This article will educate you so you are on the right side of peace.
I’ve always wondered what is a Zionist. You are about to find out like I did recently and then everything will be clear.
Article updated with additional material 8 February 2025.
Transcript of Dr Taylor Marshall’s Youtube Video “Should Christians Support Israel?” (directly below)
Important words/phrases used in this broadcast:
- Dispensationalism
- John Nelson Darby
- Plymouth Brethren, a small Protestant sect
- Do Christians have a theological and moral obligation to support the State of Israel?
- covenantal understanding of redemptive history
- parenthesis
- end of that parenthesis for the the Christians is called the rapture
- if you believe in a pre tribulation rapture, you are a dispensationalist whether you know it or not, you are
- majority of Jews in AD 33 did not have faith and accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah And so for Darby, that’s a problem
- Darby said, God paused Plan A (lie)
- Darby said parenthesis now in redemptive history, and that’s the time of the Gentiles (plan B – lie)
- Darby said eventually God will unpause or end the parenthesis, and he’ll bring back plan A, the original plan for the Jews and that’s going to be an end time scenario
- The Scofield Bible
Should Christians support the State of Israel? today? I’m not talking about political mandates. I’m talking about theological mandates. Is there a theological obligation for Christians everywhere to support the State of Israel? Today’s Dr. Taylor Marshall podcast is gonna be a little spicy, little hot. I suspect there will be people fired up. And I will do some Q&A towards the end. So if you’re fired up, I want you to chime in.
………. So let’s get into it. Do Christians have a theological and moral obligation to support the State of Israel? Well, this debate centres primarily on a form of theology called dispensationalism. What is dispensationalism? Dispensationalism was started in the 1830s by this man right here. That’s John Nelson Darby. This is in the southwest Of England. He was with a group called the Plymouth Brethren, a small Protestant sect.

And if you’re a Christian from Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism Lutheran, Calvinist, Presbyterian, Dutch Reformed any of these kind of more historical understandings. The theology of Darby does not fit. I mean, the basic understanding of the relationship between God’s plan with Adam and Eve up through Noah, and Abraham, and Moses and David in the prophets, and then John the Baptist preaching the coming to the kingdom, and then boom, the Messiah, the Son of God coming onto the scene, teaching for three and a half years suffering the passion, the crucifixion, the death, rising on the third day and commissioning the apostles with a church and Ecclesia in Greek. That is the traditional understanding of what we call redemptive history.
The dispensationalists understand that, primarily God’s chief plan coming again from Darby – God’s Plan A was always the children of Abraham. Whereas the more traditional covenantal understanding of redemptive history in the Bible is that God’s plan with Adam and Eve was to redeem all of mankind, every tribe tongue in nation that was the intention from the beginning, and that he chose one nation descended from Abraham, Israel, the Jews, he chose one nation as a safe place, you could say as a landing pad for his divine Son, Jesus Christ, to be born, and to live and to redeem not just the Jews, the Jews first, but also the Gentiles the non Jews, all nations. That’s a more covenantal understanding of redemptive history.
And it is the majority position in Christian theology. What Darby did is he saw history in it’s called dispensationalism dispensations. And so dispensations are chopped up. Here’s an example of various dispensational. There’s got the seventh or eighth step, you got the fourth step, you got the three step at the bottom, you can kind of see covenantal that’s just Old Testament and New Testament, old law. New law. That’s how Thomas Aquinas talks about it. That’s the kind of the more Catholic historical understanding, whereas the dispensationalists are chopping up things a lot more. And here’s where it gets interesting with Israel.
If God’s intentional original Plan A was for Israel, and Darby raised the New Testament and he realizes that the majority of Jews in AD 33 did not have faith and accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah. Many did. Peter, Paul, Stephen, the apostles, there was 1000s, baptized on Pentecost in Acts chapter two, but the majority did not. And so for Darby, that’s a problem. And so he said, God paused. Plan a lie. He brought in a parenthesis. This was a parenthesis in God’s plan that was for the non Jews in the parenthesis is called the church and for Darby instead of having a covenantal sort of progressive, linear understanding of the Bible.
There’s this parenthesis now in redemptive history, and that’s the time of the Gentiles. And eventually God will unpause or end the parenthesis, and he’ll bring back the plan, the original plan for the Jews and that’s going to be an end time scenario. Now, Darby’s dispensational theology did not catch on, it was not popular. It was unusual, it was even deemed heretical.
But in 1948, as you know, after World War Two the State of Israel was created. And suddenly there was all this speculation. And of course, the dispensationalist who followed Darby who is dead now, at this point, are saying, Wow, this sort of vindicates what Darby was teaching. Maybe God is done with us, the Christians, the church, and he’s gonna flip the switch and go back to his plan for Israel because look, there’s now a secular state on the map called Israel. We need to be supporting this our time is done. And by the way, that end of that parenthesis for the the Christians is called the rapture.
All right, a pre tribulation rapture, if you out there believe in a pre tribulation rapture, rapture, you are a dispensationalist whether you know it or not, you are. This is why Catholics, Eastern Orthodox and most Protestants do not believe in a pre trib rapture because they do not follow Darby. Darby is the one who creates this. And you can see this in these charts, right.
And by the way, there’s a lot of disagreement amongst dispensations. Here’s all the different varieties of dispensational but the key point is, in the 1950s, and 60s, theology of Darby becomes more popular in the 80s, Jerry Falwell, the televangelist jump on the theology of Darby and they push dispensationalism and this is when in the 80s this is when you have all this discussion about, you know, 88 reasons why the Rapture will happen in 1988.
You have televangelists saying send me all this money and I’ll send a portion of it to Israel. We need to fund Israel we need to support Israel. It all goes back to this apparent theology of John Nelson Darby with dispensationalism. And the whole idea is God is about to be done with us, non Jews, gentile Christians. And now we need to put all of our resources into the state of Israel.
So now that I’ve explained the history and the theology of dispensationalism, from John Nelson Darby I also forgot to mention the Scofield Bible, which was very popular, especially in the 80s and the 90s. The Scofield Bible was deeply dispensational. So, between Jerry Falwell and the Scofield Bible, the dispensationalist movement took root in America. And right down the street for me, Dallas Theological Seminary became the seminary of dispensational theology so much so that really, if you’re in the Pentecostal movement, if you’re in a Bible Church, a mega church in some Baptist churches, you have been receiving for years dispensational theology so when you talk to these dispensationalists, whether they know their dispensation or not, we call them dispies.
When you talk to the dispies, and you say, Should we be sending money, guns, everything we got to Israel? they will say yes, and they won’t give you a political answer. They will say it’s in the Bible. It’s prophecy. It’s fulfilling the prophecies…….. They don’t maybe know the theological language, but they think that they’re coming to the end of the dispensation the Gentiles, and they’re going to be raptured out and God is going to bring in this new dispensation of Israel.
Now, there are some things in there that have parallels to truth, for example, in the Catholic Church, it goes back to the earliest church fathers I recorded all of this in my recent best selling book, Antichrist and apocalypse. This is a Catholic commentary, number one, Catholic number one commentary on the book of Revelation currently, and it’s from a Catholic point of view. I go through the church fathers, early saints, Old Testament New Testament and give an outline of what all the early Christians believed about the Antichrist and the apocalypse. The book also includes a line by line verse by verse, commentary on the book of Revelation, I’ll send you a signed copy for forward slash Dr. Taylor Marshall. You can also get an audible Amazon wherever books are sold.
The there is a Catholic conviction that at the end, all the Jews on earth, all the Israelites on earth will have a mass conversion and will be baptized and will enter the church under the reign of the Antichrist. This has to do with the prophecy, the two witnesses in Apocalypse chapter 11, Enoch and Elijah. It’s all there in the book I just mentioned. So the idea that the Jews will return at the end is something that I think the entire every Christian has always believed in. It’s in St. Paul. It’s also in the apocalypse. I’m gonna go into those verses too, if we have time today.
But the idea that there’s this dispensation and this odd on off switch is not good. I would say it is heretical, and I want to look at some of the verses right away over what is Israel? That’s the question today, because there is a place in the map called Israel, people read their Bible, and when they see the word Israel, they might wrongly think, oh, it’s talking about what I see. In the Middle East from 1948. But St. Paul, in Galatians. Actually, I want to do the Romans one first in Romans, St. Paul talks about Israel, and Gentiles and Jews and all that and he uses an analogy that’s really helpful.
It’s the analogy of the olive branches. So in verse 16, this is Romans chapter 11. For the first fruit be holy, so as the lump also and if the root be holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches be broken, and now being a wild, all of our engrafted in them, and are made partaker of the root, and of the fatness of the all of tree bows, not against the branches, but if they’ll boast they’ll bear is not the root but the root the so what’s going on here he’s saying like if you’re a Gentile, he’s writing to the Romans, right? The Romans are Gentiles. If you as a Roman, have been engrafted into the olive tree, by your faith in Jesus Christ are justified, do not boast against the branches that have been broken off. What’s he talking about?
As you see, we’ll get into this a little bit. He’s talking about the Jews. He’s saying throughout Romans, that just because they’re the children of Abraham, and just because they attempt to keep the law they don’t fully keep the law but they attempt to keep the law because they do not receive Jesus as the Messiah. They are broken off the olive tree. I know that’s not politically correct to say, I know that’s not ecumenical per se, but that is what St. Paul says. Let’s go back and see what else he says.
Verse 19, and that will say then, the branches were broken off that I might be grafted in. Well, because of unbelief they were broken off. But thou stand is by faith be not high minded, but fear. So this is important you know, we we Gentiles can not say and wag their finger and say haha, we believe in Jesus you don’t. And denigrate Paul saying hey, you got to be careful, be fearful tremble because they were broken off and you can be broken off, keeps going.
Verse 21, for a God and not spare the natural branches fear less, perhaps also his spare not thee. This is kind of a hit against the hole once saved, always saved. Just because you’re in the olive tree doesn’t mean you can’t be broken off because of your unfaithfulness to God. You’re justified by faith, stand in your faith, first 20 to see them the goodness of the severity of God towards them indeed, that our fallen, the severity which towards the the goodness of God. If thou are if the if alibi in goodness, otherwise thou shalt be cut off and they also if they abide not still in belief, shall be grafted in for God is able to graft them in again.
For if they were cut out of the wild tree which is natural to the contrary to nature, they were grafted into the good tree. How much more should out shall they that our natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree? For I would not have you ignorant, brethren of this mystery, lest you be wise in your own conceits that blindness and apart has happened in Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles should come in.
What he’s saying is there’s one tree Darby and the dispensations will say there’s Israel, and there’s church, two dispensations two covenants independent. That’s not what Paul’s teaching in Romans 11. There’s one olive tree. It’s been there since the time of Adam and Eve it is the faithful of that. Those who are redeemed, those who have faith in God and promise in the coming of the Messiah.
Those who do not accept the Messiah, Jesus Christ are broken off the olive tree and removed.
Then God through a miracle takes Gentiles non Jews. And he grafts them into the olive tree. And he says there’s this mystery, that for the greater part, there is a blindness over Israel. That is over Jews. That is the New Testament. That is the apostolic that is the Pauline understanding of the people of God, of the Church of Israel. We see this also in Paul when he’s talking to the Galatians also Gentiles in verse 13. I mean, this this passage here shatters the dispensational argument.
Verse 13, for neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law, but they will have you to be circumcised that they make glory in your flesh. So here Paul’s talking to the Galatians he said there’s a bunch of Judi ICERs who are trying to get baptized Christians to also be circumcised Paul says do not get circumcised. You do not have to become a Jew in order to be saved.
Verse 14, but God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ but in the world is crucified to me and I to the world.
Verse 15, for in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but a new creature. So Paul here is saying, it doesn’t matter if you belong to the Old Testament law, which entails circumcision for entry. What matters now that Christ has come, he’s incarnate. To the Virgin Mary, he’s died on the cross, He rose in the third day. What matters now is that you are a new creature in the new creation of Jesus Christ who rose on the first day of the week to signify a new creation with him. As the new adam in a New Covenant. This is what Paul’s teaching us in Galatians
Verse 16, and whosoever shall follow this rule, peace upon them and mercy and upon the Israel of God. He just said above and Galatians that those who seek justification by circumcision and fulfilling the law are accursed by the law. But those who have faith in Jesus Christ received grace and peace and mercy so here who is the true Israel of God? The church, the Universal Church is the true Israel of God because she is faithful to the bridegroom Jesus Christ. She is made alive through the justifying grace of Jesus Christ. That’s the whole message of Galatians.
So then we go to verse 17. From henceforth, let no man be troublesome to me. For I bear the marks of our Lord Jesus in my body, by the way, the Greek there is stigmata. For marks interesting.
Verse 18, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be with your spirit brethren. Amen.
So there is St. Paul, both in Romans and Galatians, describing how we really have one entity. You can call it Israel. You can call it church, and that’s why Catholics refer to the Catholic Church as the new Israel and the New Jerusalem. And if you read the book of the Apocalypse, the book of Revelation, the whole point of the book, the ending of the book of Revelation, is the new Jerusalem, not the old Jerusalem and the book of Revelation.
The old Jerusalem gets destroyed the New Jerusalem is established by God and that new Jerusalem is clothed in the white linen of the works of the saints that was says then the New Jerusalem is the church and it has true continuity with the faithful of the old Jerusalem and the Old Testament. It’s a linear progression through time because God is one. God doesn’t change his mind say, Oh, the Jews didn’t accept Jesus flip the switch. Let’s go into a parenthesis a new dispensation Gentiles. Okay, that’s over flip the switch off. God is not in heaven pulling levers. God is all wise. And he has a plan. He has understanding I want to go back into the Gospels because you might be thinking well, that’s Paul.
Anytime someone by the way. So that’s Paul and Jesus. You got heresy on your hands, but I do want to go into our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is teaching on what it means to be truly an Israelite, truly a child of Abraham
Matthew chapter three verse nine. And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham for our father. So you got people at the time of Jesus and they’re saying, Well, I descend from Abraham, I have Abrahamic DNA in me so I get a pass. Jesus is saying you don’t get a pass for saying, Oh, well, we’re children of Abraham, Abraham as our father. For he says, and the next half of the verse for I tell you that God is able of the stones to raise up children to Abraham.
Luke chapter three verse eight, also says the same thing bring forth therefore fruit worthy of penance and do not begin to say we have Abraham for our Father, for I say to you that God is able of these stones to raise up children to Abraham.
You see, there’s a false dispensational belief that because certain people have Abrahamic DNA, by what by the way the Arabs have Abrahamic DNA, ….. that somehow excuses them or that they go to heaven de facto because of DNA, or because they attempt to fulfill the 613 laws of the Torah, that they will be justified.
We’re in fact on Pentecost, Acts chapter two. The Jews come to Jesus and say, What must we do to be saved? does Peter say, Hey, you guys got the right DNA? Don’t worry about it. Does he say you guys can keep keep the kosher keep the law? You’re gonna get there keep trying. Is he ecumenical in that way? No. Peter says, Repent, and believe in Jesus Christ. Be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit. Acts 38 to 38x to 39 for this gift is to you and your children. Peter holds for the only way to remain not broken off from the olive tree, but to stay grafted in the tree and to have the vitality of the plant Flowing into you.
I am the vine you are the branches Jesus says is to repent, Believe and be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit that is straight up. New Testament. Right out of the Bible that is a covenantal understanding of salvation, a covenantal understanding of the Bible and a covenantal understanding of redemptive history from Adam and Eve. All the way up through the prophets, John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and then his commissioning of the apostles to extend and establish the church, first in Jerusalem, then in Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth. That’s Matthew chapter 28.
Now within the Catholic tradition we also have many Pope’s stating, because there was all this talk in the 1800s and 1900s. Maybe there should just be a pure ethno state that’s Jewish, and maybe that shouldn’t be in Historic Palestine in Israel. Pope Pius the 10th this is going to trigger a lot of people trigger warning.

Pope Pius the 10th Latino forces, we are unable to favor this movement. “We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem but we could never sanction it. The ground of Jerusalem if it were not always sacred has been sanctified by the life of Jesus Christ. As the head of the church, I cannot answer you otherwise the Jews have not recognized our Lord. Therefore we cannot recognize the Jewish people. And so if you come to Palestine and settle your people there, we will be ready with churches and priests to baptize all of you” very based.
You see the Church of Jesus Christ, the branches that are connected to the Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Their chief concern for the Jewish people is not to give them land, not to give them helicopters, missiles, guns. Pius The 10th says it right here. We’ll be there waiting for you. With churches and priests ready to baptize you. Because Pius the 10th is thinking like St. Paul, what is the desire of Jesus Christ for the Israelite people?
He desires their baptism, what Peter the very first pope said, Repent and be baptized, believe in Jesus Christ, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is for you and your children. That is straight out the Bible acts to 38 through 39. And we see Pius the 10th saying the exact same thing. The heart of Christians, the heart of baptize people, the heart of people who know Jesus Christ shouldn’t not chiefly be thinking about a political solution. Why? That was the error of Judas Iscariot. Judas Iscariot was disappointed that Jesus was not manifesting a political movement in order to rescue the Jewish people. And for 30 pieces of silver he betrayed the Son of God because he was disappointed in the mode in which Jesus was there to redeem not only the Jews, but also the Gentiles and today you have Christians making the same error of Judas.
They think that the solution is a political military construction project that we they need to hasten in the end times by giving more weapons, more bombs, more war, red heifers, a rebuilt temple. Let me tell you something. The person in the Bible who is going to rebuild the temple and rededicate the temple is the Antichrist. St. Paul says that, that the man of sin, the son of perdition, will exalt himself in the temple of God and demand worship from every single person.
Apocalypse chapter 13 He will impose the Mark of the Beast 666 on all who will not worship Him in the temple. And this is the really scary part about dispensationalism is that it fuses in a theology that predisposes Christians to believe in the Antichrist, who will be a false Messiah and he will rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. That’s why it’s very important that we follow Sacred Scripture we follow St. Paul, we follow St. Peter and Acts too. We follow what Pius the 10th said.
When the State of Israel was being established, I’m talking about the secular state of Israel 1948 The pope at the time Pius the 12th and the Pope before Benedict, the 15th. They would not recognize it, because the quote is, this is from Benedict the 15th. He said the Jewish people have no right of sovereignty over the Holy Land.
See dispensationalism would teach you that because God has two plans A and B and he has a parenthesis and he has a switch that goes on and off that if God switches back over to Israel, that somehow the Israelites who reject Jesus Christ as the Messiah, somehow still have a divine, a divinely sanction right to that geography. And that’s not the case. Read the entire Old Testament. Read Isaiah, read Jeremiah and read Ezekiel.
The recurrent theme is you people are the chosen people, and you have rejected your God. You are unfaithful and you’re acting like a harlot. That’s not my word. That’s the words of Isaiah, Ezekiel and Jeremiah, to Daniel too and the minor prophets. That language is all picked up again in the book of Revelation. You are being unfaithful and what is the punishment by God throughout the entire Old Testament, from Exodus all the way up to Malikai the prophet the punishment always comes down to you guys lose Jerusalem and you lose the land. Period. That is the deal with Almighty God.
So for any dispensationalist to come up and say I know that these people reject the Messiah and do not have faith but they still have the right to the land is completely unbiblical. I know this triggers a lot of people. Read your Bible please sit down read your entire Bible. Read Isaiah and Jeremiah Ezekiel. Especially Ezekiel really hammers it out. If you do not respond to your spiritual husband, which is Yahweh, Almighty God. Jeremiah talks about the New Covenant if you do not receive the New Covenant, the fulfillment of all that I’ve taught you before, during or after you lose the land. That’s the message of the Old Testament.
I’m going to save you I am I’m sending a suffering servant. I’m sending I’m sending a messiah. I am sending you the son of man, the Son of God. Psalm two Isaiah 53 All those chapters right in there. receive Him if you don’t receive Him, you will be broken off the olive tree St. Paul. The only way you get grafted back in is faith. Baptism entering into the New Covenant. That’s Christian theology101.
I’m going to go to Q&A.
Real quick before I do I’m going to answer one objection that I haven’t looked at the comments yet, but I know what’s in there already. And they’re gonna say Yabo Tyler, you’re like teaching replacement theology. Replacement theology has become a big time pejorative. It’s the idea that the Jewish people are replaced by the Gentiles. I would argue that dispensationalism is the replacement theology.
Dispensationalism says that the church has temporarily replaced Israel and then Israel will temporarily replace the Gentiles. The real replacement theology is dispensationalism. The classic test a mental or covenantal understanding of the old New Testament is linear. We don’t believe that the church replaces Israel. We believe as Paul says in Romans chapter 11. Branches are being grafted into the true Israel into the New Jerusalem every single day, through baptism and through faith through entering into the new covenant. And on top of that, there is the Eucharist.
The one time Jesus teaches the new covenant He says, Take and drink. This is the chalice of the blood of the new covenant. That’s when he talks about the New Covenant when he establishes the Eucharist. So to be in full communion with Jesus Christ is to be a partaker of his body and blood. That’s why he instituted this mysterious, beautiful sacrament. Ours. Less than 24 hours before he died on the cross. He wanted to unite the Eucharist with his death because the Eucharist presents his death throughout all ages.
All right, Q&A. I appreciate it. If you use a question mark in the comments that way I can see that you’re asking a question.
We are hyped up today. We got 1200 Something people live lots of people. I’m sure this has been a triggering podcast, but you know what? it had to be said! So let’s jump in.
Comments and questions. Josephine says I’m so confused. How about the commandment which says Thou shalt not kill? How can the same God order Israel to kill civilians even in Palestine?
A: Well I think we need to be very careful about commanding, killing and all that. But we have to also remember that in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament, there is sword bearing. The idea that from Adam and Eve until the end of time, God is a strict pacifist, and there is no violence. is not part of Christianity. Quakers believe that with their oatmeal, but Catholics, the Eastern Orthodox do not believe that we are a pacifist organization. That being said, there is also the problem. This is sort of your radical weirdo dispensations right now, they’ll just say yeah, nuke everyone, every Palestinian and we’re gonna need 100% Israelite ethno state. That’s God’s will.
NO hard pass on that. H to the No. And then they’ll say, Well, that’s what the Bible teaches. No.
All right, back into your comments and into your questions.
Q: Ido says I think Christians should support peace, not Israel, nor Islamist.
A: Yes. I think if we had followed the advice of Pope Pius the 10th just to put his quote back on the screen here. We cannot prevent the Jews from moving to go into Jerusalem but we can never sanction at the ground Jerusalem, if it were not always sacred has been sanctified by the life of Jesus Christ as the head of the church, I cannot answer you otherwise the Jews have not recognized our Lord therefore we cannot recognize Jewish people. And so if you come to Palestine and settle your people there we will be ready with churches and priests to baptize all of you.
You know if we had followed that advice and not created an ethnos state, the war would not be happening or any of the previous wars and the death and the destruction. I know the answer or the objection to this is, well then where will the Jewish people be safe? And the answer is Jewish people can be safe in various places throughout the world. It doesn’t necessarily need to be in the most dangerous situation of which it currently is. This is all based on theology that they somehow by divine right should be in that geography and Pope Benedict 15th says they do not have a divine right to that geography. Good question. Love it.
For Americans This is equate Bong America first America for Americans help Americans first. Thomas Aquinas teaches that we have solidarity with our neighbors first and neighbour means near those who are near so I have an obligation to those nearest to us. So if my if there’s someone if my next door neighbor hasn’t eaten in three days, I have a moral charity obligation to feed him as opposed to taking that amount of money or food and then sending it halfway across the planet. Because the nearness right the proximity creates a greater obligation of charity. So every nation should be taking care of their will every man should be taking care of his family, then every nation with their political leaders should be taking first care of those who are near and then extend that charity beyond to whatever ability they have. That’s Thomas Aquinas on proximity.
……… What we really need is we need a lot of Protestant dispensationalist to watch this video, because I think a lot of them have just been taught. This is the Bible. This is the Bible. And they’ve never heard that it was invented by a man named Darby in the 1830s.
All right, back into your comments and questions.
Q: St. Creekmore 6.5.
A; Nice. I’m gonna go hunting this weekend with a six five Creedmoor so good to have you here on the show.
Q: Would you care to expand on what St. Pius 10th meant when he said the church would not sanction?
A: Yeah, remember, it’s the church’s belief that the holy places of Jesus Christ, sanctified by Jesus Christ belong to the church. So the tomb of Jesus the Holy Sepulchre belongs to the church, not to Jewish people, not to Muslim people, not to pagan people. It’s our property. The same for all the holy places in Jerusalem. We make pilgrimages to these holy places. Like I’ve made a pilgrimage to the Holy Sepulchre, to Nazareth to all to the Jordan River. All of these sacred places.
And what happened is Christians were always making pilgrimages to these Christian places. And then Islam came in the six hundreds, and said no more and they were killing and attacking Christian pilgrims. So the response after that was Christian saying, no, let’s go and free the Christian places. And protect the pilgrims. And that was the Crusades. I know the Crusades get a lot of all the heat, or bad rap and some of the Crusades were really dumb and not great, some of the later crusades, but the initial response was not just Christian saying, Let’s go kill a bunch of people in the Middle East.
Yee ha, no, it was Islam, whatever it is Muhammadins are doing the Saracens, they are blocking our access and stealing our sacred sites. So what Pius the 10th is saying here is that Jewish people cannot own that which belongs to the church that which belongs to Christians. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s that’s why I’m pretty sure that’s what Piux 10th’s attempt means in that quote.
Let’s get some more questions in here, y’all. This is great. Oh, by the way, I don’t think I’ve said this in the show just because of everything going on politically. I’m in no way in favor of Hamas or Palestinians killing people like that. Right. Today’s show is not political and I’m not weighing I don’t want people saying well, you’re pro Hamas your pro terror? No, I’m coming in today and I’m explaining why there’s a lot of confusion theologically primarily in America, over discussions about Israel.
You know, you can’t throw a stone in Texas on this topic, and someone’s saying but yeah, the Bible says, support the State of Israel a man from 1948.
Q: Kiki Says your thoughts on Christian Zionism.
A: This has been 50 minutes of my thoughts on Christian Zionism. Christian Zionism is dispensationalism. Dispensationalism is Christian Zionism. It’s the same theology. It’s the same thing. So you could rewatch this entire podcast. And every time I say Christian or every time I say dispensationalism, you could read in Christian dispensationalism. That every time I say Christian Zionism, you could say Christian dispensationalism but it isms.
Right there back to your questions.
Q: Betty says the Pius tenth quote is breathtaking.
A: Wow. Yeah, it’s clear in it. It’s clear and just think about it. Why the land of the holy land was given primarily so the incarnation of Christ could happen in a sacred place. Why would people who reject the Messiah have a divine right to the land if the whole point of the land is to bring in the Messiah? That’s real theology.
All right, what’s going back into your questions here? We’ll do maybe two or three more some stuff here on Our Lady American citizens.
Q: Lori says American citizens don’t acknowledge we are in a holy war, whether they like it or not.
A: Yeah, this is not a holy war. I don’t know what which way you’re going. This is not a holy war. A holy war is fought for the sake of the church, the kingdom of God and the gospel. This wall right now going on has none of that. Right. I understand that there are Christians living there, but but none of the strategy and none of the rhetoric has anything to do with the gospel of the kingdom of God.
Q: What does all Israel mean was asked in the comments all Israel, especially when Paul talks about it.
A: All Israel is the completion the universality of all who love God, that’s Jew and Gentile. It is the olive tree in its completeness, the full outlet of God that is all Israel
Alright, let’s do one more question here.
I wish I had more time to talk about the Antichrist. Because when you start to understand who the Antichrist is and what he’s trying to accomplish, Oh, that reminds me. I will be having a webinar next week on the Antichrist and the Apocalypse. So that’d be that’s the time we’ll have more time to talk about antichrist. So I will add that link below. So check that out. I will be doing a webinar next week. It’s gonna be incredible on Antichrist Apocalypse, etc. So check that out. I’m glad I just remembered that. And like, how come I haven’t talked about the Antichrist? That’s right. I’m doing a webinar next week on the Antichrist and the apocalypse.
Alright, one last question and comment.
Q: What is your opinion for America your opinion on how to get Americans to unite under God given the poor out of the Protestant in the USA?
A: I got a really good opinion a really good plan. And that is all of us. Catholics have to be loving, gracious, smart enough, know our theology to bring all of these Protestants into the one church. That’s the only way to do it. You can’t unite 45,000 different denominations of Protestantism.
All right, one last question is as Laura Lee Q: this hits home here I’m a child of a Messianic Jew. So I’m a Christian. However, I have some concern. My Catholic schoolmates and their parents called me a Jesus killer are we going to come back to that?
A: All right, orally? That’s a great question. No, absolutely not. The Council of Trent taught officially, that all of us by our sins killed Christ. Let me repeat that. The Council of Trent taught all of us by our sins, killed Christ every time I commit a sin especially after baptism, especially after baptism I am nailing the nails into the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. And remember what St. Paul said that the branches that have been grafted in the non Jews should not boast.
Talk down to those that were originally there, the Jews we’re saved by grace we’re saved by mercy. Trash talking, is opposed to the Gospel. And Paul teaches that explicitly in Romans chapter 11. So, yeah, you’re a Messianic Jew, you’re fulfilled as a, as a Catholic as a Christian. No one has any right to come and say you’re a Jesus killer.
That’s an abomination.
Thanks for that comment. Thanks for that question. It’s a good one to end on. Thanks, everybody for watching. I will look for the webinar next this coming week. It’s going to be amazing. Please sign up for it. I know we are limiting it to the first I think 1000 or 2000 people so there is a limit on it. So when you see and click the link below, or when you see it on the channel, for you get an email if you’re on my email list. You can sign up and reserve your spot.
We’re going to talk about the Antichrist, who is the antichrist? What is the book of Revelation say the apocalypse all of that we’re going to go through five major topics, so make sure you sign up for that webinar. And until next time, remember our Lord Jesus Christ as your the light of the world and the salt of the earth. So go out there and be salty. God bless. Godspeed. Make sure you like the video. Subscribe, and check out my other videos on the book of Revelation. There’s a whole playlist click on it and get started.
More clues about Palestine and Israel

Britain in Palestine 1917-1948 investigates the contradictory promises and actions which defined British Mandatory rule in Palestine and laid the groundwork for the Nakba (the catastrophe) and the creation of the state of Israel in 1948. The roots of the contemporary social, political, economic, and environmental landscape of Palestine and Israel can be traced back to this period, making it essential viewing for understanding Britain’s legacy in the region and the situation on the ground today.
Release Date: 2023
🔗 All Credit To Balfour Project:
🔗 Please Consider Supporting The Creator:

(the name of the land is a misdirection play)
The fact remains that the Rothschilds broke the Balfour Agreement, Which stated that “nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine.”
Clearly their rights are violated every day.
When someone comes to take your property at gunpoint, and says they want peace… would you believe them?

Rumble Video:
Melissa discusses Israel and Palestine
Trump Clues – Israel or Palestine? Maga Promise Fri 11.3, Antichrist 10-25-23-RedPillTheWorld
I seriously want to know how anyone would not support the Palestinians being freed and having their land restored to them.

Update: 20 December 2023

Rumble: starts at the 48:51min mark
Dan Bongino stated the other day after it was announced that Prof. Gay was NOT going to lose her job, so don’t be upset about it. Harvard will lose it’s position as no one will want to employ students from Harvard as they are being taught by Professors that support Genocide of The Jews. Now look at this article and the video from the article and tell me if Bongino was wrong: NOPE he wasn’t.
David Ashton
Ep. 2153 They’re Going To Take EVERYTHING From You
- by: Team Bongino December 19, 2023

In this episode, Dan exposes the truth about the “Great Reset” cabal’s intentions with their latest move.
Dan’s News Picks:
- Woke Students Will Outgrow It
- Chicago photographer captures multi-colored UFO, experts blown away
- First daughter Ashley Biden owes $5,000 in income taxes, lien documents show
The video at the bottom of the WSJ article is next:
DEEP STATE EXPOSED: Israel and the Plot to Cancel Trump
By: Michael J. Matt | Editor 8 February 2025
This week’s Underground—which Michael Matt dedicated to Pope Saint Pius X—will remove the blindfold. Why Pope Pius X? Watch and see!
First the good news: Trump’s FBI pledges to defend Latin Mass Catholics from what’s left of Joe Biden’s weaponized Justice Department.
Michael takes a hard look at a geopolitical conspiracy theory about which few Americans want to speak – the US/ISRAEL covenant. Yes, Trump looked silly kissing up to Bibi Netanyahu this week, promising to turn Gaza into the Rivera of the Mideast. But the question here is why? Why does Trump – like every US President back to Harry S. Truman – feel obligated to make Israel his top priority?
Trump’s just “flooding the zone” again? Sorry, no. . . not this time, Michael provides clips of Jared Kushner and Mike Huckabee alrady talking about relocating the Palestinians many years ago. This is vintage Zionism, and Trump knew exactly what he was saying.
But again, why? What’s in it for him? And what’s in it for us? Why are we sending two-thousand-pound bunker buster bombs and billions of US dollars to Israel? And if it’s antisemitic to ask these questions, why are so many Jews asking them? The latest being Wallace Shawn of The Princess Pride fame, who just blasted the Israelis as “worse than the Nazis”. Now why would a Jewish guy say such a thing, unless there’s more to this story?
Plus, what did Pope Saint Pius X say about all this to Theodore Hertzl (the Father of Zionism) way back in 1906?
Why did Trump have a three-hour meeting with Bill Gates this week? Really? Bill Gates… again?!
If you want to see beyond the veil to what’s really going on here, watch and share this video. In fact, I dare you.