world.
But yet, Our Lady said, “a great plan for the salvation of mankind.” December 31, 1981, Our Lady said, in answering a question from Ivan. He said, to the Queen of Peace, how to help doubting priests to understand the apparitions.
Our Lady said, “It is necessary to tell them that from the very beginning,” that’s 1981, “from the very beginning, I have been conveying the messages of God to the world.” Not to a little country or little village, for the world. And She continues: “It is a great pity not to believe in it.”
For the life of me, I cannot understand, the bishops do not see we are in an antichrist moment. The great tribulations. Just a few decades back, it was “Burgers and Fries.” And now, the world we have—tribulations. They just had the Grammy’s the other night. I read a little clip about it. Madonna and another actor/singer, whoever he was, and they were attacking Christianity in a vile way.
The Scriptures you heard, quote, ”They will deliver you up to tribulations and kill you and you will be hated.” And that’s what they did Sunday night. The abomination has entered the Temple and our bishops are silent. They’ve got the messages of Our Lady at their hand if they wanted them, but they don’t pay no attention to them.
And yet Our Lady says, “I have been conveying the messages of God to the world.” They could be preaching that, adopting that. They could do what Our Lady did here in the Field. “Form and make prayer groups for the healing of this nation to grow closer to God and to me.”
Every bishop in the United States, should have throughout their whole dioceses, to have prayer groups in every church, many of them. And its ignored. Just like in Fatima, it was ignored. Man doesn’t quit sinning; a greater war will come. I am at a loss about the bishops. I do not understand it accept they are in darkness.
What Our Lady is doing, She has never done before, because the world has never been in a situation like we are right now. When Our Lady says the word, “never,” it’s not an exaggeration. She means it. So, we’re in a period, like never before. Jesus says in Scriptures, “I’m coming for division.” There’s going to be two groups: those who follow satan, those who follow God.
In the January 25, 1987, message I already talked about, Our Lady stated at the beginning of the message by saying, “Dear Children, behold…”. That means, “I’m about to say something big.” “…Behold, also today I want to call you to start living a new life as of today. Dear children, I want you to comprehend, and that God has chosen each one of you in order to use you in a great plan for the salvation of mankind.”
And then Our Lady tells us you can’t comprehend this. “You cannot comprehend how great your role is in God’s design.” Then She gives you instructions of what you have to do to comprehend it. “Therefore, dear children, pray so that in prayer you may be able to comprehend what God’s plan is in your regard.” Everybody’s got a part in the plan and we’re all going to unite on one side or the other side.
We know the Vatican is in Italy. In the shape of Italy is the boot. For 20-plus years, I always do a writing for the opening of the school for the theme. In 2017, because of Fatima’s 100th Anniversary, the theme for the school was martyrs and how Christians took over the world through the Roman Empire. And don’t think Our Lady’s not coming now to get Her way.
Hearing a Friend of Medjugorje speak tonight in the broadcast and the Bible passage which he shared with us about martyrdom has brought to mind, as a Friend of Medjugorje just mentioned about the school theme we did in 2017.
Last week, we shared with you one of his school writings, and these are things that are not really written for the public. They are written for us here. They are a prophetic word for us here, a teaching, something to guide our steps and our walk in following what Our Lady has shown him.
And so, when we share these writings with people, these are, again, things that are not really meant to be public, they’re really meant really for us. The school writing that a Friend of Medjugorje did in 2017 spoke to this theme of martyrdom, but it was connected to the first message Our Lady gave him through Marija on October 6, 1986, where She told him to give a witness by his life.
And Our Lady also said, that he would obtain what he desired. And for many years, we spoke a lot here in community about that October 6th message. That’s always been the very basic and foundational message that every person here has to live. And the word “witness,” means martyr and the walk that a Friend of Medjugorje has had all of these years, these roses with Our Lady, has literally been filled with thorns, every step of the way.
And so, we want to share with you the school writing from 2017. What a Friend of Medjugorje is sharing in this is from experience. We can understand and see as we look back today, that it was actually prophesy. And every person in the world at some point in time is going to live through what is shared in the writing you are about to hear. So this is a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing for our school from 2017 and he titled in “Separation is Good.”
Separation is Good
The first step seeds division
a breaking apart of many fractions and ways
farther and farther they grow from each other.
The great separation begins to build alliances with other fractions,
slowly the great separation begins to unite multiple groups
to out power other groups.
The group fractions unite under the principle they must gravitate toward,
Involuntarily, joining together, to become more powerful.
They become more ‘one’ in propagating what they represent.
From hundreds of different group fractions,
separation begins to diminish their numbers.
Unity of purpose begins to form these many bodies
into lesser and lesser group fractions.
The inescapable principle unwritten,
always active, moves everything towards a destination they know not;
yet they know and feel its time begins to arrive.
The moment comes out of hundreds
when the great division whittles down to only two groups,
two fractions of which the inescapable principle delivers them to.
Welcomed or Unwelcomed, it arrives.
The side of Light.
The side of darkness.
Love vs. hate.
This principle, throughout history, time and again,
goes around and comes around to divide and unite man.
Never in history are there so many numbers of people
who will be crushed, pushed, forced into two opposing groups.
A time of the witnessing of both groups whose stars will show
their Light or darkness to attract and complete the separation for unity.
One will lose.
One will prevail.
The one, who appears to be the weakest,
will grow to be the strongest and will win.
There will arise a new people, a new world, a new kingdom,
confounding all those in the dark
because darkness had the power to bring them before the assembly
and have them martyred, both in life and by death.
Yet they will grow into a kingdom
not out of armies and boundaries of land,
a passing into the courts of the kingdom of the earth, unencumbered,
Their belief will spread like air everywhere, unstoppable.
These people will be in every breath one takes
and consume the whole world.
Our Lady’s plans develop not by blueprints,
rather by boots on the ground.
Cognition of real-life experiences will bring about a time,
a time of Mary,
transitioning at this moment to a time of choice,
a time of election, a time of selection.
These three elements that bring about the unity, are brought down to two groups,
both sides knowing who will win this battle.
The nation of the Boot, who arose and was empowered,
Who was the greatest in the world,
fell not by the sword, but by the heart.
The seeds of division brought to Rome by only a few began the separation.
The Roman Empire, by the middle of the 1st century,
consisted of one thousand Christians.
The Roman Empire, around 100 AD,
Consisted of seven thousand, five hundred Christians.
By 300 AD, there were six million Christians.
By 350 AD, the Roman Empire of sixty million,
Consisted of thirty-three million Christians.
The blood of the people of the Cross,
of the Country of the Boot,
its Gentiles became,
with all its growing branches across the world, united to the vine,
gave life and dominated and conquered the Roman Empire.
Its tree produced a fruit of division that united the world before
and will now again in this time achieve the same.
What is martyrdom?
It is defined by witness,
answered by the call to separate for unity,
following the heritage of the Country of the Boot,
The people of the Boot,
asked into being by the Lady of this time.
You are chosen.
You are elected.
You are selected.
You are the Caritas Community,
Elected to change the whole world
By the call in that faithful month of October
Witness by your life.
A Friend of Medjugorje
September 28, 2017, AD
No, I can’t outrun these roots
Even if I wanted to
Cause they run to strong, run too deep
Cuttin’ right through the heart of me
No, it don’t matter where I plant these boots
I can’t outrun these roots
I can’t outrun these roots
This is the closing, the finality, the last stage She’ll be on in that amphitheater of spiritual history of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary. We’re on a stage of the great epic battle, the final battle of the Virgin Mary and the serpent in the crushing of his head, defined by August 2, 1981, that a great struggle is about to unfold between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake. And we’re at the pivotal point with the baton being passed of destinies from satan to the time of the century of the Virgin Mary.
No, I can’t outrun these roots
Even if I wanted to
Cause they run to strong, run too deep
Cuttin’ right through the heart of me
No, it don’t matter where I plant these boots
I can’t outrun these roots
Thank God I can’t
They’re tangled up in every part of who I am
Without ’em I know I don’t stand a chance
I can’t outrun these roots
Cause they run to strong, run too deep
Cuttin’ right through the heart of me
No, it don’t matter where I plant these boots
I can’t outrun these roots
I can’t outrun these roots
We’re in a time of the world different than in history from the beginning of the world and Our Lady is looking for witnesses and witness means, martyr, coupled with that, Our Lady says to us, “what is the greatest sacrifice? She says the greatest sacrifice is love. The Holy Martyrs were able to do it because they loved. While I wish that for you, for Our Lady, goodnight.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
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