Episode Transcript
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.

This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
[Song: I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day]
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play
Wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on Earth, good will to men
Peace on Earth, good will to men
I thought how as the day had come
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along the unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good will to men
Peace on earth, good will to men
An in despair I bowed my head
There is no peace on earth, I said
For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men
Peace on earth, good will to men
Then pealed the bells, more loud and deep
God is not dead, nor doth he sleep,
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on earth, good will to men
Peace on earth, good will to men
I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play
Wild and sweet the words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men
Peace on earth, good will to men
Peace on earth, good will to men
[Friend of Medjugorje]
This song is prophetic by what Our Lady said just 50 days ago.
October 25, 2023
“Dear children, winds of evil, hatred, peacelessness are blowing through the whole earth to destroy lives…”
What kind of time are we in? When you read the newspapers with the news or whatever on TV, whatever it tells you what happened. Yesterday or today, whatever. Who are we that we live in a time Heaven is telling us exactly what is happening here. Winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness, blowing through the earth to destroy lives. There is hate out there. There is no peace. Hate is strong. But we know God is alive. But for many people, God is dead. Their hearts have no love in it. April 25, 1995, Our Lady said:
“…If you do not first love God, then you will neither be able to love neighbor nor the one you hate…”
You mean Our Lady says the one you hate you are supposed to love? How is it that a child was born and what surrounded him and followed him was hate and blood? They wanted to kill the baby. And the orders went out to kill all the babies in Bethlehem. That child that was born for peace, yet, he was surrounded with hatred. Even as he grew up and as he died. Christmas is a time of love, but hate always pursues where love it. And the world, according to Our Lady on October 25, winds of evil, hatred and peacelessness and blowing through the earth to destroy lives. And it is growing more and more. It is up to you, it is up to me, it is up to everybody to bring love, even to those who hate us. Our Lady calls you to love, even those who you hate. April 12, 1987, Our Lady said:
“If you love from the bottom of your heart, you receive a lot. If you hate, you lose a lot…”
This is infallible words. This is a truth. This is something you need to study and think about. If you have in your heart despising people, hate people, you lose. I have said it before, that when you don’t forgive somebody and you hate them, you are their prisoner. The only way to be released from that is to love. Our Lady, on the same message says:
“…Love makes great things. The more you have love inside of you, the more you can love people around you…”
You don’t like people around you; you don’t love, you lose. I love people. I can come up to somebody on the streets or whatever and start a conversation. It is easy if you did that, if you love. To be a follower of Our Lady, you have to love everybody, even if they hate you. When St Paul was going to be beheaded, one of the soldiers was taking him to be beheaded, Paul said a few words to him about Jesus Christ and tradition says the soldier was converted. And after they cut his head off, the soldier said, I accept this Jesus and his head was cut off. We are in a world today where love is conditional, not real, superficial. It is up to you today, for this Christmas Season to give love, to be love, to practice love because Christmas is about love.
[Song: Christmas is Love]
It’s that time of year when the whole world is heart to heart
You can feel love all around you, you can see it everywhere
Christmas is love, it’s in the songs we’re singing
Christmas is love, it’s families comin’ home
Christmas is love, it’s on the children’s faces
Christmas is love
Christmas is love, a warm and peaceful feeling
Christmas is love, hear the church bells ring
Christmas is love, it’s sharing in the giving
Christmas is love
We all gather ’round, watch the lights dancing on the tree
The spirit of the season, you feel it in the air
Christmas is love, it’s in the songs we’re singing
Christmas is love, it’s families comin’ home
Christmas is love, it’s on the children’s faces
Christmas is love
Christmas is love, a warm and peaceful feeling
Christmas is love, just hear the church bells ring
Christmas is love, it’s sharing in the giving
Christmas is love
Christmas is love
Christmas is love
It’s love
[Friend of Medjugorje]
Not maybe, if you love from the bottom of your heart, you receive a lot. If you hate, you lose a lot. Love makes great things. The more you love, the love you have love inside of you, the more you can love people around you. That is Words of Heaven. It is a fact. You don’t have to wonder of this thought. It is Our Lady’s words.
And now we have the winds of evil, hatred and peaceless and blowing through the earth to destroy lives. We hear it every day on the news, radios. We hear about it. It is a beautiful time and a stressful time to be living right now. November 25, 1991, Our Lady said She’s come here to help us to
“…comprehend what God desires to tell you through my presence and through the messages…”
And then She says, “I am giving you,” talking about the messages. It is interesting that God in the Bible says, “I am.” And it has always intrigued me when Our Lady says, “I am.” She is in God and God is in Her. So, when She says, I am giving you messages and many, many people don’t take the messages seriously. Not through Christendom, have we had something that parallels the Bible.
You could say, “Oh, it is heresy.” No, you do not understand the messages then. Because Our Lady says God conveys to me the messages to you. So, God is telling Her to go down there and give these words, through my presence and through the messages, God desires that. I have heard people, even priests says, “Well, let’s just wait. It has not been taken into people’s lives. Jesus was the word, Biblically now, about His life. Our Lady is doing something that God wants Her to do.
The level of understanding how big these messages are to Christendom has not been recognized. I am, She says. God says I am. The I am is telling Her to go down and teach. You don’t have any problems with the pastor – a Catholic, a Protestant, at the pulpit. There are two pulpits in the world today. It has not happened since the beginning of Christendom. When Jesus walked and Paul and Peter and what they did.
There are two pulpits in the world today. Medjugorje and right here at Caritas. There is no doubt in my mind that our mission here was opened up by Our Lady and grown by Our Lady to propagate, archive, not just across the world, but across the future, for the centuries that the world has. There is a radical way of life that we live today, is a million miles of what man did up to just 150 years ago. So there had to be something be given to us from the I am, I am giving you. I desire to draw you ever closer to Jesus. But I can’t love somebody who hates me. Jesus, He loved Judas, and you can’t and you despise people. You are in conflict with Our Lady. The same message, November 25, 1991, Our Lady says:
“Dear children, pray that from your heart will flow a fountain of love to every person, both to the one who hates you and to the one who despises you…”
And you know what happens if you do that, Our Lady says:
“…That way you will be able through Jesus’ love to overcome all the misery in this world of sorrows, which is without hope for those who do not know Jesus…”
We need to be praying really strong for this Christmas. In prayer, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, because we need that love of what happened right there in Bethlehem, was the coming of Peace and hated next to each other.
[SONG: O Come Emmanuel]
O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
O come, Thou day-spring, come and cheer
Our spirits by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clouds of night
And death’s dark shadows put to flight
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to Thee, O Israel
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to Thee, O Israel
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to Thee, O Israel
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel
Shall come to Thee, O Israel
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
Are you shopping? You’re traveling? Are you going to be decorating? Everybody’s so busy. But what are you giving Jesus? Yeah, you may say Rosaries here and there. About 10 years ago, I put together the Nine Days Before Christmas Novena. Do you want to have a more beautiful Christmas? Do this novena. It starts this Saturday, December 16th. And each night you do a Rosary, you do a meditation. It takes some time to do it. But Jesus deserves that. And your family deserves it. And if they don’t do it, you deserve it. And walks you through, every night, about different situations of where we are. And we’ll play out of the nine days, we’re going to play day six, to give you a sample. It’s very powerful and it is very pleasing to Our Lady and to Jesus Himself.
The Nine Days Before Christmas Day 6, December 21st. In a Hurry Going Nowhere
[Song: God Bless Us Everyone]
Oh and God bless us everyone
The good and the bad
The happy, the sad
Oh and God bless us everyone
Here’s to family and friends
It’s good to be here again
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
There are two kinds of people. Those people who are in a hurry going somewhere and those people who are in a hurry without going anywhere. Those people who know where they’re going have a purpose, they want to live because they wake-up and have a purpose for living.
Those people moving but going nowhere have no purpose. They get tired of living because they wake-up and while they may be in a hurry, they have no purpose for living. These people are often depressed. It is why it is said if you feel bad when you’re depressed, go out and do something for someone else. This is the medicine that gives purpose and cures the disease of no purpose in life, a ceaseless wandering. We have today many, many people during this season who are depressed.
When we constructed our home, we moved in and then built it. Construction is one thing, building is a whole ‘nother. You construct a house, you build a home. Many have never built their home. They never had that. We have a whole world that is broken because of that. We have the lack of family. We do not understand it anymore. We are lost. Our Lady told us:
November 25, 2014
“…Pray, little children, so that you may comprehend who you are and where you need to go…”
When you wake-up, do you know where you’re going or are you just in a hurry to get there and never arrive. Or are you one of those who wake-up and know where you’re going and feel good about your purpose. We’ve lost family. We’ve lost many things in our culture. In the Poem of the Man-God, Jesus says:
“A family is necessary. It exists and must exist. There is no theory or progress capable of destroying this truth without causing ruin. A shattered family can but yield men and women who in the future will be more perverted and will cause greater and greater ruin. And I tell you most solemnly, it would be better if there was no marriages and no more children on earth, rather than have families less united than a tribe of monkeys. Families which are not schools of virtue, of work, of love, of religion, but a babel of which everyone lives on its own like disengaged gears which ends up by breaking.”
Sounds like today’s family. They are self-absorbed in self-engagement. Electronics, their own little island, but not with each other. They live as family but are they family. What is your family? What is it like? What are you going to be like this Christmas? Can you go a whole week in preparation for Christmas without being engaged except with each other? We don’t have that. Modernism has stopped that. We’re deceived and we don’t even realize it. What is our Christ? It’s not the Christ. Jesus continues and He says:
“Broken families. You break up the most holy way of social living and you see and suffer the consequences. You may continue thus if you wish. But do not complain if this world is becoming a deeper and deeper hell, a dwelling place of monsters who devour families and nations. You want it. Let it be so.”
Scary thoughts. A scary thing. And so what are we to be? Our Lady said in this message about where are you to go, who you are and where you go, She continues:
“…be carriers of the good news and people of hope…”
Many haven’t built their house. They’ve constructed it. They’ve rented it. Whatever they do, but they got to build a home. It this is destroyed people.
Several years ago, we got in two vans, 20 of us, there was a bunch of the kids, a few adults. We were carrying with us 100 ten-dollar bills. I took them downtown. We got out. We saw a group of men around a barrel with a fire on Christmas Eve about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. We jumped out and all those little white kids come out and all those guys sit there and look at what’s going on. And they all walked up with ten-dollar bills in their hands and gave them one to each one.
Course, some of them wanted to get in line twice. But still, they were so joyful, they said, one of them blurted out, let’s just join hands and pray. So, we prayed. I can tell you, when we drove up, the gloom on their faces was not the gloom when we left. They were touched and very deeply moved.
We went across all the town in Birmingham. And we had one ten-dollar bill left, we were leaving. We were looking for somebody to give it to. We saw this one man, a white man, walking with a grocery buggy on the streets. People were going around him. He was going so slow. And he looked lost, so lost. And just seeing him, we pitied him.
So, I told one of the little girls to get out and go give that to him. We stopped right on the side of the road, right in traffic. She goes up and gives it to him. And he didn’t even take it. He didn’t reach out, he just looked and saw it, and everyone was waving from the van, and he had this most saddest look on his face. I’ll never forget it. And he teared up.
She gave him the money. He just stood there. Didn’t say a word, just weeping. What was going on his heart? We don’t know. But one thing we know, this guy wanted to be at home. He wanted home. He looked out of place there on the streets. What happened to his family? What happened to his house? We were all moved. Several people started crying. It was a deep experience.
So, what are we to do today? If you’re in that hole, the best thing you can do for yourself, the therapy you can do for yourself is go help someone else. Think about someone who is in need. Or how can you fill a need somewhere. And that’s therapy not just for the person you’re giving to, its therapy for yourself. You won’t be in a hurry going nowhere, you’ll be in a hurry going somewhere and you’ll arrive at a place.
So, the saying, “When you’re depressed, go out and do something for someone else” is real. This works. We’ve seen it in our own lives. We have a priest who was just with us for several days and he said the energy here really amazed him of the community. And that’s because we don’t live for ourselves. Our Lady said in a message:
“…Your life does not belong to you, but is to be spent in bringing others to eternal life…”
And that’s what Our Lady was saying.
“…Be carriers of the good news and people of hope. Be love for those who are without love…”
This man, this last guy on the street if anything we did, it was for him. We don’t know what he did for his heart, but we know this man wanted home and he felt it. Whatever minused out of his life was there, we gave him something. And much more than we expected. And he gave us much more than we thought we would receive. Our Lady has given us a purpose. It’s a beautiful thing. It energizes us. It drives us. We have a reason for being and the reason is for the Season.
There is no future without Christ and there is no future without family, and there can be no future without Community. This Christmas trek out, just as the three wise men, and find the Christ-child. Put Him into your house and make it a home. Change everything in your life and change everything around you and build the world in the place Our Lady calls you to be.
We wish you Our Lady, we love you, good-bye.
[Song: Home]
Another Christmas day
Will come and go away
But I got so far to go
But I wanna go home
I need to go home
Maybe surrounded by
Strangers and Christmas lights
I shouldn’t feel so alone
But I wanna go home
God I miss you, you know
I can close my eyes and see the angel on the tree
A blanket of snow outside
And all my friends and family
And though I know that you’re no farther than a call away
I need to see your face
A call could never be the same
Another Christmas day
Will come and go away
And I wont leave you alone
And I wanna go home
I’ve got to go home
Let me go home
I’m just to far from where you are
And I wanna go home
[Guitar solo]
Now the reasons I’m so far away ain’t good enough
Whatever they need me for
I know that I need you more
So I’ll do the things I got to do to get back to you
I need you to believe
I’ll make it back by Christmas eve
Another Christmas day will come and go away
And I won’t leave you alone
No I’m gonna go home
I’m gonna be home
Though I’m surrounded by
This cold December night
I feel so alone
I’m gonna go home
Babe, I miss you you know
Let me go home
I’ve had my run baby I’m done
I’m coming back home
Let me go home
It’ll all be alright
When I’m holding you tight
Cause this Christmas I’m home
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
This nine days before Christmas will definitely, if you pray with the heart every night, will change and fill your heart with the love that you need, that Our Lady wants you to have. If you go on Mej.com, it’s spelled M-E-J not M-E-D-J, but M-E-J, and you can download it. If you want to order it, you [can] get it overnight, you’d have to pay for it, it’s worth it. Call in. It’s a beautiful book and it will be your Christmas gift. On the Homepage, there will be a module that says The Nine Days Before Christmas Novena. If you miss your first day, go ahead and start it and catch up with it two times in a day, whatever, but don’t miss it.
Remember this mission. We depend on you to fund many things that we do. We sacrifice our life as missionaries of the messages of Our Lady. We can’t do that if you don’t partner with us. Give a gift to Our Lady. We don’t take in it. It’s for souls. We have many beautiful testimonies. Just recently, somebody said they went to Medjugorje three times, and they lost their faith. They found one of our materials in a church and they converted. Our Lady’s words are powerful, but they can’t get out there unless you give a monetary gift for Our Lady to do what She does. One of my favorite songs, along with the community, we’ll play now for you. We love you. We pray for you for a beautiful Christmas and love. Goodnight.
[Song: Christmastime]
Ring Christmas bells
Ring them loud with the message bringing
Peace on the earth
Tidings of good cheer
Come carolers
Come and join with the angels singing
Joy to the world
Christmas time is here again
Children gather around and listen
You’ll hear the sound
Of angels filling the sky
Telling everyone
Christmas time is here
Ring Christmas bells
Ring them loud with the message bringing
Peace on the earth
Tidings of good cheer
Come carolers
Come and join with the angels singing
Joy to the world
Christmas time is here again
Loved ones close to our hearts
and strangers in lands afar
Together share in the joy
To tell the world
He has come to dwell
The time is near
With one voice
Let the world rejoice
Christmas time is here
Ring Christmas bells
Ring them loud with the message bringing
Peace on the earth
Tidings of good cheer
Come carolers
Come and join with the angels singing
Joy to the world
Christmas time is here again
Children gather around and listen
You’ll hear the sound
Of angels filling the sky
It’s Christmas time is here again
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.