Transcript of recording
We’re a Christian nation. Our roots are in that. We’ve forsaken our Christian roots. That’s why we’re experiencing so many problems. There’s consequences to that. You don’t want God, where does He go? He withdraws. When God withdraws, what happens? Romans 18-32. Man is turned over to himself.
And that was a Friend of Medjugorje on September 29, 2011. Welcome to Mejanomics.
The title of that broadcast was, We Are Divorced from Right. And a Friend of Medjugorje speaks to us particularly in this short piece which we will be airing for you tonight about neutrality. And as we reflect today on Thanksgiving, our Christian heritage in America, he speaks about the importance of the Christian perspective in our law.
We have been sharing with you a lot of these classic broadcasts from Mejanomics in the past few months. A Friend of Medjugorje has been working on a very important project. Actually, to call it a “project” would be a bit of an understatement.
A Friend of Medjugorje has been working on something which has been the culmination of many, many years, and it is finally coming to fruition, and it has taken the last several months of his time to be able to put this together. It is exposing many, many new people to Our Lady, especially people who are non-Catholics, those who do not know anything about Medjugorje. And we are excited to see it take place, and he’ll be sharing a little bit more with you about that in the future.
Tomorrow, we’re looking forward to hearing from him about the November 25, 2022 message, which Our Lady will give tomorrow. Stay tuned and be in prayer for that message and to hear from a Friend of Medjugorje tomorrow night.
And so, here is a Friend of Medjugorje, September 29, 2011.
We’re at a point right now we need to think of our culture and the world and look at things and what’s coming.
What if we ask ourselves, what happens in an immoral age?
Are we, ourselves, part of that?
Will we suffer from it?
We live in an age in which power has become divorced from right. Therefore, that power and that authority that would be transferred that’s been divorced from right, it’ll be transferred to what is right. Of course, that being the present culture means its going to fall.
That fall results in a divorce from wrong.
And as God would have it, a reuniting back to right.
So, we’re going to see a marriage of power and authority back with right, and it’s why Our Lady’s told us, “Use this time of grace that it might go well for [us].” (March 21, 1985)
We’re in this point that we need to be making decisions. This is decision-making time. I just told you on our last show, the prophetic word, or things of a prophetic nature, is only to give man the ability not to foretell the future, but to know what course he needs to take in the present.
It’s without question that laws in place are, in reality, are unlawful.
Only what is right can be given the force of law.
All the law is divorced from right today. It’s not within the natural realm.
Nature and reason is the true source of law. I wrote about this in Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. I covered this thoroughly. You can’t sit down with a politician today and them explain law.
I’ve talked to attorneys, and they say things. I say, “No, that’s not right.”
They say, “It’s the law.”
“No, it’s not.”
Just because you can make law, doesn’t mean it’s lawful.
Nature’s law is when we unite ourselves with right. Laws against nature and nature’s God divorces itself from what’s right.
Our Lady, through Her messages, plans to reunite us to right. That’s the purpose of Her messages.
With power, united to right, the culture invested with goodness, we’ll be in accord with Our Lady’s message, “be my apostles of goodness.” (October 25, 1993)
The culture is on the verge of breakup. It’ll result in a scaled-down microculture, little villages, perhaps. Not mega. Small churches, not mega ones.
But you’ll see, once again, a flourishing, when the opposite occurs, of what now is united to bad and to wrong.
God is good, and as apostles of goodness, we’ll experience that goodness.
We need to grasp today the significance of what’s coming, what’s there. People are scratching their heads. I hear on religious broadcasting, some of the radio shows I listen to, some of the most amazing things! They still don’t get it! They’ve got the Scriptures. They’re reading. Both in the Protestant churches. Both in the Catholic Church. Both people just talking on a secular nature.
I was listening yesterday to a religious broadcast while I was out, hosted by a Christian attorney who is talking about the situation in Pennsylvania where the city council, or the county board, said a prayer, and they used Jesus Christ’s name. The ACLU is coming to sue them.
So they had the ACLU lawyer on the show with the Christian attorney. And the woman host, who’s an attorney, Christian, and they’re both advocating that, you know, we all have a right. We have a right to give these prayers in the city council meeting, and we have a right to do that, and so do wiccans, who are witches, the right to pray.
That’s not natural law. That’s not natural the way God…That’s not within nature’s law.
But see, they’ve bought the lie that if they go along with a constitutional right they believe, falsely, that for a wiccan or an atheist to impose his moment of silence upon us as Christians, that they have the right to do that.
God is God! Because they believe He doesn’t exist doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist! He’s there!
We’ve got to wake up. We’ve got to look at what Judas Maccabees did when he purified Israel. We’ve got to stand up. And you know what this city council did? And again, I’m saying city council. It could be a county board. I’m not sure which one. I don’t know the details. They ended up saying five prayers. And you know what the ACLU lawyer said yesterday on the radio? That this was hateful. This was done in spite. This was done because we’re sitting here. We can cram this down your throat! This is Christian triumphalism.
And the defense from the Christian attorneys and the Christian host said, “Well, everybody’s got a right to do that. If you’re an atheist, you should have your right.” I don’t buy that!
They had a right to say their five prayers. The others didn’t. It’s unlawful for them to impose that into the culture. You’ve got a free-will right. That’s a different matter. God gave us free will. You can be an atheist. That doesn’t give you a right to impose your ways into the culture and make it dominant, no more than somebody who’s vile and teaching vulgarities to put it into the mainstream of the culture. Wrong is wrong.
You say, “Well, he’s wanting to advocate atheism, the other one something of a vulgar nature.”
Well, what about adultery?
Do we accept it in the culture that we should be teaching this in school as a viable option, that we can be that way, that this is okay?
Why don’t we do that?
And do you tell me that adultery, what’s different from that and somebody saying they don’t believe in God? Actually, it’s worse. Somebody may have fell through a weakness on adultery. But to deny God’s existence doesn’t mean He doesn’t exist. Why do we placate that? Why are Christians not standing up?
Glory be to God that they did this prayer five times. I admire that. Because I want Christian triumphalism, because if we don’t, somebody’s going to triumph, and right now, were placating them under this guise. “Well, yeah, we’ve got to be passive.”
You’re crazy! You’ve lost it. You’ve failed to understand compassion and love of neighbor. Our Lady’s last message, to love all people. (September 25, 2011) You’re not loving people by giving way to their ways of wickedness.
Just in Ecuador, they pronounced…I was in Ecuador, as I mentioned last week, and there was a whole mindset against the Christians that came and made Christians of the savages. You can’t even say that down there now, or even here, probably, now, because we imposed things on them.
Wasn’t it a Man named Jesus Christ, Who was God, Who says, “Go and witness to the ends of the earth”? Spread the news?
What has happened to us?
We’ve let things move into neutrality. “Well, okay, if we can’t do it, you can’t do it, and we’re okay with that.”
That’s exactly the goal of the devil. he always wants neutrality. he doesn’t come on and say, “We want to be able to say this is atheist.” he moves us into a neutral culture, that we’ve got to be sensitive to everybody else and then he takes over.
Where there’s a vacuum—because neutrality’s a vacuum—and the devil will fill that vacuum. his tactics are to take Christianity and make it mute, and from there, fill the void.
We better be experiencing Christian triumphalism, not out of ego or pride or, “We’re going to conquer.” But we don’t have to apologize to pray five times at our governmental body. It’s God Who gives us that.
And as we were talking last night, it’s not the constitutional right. We’ve got inalienable rights. We’ve got inalienable rights to worship God. And it’s not to be surpassed by somebody who wants to take that inalienable right that comes from God away from us, through the Constitution, and our forefathers never intended it to be, nor the forefathers of Christian Europe or any other place like this, to be granted by man. It comes from God.
Give to man what is man. Give to God what is God. We owe Him our prayers at every function, every meeting. And people, thank God, are finally starting to stand up.
Joan was just telling me yesterday about, at some football game, that the announcer announced, “Okay, now we’ll have a moment of silence,” and immediately, you hear on the mic, somebody starts the “Our Father.” The whole stadium starts saying the “Our Father.” Do that! Don’t accept this garbage. Just start saying five “Our Fathers.”
Why is it important, and why am I talking about this. This should be on the second of the month. That’s true. But, these are the reasons we’re suffering economically. These are the reasons we’re going down the tubes. These are the reasons everything’s going to fall. It’s a moral thing.
What happens in an immoral age?
Things become divorced from right.
When things are divorced from right, what happens?
Everything goes sour.
And throughout the culture, what do people fall from? Or throughout civilization, rather, what does the culture fall from?
It’s always tied to economics. We’re not blessed. It’s God Who gave those economics. “If you follow My Commandments, your grain bins will be full and overflowing. You’ll have to empty them out. They’ll rot even before you can use it all.” That’s how much a blessing God gives.
And so, we’ve lost all these principles. We’ve gone away. We’re placating and bowing down the right, so-called false “right,” unnatural “right,” that an atheist as the right to impose his ways in the culture, when we’re not even a Godless nation. We’re a Christian nation. Our roots are in that.
You say, “Well, we’re not now.” It’s true! That’s why we’re experiencing so many problems. We’ve forsaken our Christian roots, just like Europe has denounced their Christian roots in the European Union. They literally denounced it. There’s consequences to that. You don’t want God, where does He go? He withdraws. When God withdraws, what happens? Romans 18-32. Man is turned over to himself.

…Everything around you is passing and everything is falling apart, only the glory of God remains…
Our Lady on behalf of our Almighty Father on 2 September 2011
Below is a montage of current news headlines at time of writing 2 December 2022
These headlines prove what Our Lady informed us back in 2011. As Friend of Medjugorje said, we are not going back to “normal”. Any business / event / process that does not glorify God, is going to disappear. A good simple example: if you work on the Sabbath in direct violation of one of God’s Ten Commandments, your business is about to pass – and because God is involved here, there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it – except change it so it glorifies God.

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