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This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
On March 25, 1990, Our Lady said:
“God wants to save you and sends you messages through man, nature and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life…”
There is no interpretation. It is easy to understand what She is saying,
“…you must change the direction of your life…”
Ivanka, August 22, 2009 – Ivanka says that Our Lady said to her, “She told me the future of the Church in the world.” Maria Valtorta, an Italian mystic who repeatedly suffered the Passion was given the five volumes of The Poem of the Man-God. There was controversy about it, so Marija asked Our Lady could they read it because people said that it was on the Index, which means it was condemned by the Church. Our Lady clearly said that you could read the books. We, here at Caritas, have read them for years. There were other books, called Notebooks. They were titled 1943, 1944, 1945, 1950. And what these books are about is spiritual direction.
Ivanka talks about it, and why does she talk about it, and why did Our Lady say that She would tell Ivanka about the future of the Church in the world? And she has written that down and she has that already done. She said that she will release it when Our Lady will tell her to give the papers and who to give them to. We know in real time that these things happen. And from Maria Valtorta, we learn about many things, back from there, in the 40s, about the future which is now. In Notebooks 1943, Jesus tells Valtorta, on November 11, 1943, and it is a prophecy about the future Church and what you are about to hear. This dictation transcribed of the moment we are living now. So what you are going to be hearing is mystical, no longer a mystery, because we have Our Lady here with us. You are going to hear things that are linking to Medjugorje and to Our Lady, what is happening right now.
The following is an excerpt from Maria Valtorta’s writing in Notebooks. The following is a dictation from November 11, 1943:
Jesus says: “Let us together propel our gaze into the times which, like a placid dawn following a stormy night, will precede the Day of the Lord…
“I have already told you. My Church shall have her day of hosanna before the final passion. Then the eternal triumph shall come. The Catholics − and the whole world will then know the Roman Church, for the Gospel will resound from the poles to the equator, and from one side of the world to the other, like a band of love, the Word will go − the Catholics, having emerged from a very fierce struggle, to which this one is only the prelude (speaking of the Second World War), sick of killing each other and of following brutal masters, will turn from the insatiable thirst for killing and insuperable violence towards the triumphant Cross, rediscovered after their long blindness. Above the great din of massacres and abundant blood they will hear the loving and forgiving Voice and see the Light, whiter than a lily, descending from the Heavens to instruct them for the Heavens.
Like a march of millions and millions of tribes, men will go with their spirits towards Christ and place their trust in the only entity on Earth in which there is no thirst for overbearance or desire for revenge. It will be Rome that speaks. But not the more or less great, and enduringly great, Rome which they may obtain from the leaders of peoples. It will be the Rome of Christ. The one that overcame the Caesars; it overcame them without weapons or struggles, with a single force: love; with a single weapon: the Cross; with a single oratory: prayer (meaning the Rosary). It will be the Rome of the great Pontiffs which, in a world darkened by barbarian invasions and dazed by acts of destruction, was able to preserve civilization and expand it among the uncivilized. It will be the Rome that stood up to the arrogant and through the mouths of her holy Elders was able to side with the weak and set the sting of spiritual punishment even in those who were apparently stubborn to all remorse (meaning excommunication)…
There will come the day when, disillusioned with men, you will turn to Him who is already more spirit than man and conserves only that minimum of man’s nature needed to make you convinced of his presence. There will come from his mouth, which I inspire, the words similar to the ones I would say to you − I, the Prince of Peace. He will teach you the most precious pearl of mutual forgiveness and convince you that there is no weapon more beautiful than the plough share and the scythe which wounds the fields to make them fertile and cuts the grass to make them more lovely. He will teach you that the holiest labor is that which is performed to obtain bread, clothing, and a house for one’s brothers and that only by loving one another as brothers is there no longer knowledge of the poison of hatred and of the tortures of wars.
Children, begin the march towards the Light of the Lord. Do not go further, groping in the blind darkness. My beloved ones at the head, overcoming every man’s fear, for I am with you, O those dearest to my Heart, the others drawn along by the example of my saints − begin this new Exodus towards the new Earth, which I promise you and which will be your very same Earth, but changed by Christian love. Separate yourselves from those who are idolaters of satan, the world, and the flesh. Without disdain, separate yourselves from them. Disdain is of no benefit. It ruins without benefiting. But separate yourselves from them so as not to be infected by them. Love them with the love of redeemers, placing your faith in Christ as a bastion between them and yourselves. You are not strong enough to be able to live in their midst without danger. Too many centuries of increasingly marked spiritual decay have weakened you.
Imitate the early Christians. Be able to live in the world, but isolated from the world by virtue of your love for God.”
Jesus says, “My Church shall have Her day of hosanna before the final passion.” That is what we are being readied for right now. In what you just heard, the words “Above the great din of massacres and abundant blood you will hear the loving and forgiving Voice.” Who is that? What does Jesus talk about?
Then He says, “…forgiving Voice and see the Light, whiter than a lily.” Is that Our Lady? Are we interpreting this? You don’t have to interpret it because the next words, “the forgiving Voice and see the Light, whiter than a lily, descending from the Heavens to instruct them for the Heavens.”
That is Our Lady. She’s descended here. She is the lily. She’s the light. She is here, through Her messages, to instruct us. How many people have gone to Medjugorje? They estimate that it is 40 to 50 million. Maria Valtorta writes what Jesus says:
“Like a march of millions and millions of tribes, men will go with their spirits towards Christ and place their trust in the only entity on Earth in which there is no thirst for overbearance or desire for revenge.” That is the basis of Our Lady’s messages.
We are listening to something in the 1940s that was given from Jesus that we are experiencing at this moment. “The ones that overcomes the Caesars without weapons and struggles, but with a single force; Love; with a single weapon: the Cross.” And the words were added,” with a single prayer, which is the Rosary.” We know that the signs of the times, we are in darkened times.
Valtorta says, “was able to preserve civilization and expand it.” That is what Our Lady is doing in Medjugorje. That is what She is doing with the Rosary. “Was able to preserve civilization and expand it.” From the seeds of Medjugorje, expanded across the world. To whom? All of us who have gone there, who has been uncivilized. To the complete sentence, Jesus told Valtorta, “was able to preserve civilization and expand it among the uncivilized.” Many a beast, many of those who are unconverted, went to Medjugorje, converted. They were uncivilized. Our Lady gave a message June 2, 2019. She said something incredible. She said:
“…My children, forgiveness is the most exalted form of love…”
That is incredible. The highest love that you can have is forgiveness. And that is why we understand if you don’t forgive, it tells you what happened to you, how you will be judged is in the “Our Father.” Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others. You are giving your own judgement. So the writing in 1943, states something incredible that you heard but you may not have caught it. So I am going to repeat it.
“I would say to you − I, the Prince of Peace, will teach you the most precious pearl of mutual forgiveness and convince you that there is no weapon more beautiful than the plough share and the scythe which wounds the fields to make them fertile and cuts the grass to make them more lovely.”
That is an atomic bomb. Are you catching on yet? The pearl of forgiveness. So Jesus is talking about us being forgiveness. By divorcing us from the soil. And that is why He is saying there is no weapon more beautiful than a “plough share and the scythe which wounds,” meaning it is cutting hay, cutting the grass. And it continues, “the fields to make them fertile and cuts the grass to make them more lovely.” Jesus says, He will teach you at the holiest labor is that which is performed to obtain bread, clothing and a house for one’s brothers. What is Our Lady doing with us right now. Now, I go back March 25, 1990:
“…God wants to save you…”
Jesus was saying that in 1943.
“…and sends you messages through men, nature, and so many things which can only help you to understand that you must change the direction of your life…”
Amazing! And so what Jesus says and continues this prophecy from 1943:
“…begin this new Exodus towards the new Earth…”
That is what Our Lady says, change the direction of your life. Nature speaks to you. And after Jesus says the Exodus towards the new Earth, He says, “…which I promise you and which will be your very same Earth, but changed by Christian love…”
Is that not beautiful? Is that not profound? And just like Our Lady’s messages in Medjugorje, Jesus says in 1943: “Separate yourselves from those who are idolaters of satan, the world, and the flesh. Without disdain, separate yourselves from them. Disdain is of no benefit. It ruins without benefiting. But separate yourselves from them so as not to be infected by them.”
That is what is happening in society. We are letting people infect us and accept their ways, abominable ways. But Jesus says don’t disdain but separate from them. That is what Jesus said, “I come to divide.” And He says, “love them with the love of redeemers, placing your faith in Christ.” And then He says something, “as a bastion,” meaning a wall of protection, “placing your faith in Christ as a bastion between them and yourselves.”
We are not to go along with them. We are to separate, but not to disdain them. And He says why. “You are not strong enough to be able to live in their midst without danger.” The Church and us have amalgamated with evil, accepting it. And Jesus says in ending this, “Too many centuries of increasingly marked spiritual decay have weakened you.”
You understand this is where we are today. And the last words of Jesus, “We are to imitate the early Christians. Be able to live in the world, but isolated from the world by virtue of your love for God.”
This past Saturday, January 29th, the third biggest farm which raises 20 million chickens a year for eggs, burned down. Twenty-one fire trucks, eight hours to put it out. Do you think God is pleased with that? No, not the fire, that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about one place producing 20 million chickens a year. For what? Just for money. Do you think God is pleased with that?
Do you think in 2022, 95 mega-chicken operations have burned down or have killed all their chickens because of disease. Years before that, nothing has happened. Previous to 2021, we didn’t have that happening. In Exodus 12, from the Bible, it says:
“It is the Lord’s Passover for I will pass through the land of Egypt that night and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt both man and beast, and all the gods, I will execute judgement.”
We have operations, God-like, for the god of money and Our Lady is striking these things down. What do I mean by that? Our Lady told you in 2011 what is not going to glorify God is going to be struck. Everything is passing, everything is falling apart.
Many people said, oh the government is doing that, or people are burning these things down. Of course, they are. But God is letting that happen; He’s striking it because the system there is not glorifying God. So, what is happening? We have shortages of eggs. Are you getting what I’m saying now, what God is doing? Jesus said that to Maria Valtorta. “Begin this new Exodus towards the new Earth.”
When my kids were in like 3rd or 4th grade in Catholic school, I’d been working, I’d been busy all summer building a business and we couldn’t go anywhere, we worked many hours, so in the Fall I decided I was going to take them somewhere for vacation. And I went and told the principal my kids won’t be here for a week. And she says, “What are you going to do? I said I’m going on vacation.” She says, “You can’t do that.” I said, “What are you talking about?” “You can’t pull your kids out of school. I said, “They’re my kids. I’m going to do that.” She stood up, put her hands on the desk, “You’re not going to do that.” I said, “You can do what you want to. These are my kids, not your kids.”
See, I was radical back 35 years ago and I did it. I don’t care what they think. Tomorrow morning, you take your kids out of school and ya’ll got to Tractor Supply Company. It’s called TSC. There are two-thousand sixty-nine of these stores. They are in 49 States, and you go buy chickens. You can buy what is called “chicken tractor” that you can have them in a cage. Many subdivisions now are allowing chickens in their backyards. And if they don’t do it, start going to your council and get a law changed. But tomorrow, you don’t waste any time.
The Exodus of the system, going towards a new Earth, is in front of us and God is taking down this system, opening a door for us to be an agrarian people. “There is no weapon more beautiful than the plow share and the scythe. He, God, will teach you the holiest labor is which performed to obtain bread, clothing and a house.”
Are you getting the message [through] all these things that are happening? And they’re not joking around. Go tomorrow. Buy your chickens, they have chickens there. Because we’re broadcasting across the United States and other countries, don’t delay. Get your 10, 15, 20 chickens for meat and for eggs. And you can do that easily and it will be a joyful thing with your kids or your grandkids. I know many of you are from different countries looking at this. Canada has around 400 TSC’s—Tractor Supply Companies. It goes under the name PV so you can get you chickens also. And for you from other countries, do the same thing. Start right now what the call is from Our Lady.
This is very clear. Everything is going to deteriorate. There are going to be shortages just getting baby chicks.
“…nature and so many things which can only help you understand that you must change the direction of your life…”
Forget the school’s rules of what you can do or what you can’t do. You take charge of your family. If they give you problems, just tell them all your kids got chicken pox. Goodbye. And that’s what I told Alice, the principal. And the same message about the direction of your life, She says:
“…the greatest of the gifts which God is giving you through me so that I may protect you with my mantle and lead you to the joy of life…”
You get those baby chickens and watch how much joy you’ll have. Reread or download, The Corona Vision. It’s all about this. This is the future.
Also, when you go to TSC, ask for the manager, and tell him why you are there. That there was a broadcast about this because we want to work with them to work with you in what we’re propagating through the messages about the agrarian life. We’re going to approach them because they are everywhere, and we want the higher-ups to know that you’re there and that there was a run on chickens in the next couple of days that we can try to partner with them to expand to what Jesus said in Notebooks for the civilized to expand among the uncivilized.
When Noah stepped off that Ark, he had an Exodus towards a new Earth, devoid of sin, fresh, and that’s where we’re going, by your choice or by force. Don’t wait a day. I’m going to end with this, say a quick prayer, and let this go into your heart.
Mystical, Mystery, Mystic
By A Friend of Medjugorje
An ark is not measured, in importance, by its size. The contents within determine its importance. What is an ark? An ark can be different things. The Garden of Eden was the womb for the first birth of man. The Ark of Eden, with its umbilical cord, nurtured man’s needs. All arks have great importance. Arks are the outward sign of man’s need. An ark can be defined as “Life Giving.”
Before Creation, there was God. God was the first Ark. Where did the universe, with all its millions of galaxies, with billions of stars, come from? The great void was filled, out of the very Being of God. Within Him resides all things that is and will ever be. Therefore, everything is sacred and holy to glorify God. Man has taken from God what is holy and has transferred it for perverse use, degrading man, causing him to fall.
Biblical history tells man of his falls. Then it tells of his rise. It is a cycle that repeats itself throughout the Bible, from man’s beginning to this moment. On time’s scale, the weight of this moment has hit the bottom, with no possibility for any counterweight to raise the heavy weight off the bottom of the scale. Forty years ago, in 1981, Heaven foresaw that the scale would reach the bottom by 2021, a fall of wickedness exceeding Noah’s time by the weight of man’s sin, that God would have to begin a Divine intervention unlike any other time in history.
Four hundred years ago, man was at the peak of the beautiful European renaissance. He had risen to new heights and pride began to fill his heart. He began the fall over the next four centuries to this moment. Man had made great civilization progress, but without God. Man has wandered off to foreign gods and objects and many inventions, of which have enslaved him. Man has raised these things to the level of divinity. These gods have shackled him with so much weight, he’s no longer able to lift them off without Divine intervention.
The Israelites were enslaved, for 400 years, in much the same time as man today. The Israelites also wandered off to foreign gods. Moses was chosen, with miracles and signs, to lift the weight of slavery and bad mentalities from them so they could leave Egypt, return to God and be given a land that He had promised to them. God gave Moses the 10 Commandments and Moses gave the 10 Commandments to the Israelites. It would take great effort, to change the Israelites’ deformed mentalities, to be reformed, to lift them from their fall and to return them to God. It took 40 years to purify their mentalities. God, through Moses, fed them Manna from Heaven, to save them and to lift their hearts that they would become a people who would serve Him, and be deserving to enter the Promised Land.
In the summer of 1977, a drive through a valley that was so mystical, one could feel a mystery. Veterans from The War of 1812 were granted 40 acres each, in this valley and among these mountains. As they entered the valley traveling the Indian path, turned to the settler’s road, now turned to Highway 43. They felt the same mystic awe of entering a “Promised Land.” They named it “Paradise Valley,” a parallel of when the Israelites entered the Promised Land after having to fight for the land. Four years later, from that ordained drive down Highway 43, a 40-year “exodus,” in 1981, begins for the whole world; an entry into and then through a desert where the heavy weight of bad mentalities and ways could be lifted off the chosen ones, just as the Israelites experienced.
For the great plan for the salvation for the world, two geographic places on the face of the earth would be the Biblical Amphitheater for the great battle:
Medjugorje: The Desert. The Manna, Our Lady’s messages, to purify the way of man to return to God and be God’s people, ready to serve Him.
Caritas: The Promised Land. The propagation of the Manna for man, and for man to return to the land and be God’s children.
The Biblical cycle, changing from falling to rising, changing from bad to good, a deciding and returning to God.
When Moses died, God told His people, with Joshua, to go from the wilderness and cross the Jordan River to the land promised to Moses that He would give them. God separated the waters of the Jordan for them, just as He had with the Red Sea, so they could pass. God would fight their battles as long as they kept the Law of God.
Throughout Biblical history, there are few arks. The largest was Noah’s Ark. A “lifesaving” Ark that saved mankind and animal kind. Then there was the Ark of the Covenant, “life giving,” containing the 10 Commandment tablets, Aaron’s rod that had bloomed and a piece of manna, all of which represented the presence of God. The smallest and most sacred “life giving” Ark that Scripture relays to us, was the womb of a Woman, “the Ark of His covenant,” that was seen within His temple:
“Then God’s temple in Heaven was opened, and the Ark of his covenant was seen within his temple…A great sign appeared in Heaven, a Woman clothed with the sun with the moon under feet and on Her head a crown of twelve stars. She was with child.” Revelation 11:19; 12:1-2
Another “lifesaving” ark is given for the end times, to carry man through the greatest distress the world has ever seen. Within it is the sacred Manna to give lifesaving nourishment to man. Strangely, this ark is very similar in size to Noah’s Ark. Its ordained name defines the purpose of the ark: to preserve the Manna coming from Heaven. The Ark’s name…
An ark planted in the Promised Land that Our Lady said on June 25, 2021:
“…decide for God so that it may be good for you on the land which God gave you…”
A land that satan tried to take and God literally spoke, saying:
“Wait for the Lord and keep His ways. He will promote you to the ownership of the land.” Psalm 37:34
June 25, 2002
“… every word that I am giving you…comes from Heaven…”
“Words from Heaven”
The only place on earth
Anointed and designated, as the Ark, to pass to all future generations
The Manna
To the end of the world
Tread lightly, for you walk on Holy Ground.
A Friend of Medjugorje
October 2, 2021, A.D.
Spread these broadcasts. It brings people to conversion because it has Jesus in it in regards what Our Lady said in Her messages, “My Son is the light of common sense.” And by listening to this you can bring people to conversion. So spread this. Tell your families, your coworkers, your neighbors. Don’t worry about they won’t accept the Virgin Mary. They will when the secrets happen. We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Goodnight.
This ends the Mejanomics Broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information contact Caritas in U.S. 205-672-2000.
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